Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“Can I return my mother’s belongings?” He Huan asked He Xun.

He Xun was so excited that he didn’t want to pay attention to such a trivial matter, so he waved his hand impatiently, like chasing flies away.

He Huan’s face was as cold as a polar glacier.

Chu Meixuan ran out again to sing a bad face: “Xiao Huan, your mother’s relics are so important. Before you get married, let us help you keep them. The most important thing for you now is to cultivate a good relationship with Mr. Yin.”

Before the matter is done, just to be on the safe side, she must hold He Huan in the palm of her hand to make him obedient.

“You really don’t want to give it to me?” He Huan asked again.

He Xun ran out of patience, and sternly reprimanded him: “I still want to steal that little thing from you?”

Yin Feng sneered, and said to He Huan: “As long as you obey me obediently, you can get whatever you want.”

“Really?” He Huan looked at the three of them with no warmth in his eyes: “In that case, it’s good for you to be happy.”

Chu Meixuan was terrified by him, but when he thought of Yin Feng’s identity and methods, even if He Huan grew four wings, he would not even think about flying out.

“Mr. Yin, Xiao Huan will be taken care of by you.”

Yin Feng looked deeply at He Huan: “Don’t worry, I will take good care of him.”

The word “good” was bitten very hard by him, as if he wanted to tear He Huan to pieces.

But He Huan suddenly laughed, with a charming and bewildering aura at the corners of his brows and eyes: “Very well, I will take good care of you.”

Yin Feng was so fascinated by his smile that he couldn’t wait any longer, and now he was going to take He Huan back to enjoy it.

As soon as He Huan stepped into Yin Feng’s villa, the memory belonging to the original body quickly recovered.

A strong feeling of fear hit He Huan’s heart.

From the outside, this is a very beautiful house with an ancient European Gothic style, hidden in a large forest, with a pointed roof and a long row of attics, just like the castle where the vampire count lived in the Middle Ages.

It is in line with Yin Feng’s dark and perverted heart.

The original owner had been abused in this house. From the body to the mind, they have all experienced inhumane devastation.

They were deprived of food and water, and spent three days alone in a small dark and silent house. Later, because of the lively Yin Feng, he was grabbed by his hair and hit the wall, whipped, and thrown into the rainstorm with scars…

“Sweetheart, what’s the matter? Are you happy to be back?” Yin Feng stood behind He Huan and asked with a smile.

He Huan turned around and smiled at him, “Very happy!”

“As long as you are happy.” Yin Feng wanted to hold He Huan’s waist, but was rejected. He smiled and said with a tolerant gentleman: “I will respect you, don’t be afraid, I specially hired a special chef from the royal family, I hope His craft can suit your taste.”

He Huan’s footsteps stepped on the thick handmade carpet, and the luxurious decoration in the hall is still the same as it was ten years ago.

In the memory of the original owner, every inch here is extremely clear.

The Roman column in the southeast corner was once stained with blood on the forehead of the original owner;

The edge of the tall flower pot at the corner of the corridor almost broke the waist of the original owner;

The washbasin in the small room to the west was once filled with water to bury the original owner’s face, and almost died of suffocation…

Yin Feng led the way, and every time he walked through a miniature landscape, he could awaken the resentment of the original owner’s soul, which made He Huan’s head hurt.

“Sweetheart, do you want to live in the previous room, or in my room?” Yin Feng stopped on the circular stairs and asked He Huan with a smile.

The original owner once rolled down this ladder.

He Huan raised his head and met Yin Feng’s lustful eyes: “I still have unfilmed scenes from the crew, and the director wants me to stay in the theater.”

Yin Feng seemed to hear the speech of the kindergarten children, and couldn’t help laughing: “He Huan, you don’t seem to understand your position, don’t try to use my favor to do things that embarrass me.”

He Huan said: “If I don’t go to film, the crew will sue me for breaking the contract.” He said with a slight smile: “My liquidated damages are very high.”

Yin Feng laughed loudly, and his arrogant laughter echoed in the empty hall: “Well, poor boy, I thought it was a great thing, how much is your liquidated damages?”

He Huan said a number lightly: “Forty million credits. For you, it’s really not much.”

In a drama directed by a national treasure, he played the third male lead, so the liquidated damages were naturally ridiculously high.

Yin Feng’s face twitched for a moment.

Forty million is just a drizzle for the Yin family, but it is not a small sum for Yin Feng.

In the past two years, he has done several extraordinary things. His father has greatly reduced the amount of his bank card.

Besides, even if he has 40 million, he is reluctant to spend such a large amount of money on a plaything. It’s no wonder his father and grandfather didn’t beat him to death.

