Dressed Like a Pretty Daughter-in-law From the 1970s

Chapter 264: One step, two hooks (third update)

Chapter 264: One step and two hooks (third update)

"You must develop a good habit of summarizing every day to see what you have gained, what you lack, and whether you are far away from your original self. In fact, our enemy is not the colleagues around you, nor the employees of other channel groups downstairs, nor Other city TV stations or foreign channels, but yourselves, it is very challenging and interesting to constantly surpass yourself. I hope you will fall in love with this game!”

The excitement and pride on everyone's faces gradually faded away. Looking at the leaders who were a few years younger than themselves, the expressions on their faces were indifferent, but without such achievements, they would be so happy that they couldn't see their eyes.

They blushed a little, nodded vigorously, and then carefully wrote these words on the title page of the notebook, preparing to take it out every day to examine themselves. Fame and fortune are of course very tempting to people, but without dreams, direction and perseverance, people will lose their vitality and excellence, and they will just disappear into the crowd.

They choose to stand here, why don’t they want to realize their own value and stand on the shoulders of giants and be looked up to by others?

 As soon as it was time to get off work, An Zhixia announced that the meeting was adjourned, and a group of people walked downstairs. There were almost no people on other floors.

“My dear grandson, here,” Old Mrs. Jiang saw An Zhixia coming out and stuck her head out of the car to wave to her. An Zhiqiu also smiled and opened the car door and walked out of the driver’s seat.

"Brother, can you drive now?" An Zhixia asked in surprise. She looked over and said hello to Mrs. Jiang, "Grandma, are you two the only ones in the car? Are you too brave?"

An Zhiqiu scratched his head and said with a smile: "Driving is not difficult. Didn't I often drive a tractor in the countryside before? Just press the accelerator and brake, change gears, and hold the steering wheel. I practiced all day and didn't even have lunch. I can't afford to eat, but I don't think it's easy to borrow someone's car. I have to learn it early.

Grandma saw that I was studying well, so she suggested that I pick you up from get off work. "

"I can also drive a tractor..." An Zhixia said with bright eyes after hearing this. Think about it, future generations will not be able to get a driver's license even if they learn to drive for a year and a half. Even if they do, they will have to practice for a long time before they dare to drive under the supervision of various cameras on busy roads.

 She originally wanted to pretend to be a one-month student, but her brother gave her a little surprise. She can't wait to reveal her racing vest!

An Zhiqiu felt that she knew how to do it, and the girl must have learned it well. He smiled and nodded normally and said, "When we get back, we will find an open place for you to practice."

Mrs. Jiang was afraid of damaging her granddaughter's self-confidence, so she comforted her and said, "Xia Xia, let's take it slow. Boys are naturally interested in machinery and learn quickly. Girls, it's okay if they don't know how to do it. Then your brother goes to and from get off work with you, and it’s good for him to be your driver when you take the car.”

The An family brother and sister looked at each other and smiled without answering.

An Zhiqiu drove very steadily, not too fast, and explained to the girl while driving.

Arrived at the spacious asphalt road outside her home, An Zhixia sat in the driver's seat with a little excitement, touching the steering wheel, and her usual car-loving drivers flashed through her mind like a movie, and she missed them like a flood.

Mrs. Jiang stood nervously by the roadside and kept shouting: "Be careful, take your time..."

An Zhiqiu was sitting in the passenger seat. Without waiting for his instructions, the girl muttered: "Step on, second, hang, three horns, four, turn, five, look at six, handbrake." The car started smoothly and steadily before he could When he came back to his senses, he slipped away several times like he was having fun.

"This is easier than learning to ride a bicycle," An Zhixia got out of the car, clapped her hands and said excitedly to the two people who were staring at her blankly, "I've been learning to ride a bicycle for three days, even if I'm afraid of falling. It’s much easier to drive than a tractor. You can drive as fast as you want, and you can steer wherever you want. The seats are so comfortable, and it doesn’t get blown by the wind or rain!”

Old Mrs. Jiang touched her chest and said sillyly: "My grandson is really smart, and the kid from the Li family behind him has been learning for months. Our family has good genetics, and the baby in Ye'er's belly must be smart and beautiful too, and he will be good." Sun, when will my sweet grandson-in-law come?"

When Mrs. Jiang asked, An Zhixia was stunned for a moment and did not respond. The next moment she smiled and said, "He will come when the grapes are ripe in the yard."

She said that there was not much going on these days and that she had forgotten a big living person. After she got home and finished her meal, she went back to her room to write a letter and report what happened recently.

She has no experience in love, she is not around, and she doesn’t have a mobile phone to check her presence all the time. She only relies on letters written every week and a half. When An Zhixia gets busy, she forgets everything, so this relationship is particularly unreal.

 The next day, after dinner, An Zhixia didn't ask Jiang Shiming to send him off. He drove directly to various performance troupes to recruit people. She was no joke during the half-month training for the spring performance group competition, and found many good talents.

Each performance troupe has a huge base of actors, just like cultivating Gu King, nurturing one platform after another. It's just that the actors in the performance troupe are all young people. They are very cruel and can easily bury the talents with other talents.

An Zhixia had a goal in mind and held her previous manuscripts in her hands. She didn't even need to say anything, and people took the initiative to ask someone to change the program. An Zhixia bargained fiercely in a particularly heart-wrenching manner, and finally exchanged one program for two people, poaching all the young talents she had chosen and trained for half a month.

Not only them, but also on their recommendation, An Zhixia visited some units that did not participate in the spring performance group competition to find those young people who are outstanding and malleable, diligent and motivated, and persistent in their dreams.

Then the next day, she went to two key high schools in Kyoto and selected a few fresh graduates with active thinking, good character, and strong learning ability.

On the third day, when everyone completed the formalities and submitted the files to the human resources department of the TV station, everyone was stunned when they saw the large number of thirty people. Several directors, deputy directors, and directors in the station were alerted and rushed over.

"Who can tell me what happened?" The director looked at these people and felt that he was going to have a heart attack. Everyone must be equipped with office supplies, daily necessities, assigned dormitories, welfare and dozens of yuan a month. Money wages!

“Xiao Tanxian...why did you come to the TV station? Are you going to the right place?”

"Hello, Director, Teacher Xiaoan invited us here. Our transfer procedures have been completed. We only need to register and report to the Personnel Department of our station, and the process will be completed." Xiao Tanxian said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, An Zhi... where is Director Xiao An? Why didn't she report to us? Then who, go and call Director Xiao An over."

 (End of this chapter)

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