Dressed Like a Pretty Daughter-in-law From the 1970s

Chapter 239: Duplicity

Chapter 239 Duplicity

"Teacher Xiao An, we will investigate this matter strictly!" Bureau Li ignored Mr. Zhang's words and nodded to An Zhixia with a hint of bitterness. Wherever leaders appear, the smallest thing can be escalated into a hazard. national affairs.

It’s a pity that there are no cameras at this time. There are nearly 200 actors and staff backstage. They are all similar in body shape and clothing. They come and go frequently. Who can pay attention to these? Furthermore, half of the prop room has been destroyed, and there is not much evidence to catch the person who smoked and set fire.

"Don't worry, Director Li. We will take two or three days off after the show is over. During this time, we will be able to catch the saboteur. Next, please send someone to keep an eye on him. We can't make any more mistakes in the group competition." Situation!" An Zhixia said, then pushed open the prop room, and the burning smell inside hit his face.

She checked her clothes. She committed the crime in front of so many people, so naturally she didn't have much time. Someone discovered that she had put out the cigarette with water as soon as it started.

"Who can pour water?" An Zhixia asked with a sneer.

Everyone saw that there was no trace of anger or anxiety on An Zhixia's face, and their mood gradually calmed down. Now listening to her question, their eyes involuntarily moved to Mr. Zhang, the artist.

 General Artist Zhang said angrily: "What do you think I'm doing? If there's a fire, who wouldn't want to put it out with water?"

An Zhixia raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "No, there are many people coming and going between the props. The fire caused by the cigarette butts will not be too big. When everyone found the smoke, their clothes were burned with a layer of fire. You can definitely Put out the fire, go back and forth to get water, just let the fire continue? "

"An Zhixia, don't look for trouble! What's the matter, do you suspect that you are having **** with me? How to put out the fire? Throw it to the ground and trample it with your feet, or beat it with a broom?

These clothes don’t need to be burned up by fire, and they are useless! The situation was so urgent at that time, who could think too much? "Artist Zhang argued through gritted teeth.

An Zhixia ignored her and said, "Go and move some stoves and some hair dryers to dry the water on your clothes. Where are the sewing machines? Move them here too!"

Without anyone else taking action, Bureau Li directed his subordinates to run all the way and carry everything over. The actors stepped forward to help and pushed Artist Zhang aside.

The troupe itself was equipped with several old tailors. When they heard the news, they all gathered together to listen to An Zhixia's orders.

 The clothes were burned to pieces, but they were only missing a hand's length. An Zhixia cut off all the clothes, making the neat clothes irregular, and almost no one has the same cut.

 Old tailors are quick with their hands and feet, but An Zhixia's thinking is quick, and all modifications have been completed by the time the clothes are dried. After getting the clothes, the guys had a frustrated look on their faces and put them on bravely, waiting to come out and see each other.

The clothes are a bit weird, but they don’t affect their appearance. They even have a wanton and natural beauty that breaks the rules. Their eyes lit up immediately, and they couldn't help but hug each other with joy, "We're saved, our team competition can go on normally!"

 “It’s a shame that we are engaged in art, but we didn’t think about the beauty of abstraction and imagery!”

“As expected of Teacher Xiaoan, no problem is a problem to her. Is there anything in the world that she can’t do?”

Their clothes looked better than before, and their moods were rising from the bottom like a roller coaster. They could only work hard to present the best state to their leaders and foreign friends.

When everyone came to the stage to sing "Run Along the Avenue of Socialism" for the curtain call, they looked at the particularly warm applause of the leaders, and the heartfelt nods of praise from foreign friends, and the spotlights for taking photos kept flashing. Some of their comrades couldn't help crying with joy and hugging each other.

Over the years, the Kyoto Performance Troupe has made a lot of money for the annual spring and autumn team competitions. The leaders fake smiles when they meet, the minions gnash their teeth when they meet, and even their family members can't help but quarrel when they meet. The team competition has become a place for them to compete for fame and fortune, and they have long forgotten what their original intention is.

At this moment, they looked at their competitors and smiled with relief, facing each other in peace, and no longer paying too much attention to the results of the game. It was obvious that An Zhixia's daily chicken soup for the soul had completely brainwashed them, and a new rule in the circle was gradually formed under her control.

“Teacher Xiao An,” a young man walked up to Director Hu and whispered a few words. Director Hu excitedly turned his head and whispered to An Zhixia: “Our senior leader wants to see us!”

 An Zhixia was stunned for a moment, the surprise and joy on her face came from the bottom of her heart. She quickly touched her hair, straightened her clothes, and even knelt down and took out a handkerchief to wipe the dust off her shoes.

Director Hu and several assistant directors also started to tidy themselves up. They spat on their hands twice and straightened the messy hair on their heads.

The corners of An Zhixia's mouth twitched and she stared at their hands, wondering if they would shake hands with the big boss later? Is it the smelly hand...

When a group of them were brought to the empty door outside the troupe, the leader smiled and said to the foreign friends around him: "Tonight's cultural feast was organized by these comrades, and it gave us a big surprise."

“Hello everyone, the performance is great, the idea is good, I like it!” The blond and brown-eyed Luo Guoyou said in Chinese with a smile.

Director Hu and his team smiled and waved their hands and said, "It's the children's hard work and the trust of the organization."

"Old Hu, I've watched the movie you made many times. It has a good meaning. Our Xia Hua country lacks a good director like you who can truly reflect the problem. You also did a great job in the performance team competition, which brought face to our country. Yes!” the big leader also praised.

But another friend from Kyrgyzstan with black hair and dark eyes and a serious face said in his native language: "You have made great progress in your performance this time, but it is only a beginner's performance. When Mao will visit our country as a guest, you will also come with us." Let’s go and communicate with each other. Only by discussing can we make greater progress.”

The translator looked a little unhappy after hearing this.

 The leader smoked a cigarette and said, "Just translate it according to his words."

After the translator relayed it, the big leader said: "Just tell him that I will not go abroad, let alone their small country. Our country has a long history and rich cultural heritage, which is not what he can figure out from the performance.

As the saying goes, connoisseurs watch the door, while laymen watch the excitement. I saw that he was enjoying the excitement just now, so why didn’t he admit it when he left the house? Are all the people of Kyrgyzstan duplicity? Otherwise, you can ask him again, did he understand what he just performed? "

The friend from Kyrgyzstan had a dark face and could not say a word. After all, he really only watched the excitement and couldn't tell anything at all.

The votes are coming~

Hurry up and update, I’m ashamed



 (End of this chapter)

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