Dressed As the Scum a In the Campus Literature

Chapter 202

Chapter 200: Extra 10 (Parallel World)

Su Yubing still doesn’t know what Mo Yuxin does. When she first heard Mo Yuxin’s name, she thought she was the famous sculptor. It is impossible to think about it, I think it is just the same name, so I don’t think much about it.

Mo Yuxin’s studio has a multi-layer sound insulation device, so the sound of using the electric knife cannot be heard outside, and it will not disturb the cub sleeping.

Taking advantage of Mo Yuxin’s absence, Su Yubing felt a little distraught when she thought about what had happened in the past few days. I called my good friend Yang Zhouzhou.

“Yu Bing, are you asking me to go shopping with me today? Last time you said you invited me to dinner, but I haven’t invited you yet. I must kill you today.” Yang Zhouzhou said jokingly.

Su Yubing sat on the bed in the second bedroom and sighed, “It’s not shopping, it’s because I feel like I’m not quite right recently, Zhouzhou, do you think I’m a straight girl?”

When Yang Zhouzhou heard what his good friend said, he immediately regained his spirits, and intuitively told himself that he had gossip to listen to, “You are, but this kind of thing can’t be said to be so dead, just with you I originally liked mangoes, but after I ate watermelon once, I liked watermelon even more, so Yubing? You were broken by someone?”

Su Yubing always felt excited in the tone of her good friend, “What do you mean? How can I hear that you are so excited?”

“No, am I not curious?” Yang Zhouzhou said with a smile.

Su Yubing rolled around on the bed, and then decided to talk to her good friend: “I haven’t been at home for the past few days, do you remember what happened to that little kid that day? We reported After the police report, the woman took the baby home, and the baby was sticking to the two of us again, and I have been at her house for the past few days.”

“You live with her? How long have you known each other?” Yang Zhouzhou’s voice rose a few degrees.

“No way, the baby has to be with us both, so I just moved in. Anyway, I have nothing to do at home during the summer vacation.” Su Yubing explained.

“So you were bent by that woman? But it’s excusable, after all, the woman didn’t say what she looked like.” Yang Zhouzhou said with a smile.

“When Su Yubing spoke, she simply wrapped herself up with the quilt.

“You like her, right? Her ears are red and her heart is racing. Yoyoyo, can this be heard by a single dog like me?” Yang Zhouzhou joked with a smile.

“Don’t tease me, Zhouzhou, I’m serious with you, and she called me a little friend today, saying I’m good.” Su Yubing remembered Mo Yuxin’s expression, lips The corner’s smile never went away.

“Come on, you, I don’t think you want to ask me if you are straight, you are just calling me to show your love, right?” Yang Zhouzhou complained.

“No, I called you because I was a little confused, not to show affection. Besides, they didn’t say they liked me.” Su Yubing chuckled and muttered to her good friend .

“Take it down, I think you are close to good things, remember to invite me to dinner when you are off the list.”

Same as in honey.

“Okay, I’m on standby here, waiting for you to feed me dog food.” Yang Zhouzhou joked.

“I won’t tell you, I’ll go see if Little Moon is awake.” Su Yubing hung up the phone and went back to the master bedroom. She was relieved to see that the cub didn’t wake up. .

She lay on the bed by herself and played with her mobile phone. At about ten o’clock, the cub woke up, rubbed her eyes in the crib and called Su Yubing with a small milk voice: “Mom~Mom ~”

“Come on, hug my little moon.” Su Yubing said and took the cub into her arms.

Cubzi looked around and didn’t see Mo Yuxin, then opened his mouth and shouted: “Mummy~Mummy~”

“Your mommy is working, okay, mommy will take you to find her.” Su Yubing came to the door of Mo Yuxin’s studio with her cub and knocked on the door.

An ornament on Mo Yuxin’s side was almost carved, and was about to be polished. She heard a knock on the door, got up to open the door, and then saw the cub who was eager to find her cub.

“Mommy~ Hug~” Cub shouted with the little milky voice, reaching out to find Mo Yuxin.

When Su Yubing was talking to Mo Yuxin just now, she looked at Mo Yuxin’s studio. The cabinets against the wall were full of jade carvings. There are workbenches, and a large jade cutting machine.

“Are you a sculptor?” Su Yubing asked subconsciously.

Mo Yuxin washed her hands and came back while holding the cub into her arms, while responding: “Yes, come in and have a look, I carved all the jade inside.”

Su Yubing walked to the cabinet and took a look, “So you are the youngest and famous jade sculptor in China? Old Xiao’s apprentice?”

Mo Yuxin nodded, “Yeah, you also know something about this? I saw you at the jade exhibition that day.”

“My family also started out by making jade. I still know more or less a famous carver, but I didn’t expect you to be her.” Su Yubing felt a little surprised, after all, she heard Mo Yu was very cold-hearted, and it was difficult to make an appointment with her to carve jade. Even if she did, it would take a long time to wait in line.

