Dressed Like a Pretty Daughter-in-law From the 1970s

Chapter 92: Hands-off shopkeeper

Chapter 92: Hands off the shopkeeper

An Zhixia was silent: "The chicken farm is under construction, including the staff dormitories. With your help, it should be completed soon. Until then, we will make do in the canteen at the foot of the mountain."

People nowadays are very easy to make do with, so when they hear that their future will be settled, they all sigh with relief, smile and nod in agreement.

The president opened his mouth. In fact, he wanted to ask, can a touring team support more than 200 people? The monthly salary expenses alone cost two to three thousand! But seeing that there was no reluctance on her face, he stopped talking. He just wanted to wait for the chicken farm to be profitable, and then strive for more discounts and subsidies for the agricultural and auxiliary factory.

Let Brother Wang take them to work at the chicken farm. An Zhixia returned to the office and began to continue studying how to raise free-range chickens. He finalized every detail clearly for the last time, entered it on the computer, printed it out and bound it into a book.

She took out a book and walked up to Director Zhang, pushed the book toward him, and said with a smile: "Director, you have the experience and experience, so you should be the helmsman of our factory. We have the start-up capital and the workers. Well, here are the various methods and details I have compiled for raising free-range chickens, including how to establish a simple ecological chain with fruit trees.”

 After a month of getting along with him, she also figured out what kind of person Director Zhang was. Because he has been idle for more than ten years, he has no courage, and he is not bold enough to do things before and after. However, he has been tempered for so long, has a calm temperament, and considers everything comprehensively. It is more than enough to be a responsible chicken farmer.

Director Zhang stood up quickly: "You are the director of our factory, you must be the one at the helm." He took the booklet, flipped through two pages, and asked in surprise: "I, I am just a director sitting on the bench. If I had the ability, I would have been transferred to other departments long ago. How could I have stayed there for more than ten years? I have only been in the position of director for seven or eight years.

However, you entrusted such an important matter to me instead of doing it yourself. Do you want to leave? "

An Zhixia's eyes flashed with surprise. She was preparing to leave in the future. She handed over the matter to the corresponding person in charge from the beginning, so as not to have to interfere with everything. When she left, this place was left unattended. All efforts were in vain.

I didn’t expect that Director Zhang would guess so well.

She smiled and shook her head: "No, our factory is called Agricultural and Sideline Factory, not a chicken farm. This means that the chicken farm is just a project for our factory to generate income. I am the factory director, so I can't do every project myself. ? I have to wait until the chicken farm is on track and profitable before starting other projects to make our agricultural and sideline factory a cash cow for Wuqi Commune. "

Director Zhang secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then his whole body was filled with excitement. He straightened his back and said solemnly: "Director Xiaoan, don't worry, I will definitely manage the chicken farm well and let the chicken farm generate income for the factory as soon as possible!"

“You should study the free-range chicken manual carefully and perfectly combine knowledge and practice.”

Director Zhang took out a pen and notebook and began to read carefully, taking notes while reading. Before, An Zhixia had led the staff in the office to hone the process every day, but now he could see it very quickly.

 The morning passed, and when it was time to get off work, he packed up his things and asked for leave from An Zhixia: "Director Xiao An, from now on I will stay at the chicken farm. The construction of the chicken farm must be strictly controlled."

An Zhixia smiled with satisfaction and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Director Zhang. Don't worry, your performance award will be very gratifying when our chicken farm is ready."

 She has not been idle either, and has already conceived the outline of the stage play.

The spring rush has come to an end, and many communes have arranged to show their members movies to reward their members. The most popular ones are war movies. Like Tunnel War and Mine War, everyone has watched it many times, and they still carry their benches to other villages and communes to watch movies.

Firstly, there is too little entertainment in this era, and secondly, war movies can always arouse people's unwillingness to live in mediocrity, just like a can of frozen Sprite in the summer that makes people addicted to it, and the moment of intoxication makes the heart feel cold.

Since we are still in a sensitive age, she directly put some of the heroic deeds of the Anti-Japanese War on the stage and turned it into a patriotic series. I believe that the live performance by actors, coupled with lighting and stage effects, will make the audience excited and care about the country. I love my hard-won life and am willing to work hard for my children and grandchildren!

There are the five heroes of Langya Mountain in primary school textbooks, the Japanese bombing the bunker, and the Japanese who sacrificed their lives to plug the hole of the gun. Naturally, there are also ancient people who are praised by people: Yue Fei who served the country loyally, and Wen Tianxiang who died for his country with outstanding literary talent. Every story has been She renders it with modern techniques and adds many elements that can make people laugh one moment, shed tears the next, be inexplicably happy one moment, and sad and desolate the next.

A stage play is like a complete person, the outline is the skeleton, the plot is the flesh and blood, the actors are the beautiful facial features, and the lighting, music, costumes and props are the clothes that the person relies on, and five points of appearance can make seven points. Even nine points!

This is not difficult for An Zhixia, who has been in the film and television industry for more than ten years. After sitting at her desk for a day, she rubbed her sore shoulders and crafted only one story.

 She read it through again and put it in the supermarket with satisfaction.

When she rode into the village, she saw a bunch of old men and women gathered under the old tree at the entrance of the village, as well as a woman carrying a bowl of corn paste that was difficult to dissipate heat.

 “Director Xiaoan is back?”

“Director Xiaoan, you’ve had a hard day, haven’t you? Come and sit here!”

Some sharp-eyed people saw An Zhixia and shouted loudly, and the group of people surrounded her tightly.

 Well, the employees at the chicken farm must have told the story when they went home yesterday. At first, everyone thought that An Zhixia was just a temporary worker in the commune, but they didn't expect that An Zhixia turned around in half a month and became the factory director who gave people wages. She has the final say on the chicken farm, and she is the one who supports the now popular touring group in the county!

 An Zhixia's slender figure immediately became tall and gorgeous in their hearts.

“Director Xiaoan has just come back, don’t you know? The responsible Hongye from your tour group has cleared away the reputation of being a pickpocket for eight years...”

The guys rushed to tell her one sentence at a time. It turned out that the guys were at work at that time. Public security officer Dong drove over and directly called Zhang Quan by name.

"Are you Comrade Zhang Quan?" Dong Gong'an's face was solemn, his clothes were straight and bright, and the big cap on his head gave people inexplicable pressure.

"Yes," Zhang Quan trembled and said with his teeth.

“Then come with me.”

“Hey, comrade, what happened to my son? Why should I go to the police station?” Zhang Quan’s mother suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of Mr. Dong, asking fiercely.

 (End of this chapter)

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