But he couldn’t bear to part with He Huan…

Soon, Yin Feng’s complexion turned better again, and he smiled triumphantly and said, “Your father loves you so much, he must be willing to pay you a little liquidated damages.”

He Huan smiled deeper: “That would be great, why don’t you call him now?”

Yin Feng leaned back, leaned on the handrail of the loop staircase, and looked at He Huan quietly.

The oga in front of me is completely different from the one ten years ago.

For a moment, Yin Feng even felt that he had never known He Huan before.

He Huan raised his eyebrows: “Why, are you sorry to bother him? But I think he is like your most loyal servant, he will definitely obey what he says.”

Yin Feng knew that he was implying sarcasm, but he had to say that this sentence still hit his itch and made him very happy.

So he opened the communication bar and dialed He Xun’s phone number.

“Mr. Yin, what’s the matter? Is He Huan disobedient?”

Yin Feng’s tone can be described as domineering: “He Huan will not go to filming in the future, and you will pay the liquidated damages for the crew.”

He Xun obviously paused, and then he smiled and said: “Mr. Yin, He Huan is your man, of course you are responsible.”

Yin Fengman said indifferently: “Since He Huan is mine, it seems that there is no need to sign the contract, don’t you think so?”

“Mr. Yin, as agreed before, He Huan will be exchanged for the development rights of Planet El!” He Xun suppressed his anger: “It’s just a small liquidated damages, it’s nothing more than a hair for you.”

Yin Feng was very ruthless: “My money didn’t fall from the sky. You can figure it out yourself. You picked He Huan from the space station, and it has nothing to do with me.”

He Xun never thought about liquidated damages, but in Jiang Xintian’s play, liquidated damages are absolutely astronomical.

“Mr. Yin! It’s too dishonest for you to go back on your word and break the agreement! Before us…”

Yin Feng interrupted him impatiently: “Okay, you can think whatever you want. If you pay liquidated damages, I will sign a contract with you. If you don’t pay, you can go to the police yourself.”

He Huan heard the sound of He Xun huffing and puffing in anger, like a broken bellows.

Chu Meixuan comforted him in a low voice, and immediately said to Yin Feng in a soft voice: “Mr. Yin, Xiaohuan is such an excellent oga, it is worthwhile for you to pay for him…”

Yin Feng hung up the phone directly, then he raised his head suddenly, staring at He Huan with wolf-like eyes: “I really underestimated you!”

He Huan still smiled brightly: “Thanks for the compliment.”

Yin Feng instantly felt that his smile was no longer sweet, his face darkened, he grabbed He Huan’s arm and dragged him upstairs.

He Huan staggered and was dragged up by him, but the smile on his face deepened, like a flower swaying in the night.

Yin Feng looked back at He Huan, and his heart trembled when he saw the dangerous charm in his eyes.

Desire and anger are intertwined, bursting out like magma.

Yin Feng couldn’t help tugging on his tie, revealing his thin chest, and tugged He Huan even harder.

He wants to take possession of this oga immediately and imprint his brand on him fiercely.

Just as he stepped onto the second floor, he suddenly heard He Huan say a word.

“I seem to have heard something extraordinary just now.”

Yin Feng paused, subconsciously asked: “What’s the matter?”

He Huan said: “You just said that no one knows that I am with you.”

Yin Feng grinned, arrogant to the extreme, just like the extreme sacrifice of the evil vampire count before eating, and the whole person showed a state of madness.

“Yes, He Xun secretly sold you to me. No one knows that you are in my hands, and no one can find you. Sweetheart, you can’t escape.”

He Huan suddenly asked again: “Are there cameras and video cameras installed in this room?”

It was not installed ten years ago, because this villa is Yin Feng’s secret base, which is convenient for him to do all kinds of shameless things without leaving evidence.

“No!” Yin Feng squinted his eyes and looked down at He Huan, finally showing his ferocious fangs: “Those things are too in the way, we can have more fun!”

He Huan showed a bright smile: “You can really have a lot of fun!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed Yin Feng’s arm with his backhand, and threw it over his shoulder hard.

Yin Feng’s eyes went dark, and he felt as if his body had entered a weightless space. After a burst of endless spinning, he heard a strange “gudong, gudong” sound in his ears, and then he fell to the ground in a daze.

It took Yin Feng a long time to realize that he fell down the stairs. He had never seen the ceiling of his house from this angle, and it was a novelty for a while.

But soon he remembered that he was thrown off by He Huan? !

He couldn’t help turning his head. From a strange perspective, he saw He Huan’s unusually tall figure on the circular staircase, slowly descending the staircase.

The sound of footsteps was crisp, touching the ground to Yin Feng’s ears, which strangely made him nervous.