“Well, if you need to carve jade in the future, you can come to me.” Mo Yuxin smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll cook first, you and Little Moon will wait for me for a while.”

Su Yubing was a little embarrassed, she was basically coaxing the cubs here in Mo Yuxin, so she hurriedly said, “I’ll help you cook.”

Mo Yuxin chuckled and shook her head: “No, it’s fine if there is someone at home who can cook, you two children, go play.”

Su Yubing was afraid that her smile was too obvious, so she pursed her lips desperately, she nodded to Mo Yuxin, turned and walked to the bedroom, the smile on her lips when she turned around But it couldn’t hold back.

Su Yubing lay on the bed, hugged Cub in her arms, poked Cub’s little face and asked, “Little Moon, why is your mummy so bad, obviously you are Why don’t you even count me, kid?”

“Bad bad~” Cub nodded his head in agreement, making Su Yubing so amused.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Su Yubing became inexplicably nervous. While she felt that she was not as straight as before, she was afraid that she would fall asleep in someone else’s arms again.

Mo Yuxin laughed when she saw Su Yubing’s tense clothes, and said with a chuckle, “Just sleep, don’t be nervous, and it’s not the first time I’ve hugged. What are ‘straight girls’ afraid of?”

Su Yubing was already nervous, but hearing Mo Yuxin’s words made her ears turn red, and I don’t know if it was her delusion, Mo Yuxin seemed to get aggravated when she just spoke” The pronunciation of the word ‘straight daughter”, what does she mean? Are you kidding yourself again?

Su Yubing simply turned around, leaving only a back view for Mo Yuxin, and assured: “Don’t worry, I will definitely not sleep in your arms tonight.”

“It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep.” Mo Yuxin looked at Su Yubing’s back and replied with a light smile.

“Humph.” Su Yubing snorted and ignored her.

However, Su Yubing’s stubbornness didn’t change anything, she always wanted to get close to Mo Yuxin unconsciously, and sure enough, after Mo Yuxin fell asleep, there was another warmth in her arms She was already used to Yangyang things, and she knew that Su Yubing was hugging her, and this time she fell asleep without even having the desire to open her eyes.

When the sky was bright, Su Yubing woke up from a warm embrace, she raised her eyes and met Mo Yuxin’s smiling eyes, Su Yubing struggled. Her strength was gone, why did she fall asleep in someone else’s arms again?

Mo Yuxin looked at Su Yubing’s annoyed look, and said with a chuckle, “Awake?”

“Yeah.” I don’t know if it was because she hadn’t woken up yet, Su Yubing just rotted away, so she buried herself in Mo Yu’s heart and gave up struggling, “Why? What’s the matter? I slept far away from you yesterday, why did I run into your arms again?”

She just woke up and her voice was soft and sweet, which made Mo Yuxin feel itchy.

Mo Yu said softly: “It doesn’t matter, have you noticed that after sleeping together, the quality of sleep has improved, and the day will dawn.”

“What? You’re all absurd.” Su Yubing leaned on Mo Yuxin’s shoulder and muttered. If nothing else, it was quite comfortable to be held by Mo Yuxin.

“Okay, what I’m talking about is all absurd. I want to sleep with you in my arms and secretly hold you in my arms at night, okay?” Mo Yuxin coaxed softly.

Su Yubing’s ears turned red, Mo Yuxin’s tone was too gentle, she was a little soft and couldn’t get up, but she was still stubborn, and looked at Mo Yu Xin’s beautiful peach eyes quickly moved away: “I’m not a child, you don’t need to coax me like that.”

“You are much younger than me, why are you not my little friend?” Mo Yuxin teased the person in his arms softly.

Su Yubing’s heart beat faster because of Mo Yuxin’s words, and while struggling to get up, she muttered with red ears: “It’s not your little friend, don’t talk nonsense.”

After she finished speaking, Su Yubing hurriedly got up and left the room. She ran to the next room and closed the door. She threw herself on the bed, and she felt a little hot now.

What does Mo Yuxin mean? Why do you say that you are her child? Does she like herself? And she has a nice voice when she talks to herself, is she coaxing herself?

Su Yubing had 10,000 questions in her heart, but she was afraid that she would be wrong, so she buried herself in the quilt and hummed a few times, what should I do? She seemed to really like Mo Yuxin a little bit, obviously they had only known each other for a few days.

Mo Yuxin took the cub to wash up and didn’t see Su Yubing, Mo Yuxin simply carried the cub out of the bedroom, seeing that the door of the second bedroom was closed, Mo Yuxin felt Reaching out and knocking on the door, Zaizai also knocked on the door with Xiaorou’s hand, which made Mo Yuxin laugh.

“You little rascal will knock on the door? Let’s see what Mommy is doing?”

Mo Yuxin said to the inside and said, “Yubing, Xiaoyue and I have finished washing up, you can go wash up.”

Su Yubing suppressed the throbbing in her heart and responded, “Okay, I’ll go right now.”

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