Dressed Like a Pretty Daughter-in-law From the 1970s

Chapter 87: The evildoer complains

Chapter 87 The evildoer complains

Xiong Quanzi was so painful that swear words came out of his mouth. Those words made these educated youths from the city very dirty and refreshed their cognition.

"I consider myself a thick-skinned person from all over the country, a scoundrel with no bottom line, but you three actually let me be defeated!" After scolding for a long time, Xiong Quanzi finally felt that he had suffered a huge loss. Not to mention his injured leg, he had not gained any beauty or money. Now, He faced the fate of being sent to the police station again. But the three people who came up with the plan were able to grit their teeth and pour all the dirty water on him. Haha, where can such a good thing happen in the world?

 You messed with him and you still want to get away cleanly?

"You insist that you are innocent, right? What I say is just to clear away the charges and make people not take it seriously? Haha, when the situation comes to an end, you will look good!"

 Cui Tianhao glared at Xiong Quanzi with a sullen face, thinking carefully in his heart for a long time. Apart from this incident, he should have nothing for him to grasp. As long as it wasn't true, he really wasn't afraid of Xiong Quanzi opening his mouth and biting him blindly. "Okay, let me see what words can come out of your stupid mouth!"

The An family brothers and sisters were a little dumbfounded. It was really satisfying for a dog to bite a dog.

 It took three hours on foot, more than an hour in a bullock cart, and they dragged me to two hours. The four of them had long been thirsty, hungry, and had lost the energy they had at the beginning.

There are not many people in the town at this time. Everyone has gone home from work to eat, or go to the alleys or gardens to chat or play chess. The supply and marketing cooperatives, grain bureaus, barber shops, etc. were all closed, and it took a long time before there was a dim light on the road.

The house is low and quiet, and in the night light it becomes a well-behaved beast, curled up in a sleepy state. It has been two months since she came to this era, and An Zhixia is still in a daze, as if everything in front of her is just a dream, a filming of a scene, but she can't struggle out, so alienated from you, pulling you.

When they arrived at the station, the guard poked his head out of the dark little room, turned on the flashlight in his hand, and saw a few people tied to the bullock cart. He quickly walked out with his clothes on: "Where are they from? What's going on? "

An Zhiqiu stepped forward and whispered: "Uncle, we are from Hetang Village. These people have collaborated to blackmail and smear people's reputations. They are of a bad nature. The whole village has witnessed it. Otherwise, we brothers and sisters would not take advantage of them." Send people here at night.”

The guard took a flashlight and shined a light on the four people on the bullock cart. The light stopped on Cui Tianhao's face. After looking at it for a long time, he asked in surprise: "Isn't this Director Cui? Why is your face swollen like this? If I hadn't known him I really can’t recognize the pen hanging on your chest!”

An Zhixia and An Zhiqiu looked at each other. The guard was a little funny. It seemed that there was a story between the two.

Cui Tianhao pulled down the corner of his mouth with difficulty and said in a hoarse voice: "Uncle Xu, are you on duty today?"

"No, we are just a little janitor. There are a group of people at home waiting for dinner. We can't choose the time to go to work. We have to obey the leadership of the organization. Otherwise, if they don't like it, they will give you a small salary. It's down to the bottom." After Uncle Xu curled his lips, he laughed and called the An family brothers and sisters to go inside.

"Every comrade in the team is off work now, but there are officers on duty. They can help you register a simple situation and detain the person overnight. Come back tomorrow and take a detailed confession to find out what is going on. , Only after the investigation is clear can the case be finalized." Uncle Xu enthusiastically explained the process to them and introduced the comrades on duty.

 Cui Tianhao was extremely gloomy, but now he was making too many mistakes, and he knew clearly that the An brothers and sisters would definitely send him to the police station to stay there for one night. He might as well think about how to deal with tomorrow's events and minimize the damage to his reputation.

"Uncle Xu," Cui Tianhao couldn't help but stop him before Uncle Xu left, "you must have basic professional ethics when working in the bureau. The matter has not been clarified yet, so please don't say anything casually. I The director's position is not high, but he is hired by the factory himself and will not be removed casually. I believe that Comrade Xu is a hard-working person and will definitely be able to move up after some experience in the packaging workshop. "

"Comrade, did you hear that? Before we said anything, Cui Tianhao has already threatened and lured the old comrades in your bureau," An Zhixia appeared behind him with the comrades on duty and said quietly.

"I didn't," Cui Tianhao quickly defended: "I am innocent and I act upright, but I am afraid that I will be dragged into the situation by you and my reputation will be ruined. That's why I entrusted Uncle Xu to keep it a secret for me."

By coincidence, the comrade on duty was Mr. Dong who sent the group back to Hetang Village that day.

"I'm not deaf and my brain is not stupid. I can still distinguish clearly what you said," Dong Gongan said in a deep voice, and then looked at Uncle Xu with a slightly calm expression: "Uncle Xu, please go ahead, don't worry, if Brother Xu was wearing small shoes, so I chatted with the director of Fuhua Leather Shoe Factory. Why should a good comrade who is hardworking and hardworking have to be constrained by villains? "

Cui Tianhao's cheeks were so angry that he could only keep his mouth shut and wait until the people in the bureau went to work tomorrow to find someone to help him clear away the suspicion.

 Public Security Dong listened to the An family brothers and sisters explaining everything in a few words, and he immediately locked up the four people with his colleagues.

“Comrade Public Security, you didn’t even ask us a word. How could you just listen to what these two brothers and sisters said and just lock us up?” Qi Yunlan asked in a panic.

“Then let me ask you, was everyone in the village present at that time?” Dong Gongan asked coldly.

 “Yes, but they...”

"With so many people watching, how can you, the innocent ones, be dragged to the town by the two brothers and sisters? Can your village chief and village party secretary just sit back and watch? Unless you really participated in the matter and caused their dissatisfaction. These are the comrades who will take over tomorrow. It’s time to understand.”

"You are obviously in the same group with them!" Chen Sike said angrily, "I remember you. Last time you went to the village and took away Vice President Qian. You have known each other for a long time, and you have avenged us. !”

Xiong Quanzi calmed down and said viciously: "Comrade public security, none of them are good. They gave me advice and asked me to destroy Xiaoan's educated youth. That's why the people in the village ignored them.

 They especially like to put labels on people, even the police comrades they have just met. You must deal with them strictly, otherwise the atmosphere of our commune will be ruined by them! "

 “You, you,” Chen Sike was so angry that he almost went crazy. The villain complained first!

This extremely evil person bit them to death, and she was the one who gave them the handle...

 (End of this chapter)

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