While looking at He Huan from the corner of his eye, he propped up his body with his arms, when a sudden sharp pain caused him to fall to the ground again.

The right arm is broken!

Yin Feng grinned in pain, his forehead covered in cold sweat. He could only use his left hand and legs to support himself to sit up.

He managed to sit up, when suddenly a sharp stabbing pain came from the top of his head, he vigorously rolled his eyelids and looked up—He Huan stood beside him at some point, and was pulling his hair fiercely.

He Huan still had a smile on his face.

A strange and distant picture suddenly flashed in Yin Feng’s mind.

After he was drunk, he kicked He Huan down from the stairs, and then grabbed He Huan’s head to hit the wall and the pillar…


Yin Feng’s brain was like a bell hitting the Roman column in the southeast corner. He only felt his brain buzzing, as if thousands of bees were flying around his ears.

Then he heard He Huan’s voice: “Mr. Yin, is it fun? Are you happy?”

Yin Feng felt a warm liquid flow from his forehead, covering his eyes, glowing red…

Is this blood? !

Yin Feng regained consciousness in an instant, frightened and angry: “You! He Huan, how dare you… ah…”

He Huan lifted his hair and looked at his **** face: “Isn’t it fun? Then let’s change it.”

“My hand! My hand hurts so much! Don’t drag me…” Yin Feng finally panicked, he found that he was dragged on the ground easily by an oga, just like dragging a dead dog.

Once, oga’s face was full of fear, and his mouth kept begging for mercy. He just felt so annoying, kicked oga on the stomach, and sent him flying to the side string of the flower pot.


Yin Feng felt that his back must be broken, it hurts too much, it hurts too much! His mind was blank for a long time, and his heart almost stopped beating.

Oga’s face turned into a sweet smile, like the most poisonous wine in the world.

He was approaching himself, and he held out his hand again.

“No, don’t…” Yin Feng didn’t even care about the pain in his back, he quickly curled up to avoid it: “Please, don’t hit me… don’t hit me anymore…”

The screens overlapped again, and the ten-year-old oga begged him in the same way.

But then what did he do?

Yin Bong was shaking so much that his teeth were about to fall out, he whipped oga…

“What are you running for? Isn’t it fun?” He Huan stopped in front of him and bent slightly: “No one knows you are here, you can’t escape, and there is no evidence in the way, are you happy? “

Yin Feng’s tears flowed down uncontrollably, washing away the blood stains on his face, making him look even uglier.

He Huan grabbed his hair and forced him to look up at him.

In fact, Yin Feng has a pretty good face, but he has indulged in **** for a long time and is psychologically abnormal. His facial features have become more and more distorted, his eyelids are full of black and blue, and his body has been completely hollowed out.

This kind of **** can’t even beat a beta, so it’s falsely called alha.

He Huan let go of his hand as if he thought it was dirty.

Yin Feng didn’t notice, and fell heavily on the ground, the wounds on his hands, back, and stomach were all crushed, causing him to roll in pain.

Rolling and hitting the wound again, the pain doubled.

Suddenly, he saw an extra branch in He Huan’s hand, soft and slender, as if it had no deterrent effect.

Yin Feng didn’t dare to underestimate him, and tried to shrink his body.

“Don’t hit me, don’t hit me… ah, ah, it hurts…”

Yin Feng didn’t remember what happened later, he only knew that his body was in endless pain.

The torrential rain poured down, and the bean-sized raindrops fell relentlessly, hitting Yin Feng’s body with a “jingle”, causing him to spasm and twitch non-stop, and his bones ached from the cold.

Vaguely, he heard that He Huan seemed to be talking to someone.

“I was hijacked by He Xun and sold to…I can’t leave for the time being. I secretly called you.”

“Let He Xun pay the liquidated damages. You can discuss the exact amount with Director Jiang.”

“I won’t be back for a while, don’t worry…”

three days later.

He Xun and Chu Meixuan didn’t sleep well in the past three days, and they were worried that Jiang Xintian would ask them to pay liquidated damages.

Yin Feng’s phone couldn’t get through, and He Huan’s phone kept shutting down.

I can only pray that Jiang Xintian will not come to them for Muriel’s sake.

However, the court summons will not be absent.

When the servant handed the list to the two of them, He Xun saw his name as the defendant on it, and the amount he was most concerned about—80 million credit coins? !

“Mom, how did it become 80 million?!”

“Oh my god, there is definitely a problem, isn’t it 40 million, I, I…” Chu Meixuan passed out immediately.

The next day’s headlines:

He Huan was hijacked by He Xun at the space station and his whereabouts are unknown

He Huan is missing and fears being placed under house arrest by the He family

He Huan breached the contract, and the He family will face 80 million compensation

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