Dressed Like a Pretty Daughter-in-law From the 1970s

Chapter 111: Great harvest

Chapter 111 A great harvest

The chicken farm rents forest land from four villages. After deducting labor, feed, repairs, facilities and other costs of 24,000, the net profit is 15,000. The 20% profit is 4,500, which is divided equally among each village. It's more than 1,100 yuan.

Didn’t you see that there are still ninety acres of mountainous land waiting to be developed?

So she used 1,125 yuan as wages and asked the villagers to exchange them for work points for cultivating fields, planting fruit seedlings, and watering.

Village cadres were unwilling. The original agreement was that the profits would be divided into two parts to benefit the villagers. However, An Zhixia said that the mountainous area is still under development, and he has only used a small part of it to operate a chicken farm. The orchards have not yet been built, so natural profits cannot be extracted.

Moreover, when the fruit trees bear fruit, the profit will be doubled. This is a win-win situation.

 Now that she can pay 20% of the profits as wages, she can think of a way to kill two birds with one stone. What can the village cadre say? Of course, there is nothing to say, I can only arrange for my family first.

It takes several years for the fruit seedlings to grow into fruits, and An Zhixia may not even wait until they bear fruit. However, she still strictly controls every detail, from the selection of fruit seedling varieties and quality to the density of fruit seedlings and planting management methods. An Zhixia wrote down all the details for future successors to continue the business.

 The profits of chicken farms have just stabilized, and there is also good news for brick kilns.

An Zhixia looked at the neatly arranged, beautiful and simple green bricks, and was filled with joy. She felt the smoothness of the bricks with her white fingers, and heard Master Hua's slightly excited introduction in her ears.

The brick kiln is said to be small, but that is compared to the official kiln with a row of dozens of doors, so it does not require a month of firing time as Master Hua said, and it only takes half a month from firing to drinking water. Their brick kiln can produce 30,000 green strip bricks at a time. Wuqi Commune is located in the south of Xiahua. Most of the houses built have two or four walls (thickness), so it is equivalent to the amount of three main rooms of a farmhouse, and it also comes with a kitchen. !

There are thirty-six villages in Wuqi Commune, and each village has thirty-fifty households, so there are about fifteen hundred households, which consumes a lot of money!

Master Hua can take care of ten brick kilns by one person, and Master Xiao Li has also implemented the things on paper during this month of training, and can take care of three or five. Master Hua also brought two apprentices, and when they left the apprenticeship, they would be able to take care of two or three apprentices each.

The brick kilns must be built again. Not only must they be built, they must also be built larger. Ten of them will be able to produce a batch of 100,000 kilns! Therefore, large-scale recruitment is imperative!

For links with technical requirements, regular workers are recruited, and links that only require hard work are assigned as part-time workers, or they can claim greening of excavated land, contract aquaculture, etc. As long as women can get more than seven work points, men can Anyone with more than nine work points can do odd jobs!

There are many ways to distribute wages. You can exchange them for bricks to build a house at home at a low price, or you can exchange them for pieces and settle them on a monthly basis.

The brick factory provides three meals a day, but the prerequisite is that you have to work a full day, otherwise the meal expenses will be deducted from your labor income.

As soon as this news was released, the brick factory was surrounded by young and middle-aged people!

However, the village cadres of each village have reported the list of those who have met the requirements for the past year, and they are all the main laborers of the family. In order to prevent the list from being mixed with water, applicants must learn to stir, mix mud, beat and other tasks on the spot, so that the reviewer can see whether the work is quick, conscientious and careful, and also take a look at the other person's endurance and brains. Flexible no.

The brick factory is a hard-working industry and does not allow for slickers to come in and mess around. The rows of people stirring, kneading mud, and beating pulp were doing it seriously with serious faces, sweat dripping down, but no one complained to stop. The bulging muscles on their arms showed their capital.

At the end of the day, more than 2,400 of the 3,000 people who signed up were qualified, and they were qualified to do odd jobs in the brick factory. In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, An Zhixia did not bother to select formal jobs, but planned to gradually confirm them in the next year.

In order to earn a place as a regular worker, everyone has to work with all their enthusiasm and seriousness. Just when ten large brick kilns were built and batches of millions of bricks were sent in for firing, a new round of busy farming began.

 10% of the labor force is left to prepare the next batch of bricks, while the rest work energetically to harvest early rice, plant late rice, and harvest the first crop of watermelon in the wheat field!

 Everyone is thinking about having a brick house to live in, and the fire in their hearts is always burning, and they don’t feel tired from the busy farming this year. However, when Hetang Village paid public grain, the chicken farm became famous again for its huge profits!

The land in Wuqi Commune is of medium quality. People’s farming methods are outdated and the yield per mu is not high. They can only farm more to make up for the shortage of food. The maximum yield per mu is only 400 kilograms of rice, 300 kilograms of wheat, and 150 kilograms of corn!

But this year is different. Hetang Village has allocated 500 acres of rice fields to raise fish. Although the fish are still being raised to be harvested with the late rice in autumn, the early rice has already been harvested, and it is even more than the maximum output of other ordinary rice fields. That’s 40% more!

 What is this concept? The rice yield per mu has increased from 400 kilograms to 520 kilograms!

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't believe it. They felt that Hetang Village must have suffered a huge loss, but they didn't want to lose face and exaggerated it. Duoyicheng, who raises fish in rice fields, is beaming with joy. What is the lie of 40%? ! They didn't look at it. Rice-fish farming requires trenching, and the spacing between rows is wider than that of ordinary rice. It means less rice will be planted. How can it increase the yield so much?

The villagers in Hetang Village smiled and said nothing. The production is here, how can you lie?

In Hetang Village, watermelons are planted among the wheat. In the south of Xiahua, the watermelons have a short maturity period, so they can be picked. More importantly, the wheat is not affected. In other words, the watermelons are picked for nothing!

Handing over public grain is a big event for rural people. The big guys carry loaders and pull carts, and a long queue goes to the county grain station in the dark to hand over grain. This is also a memory deeply engraved in the bones of Xia Hua people. As a time traveler, An Zhixia has to gain knowledge and experience even if he has to face the scorching sun later.

In this era, the grain yield per acre is low, but rural people still have to grow the land to feed themselves in the city. In addition, before the grain is harvested, people from above come down to estimate the yield, and there are mandatory quotas, so the public grain is paid a lot, which is why rural people cannot afford it. One of the main reasons for being full.

An Zhiqiu was riding a three-wheeled bicycle with a flashlight attached to the handlebars and several baskets of watermelons carried on the bike. An Zhixia was sitting on one side wearing a straw hat and a scarf, holding a big cattail leaf fan in her hand and pouring several pots of rock sugar mung bean soup in preparation for cooling off.

Following the villagers, although there is no money to pay for the public grain, and there is no substantial benefit, but think about it, after paying the public grain, the remaining food will be divided among the villagers themselves. The joy on everyone's faces still radiates strongly, just like the blazing summer sun above their heads.

Fang Hongye caught up with a few juicy cucumbers under the light and gave one to An Zhixia.

 (End of this chapter)

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