Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 100 I never thought I could write Chapter 100

The conversation between Zhang Xu and Scarlet lasted for a long time. Due to staying up late and hurting his health, the two simply chatted all night until Madam Pomfrey came to deliver breakfast to Zhang Xu the next morning. Special drive away.

The two each described their experiences 14 years ago.

14 years ago, when Zhang Xu was sent to Hong Kong by the time converter, he knocked down a few young and Dangerous boys who came to try to rob them, and then took all their money.

When Zhang Xu was eating Chezai noodles at a roadside stall, he found that the person sitting opposite him happened to be his father.In the study of Zhang Xu's house, there is a photo of his father not long after he joined the army. He has seen it for more than ten years, and he will never mistake him.

Zhang Xu chatted with the other party on the grounds of asking for directions, and after learning that the other party called himself "Nie Feng", Zhang Xu was sure that he had not mistaken the person.Because Zhang Xu's grandmother's surname is Nie, and his grandfather's four brothers were named Zhang Feng after "wind, rain, thunder and lightning".

During the summer vacation this year, Zhang Xu heard from his father that he was sent to Hong Kong to perform a mission to monitor the Death Eaters, but he didn't say anything about the details of the mission.During the period, he also mentioned that his pseudonym at the time was the name of his parents.

So Zhang Xu simply called himself "Bu Jingyun", and then used the code language he learned in the capital compound to express that he belonged to the national security system, and everyone had the same task.

Just when the two of them finished eating Chezai Noodles, Zhang Xu saw a familiar figure running past them, and not long after, he saw Lucius Malfoy chasing after them with a few people.

The next development was that Zhang Xu and his father followed, and then Zhang Xu was responsible for restraining several Death Eaters, allowing his father to take the opportunity to rescue Scarlet.

Then the three of them were chased into the wilderness by the Death Eaters who came to reinforce them and surrounded them.

In the end, Zhang Xu volunteered to lure the Death Eaters away, allowing the two of them to take the opportunity to break out, and then Zhang Xu used the time-turner to escape.

In the next few days, "Nie Feng" led Scarlet to deal with the Death Eaters in the suburbs.It wasn't until all the Death Eaters who came to Hong Kong in the future were attracted that other people sent by the mainland began to collect the net.

What happened 14 years ago was just laughed off in this conversation.

Everyone is in their teens, not the kind of young people who don't know much about the world, and there is nothing they can't let go of things they can't hope for.

Life is like this, a beautiful encounter when I was young, under the scouring of years and world affairs, I have already buried it as a good memory in my heart, or occasionally I will take it out to recall, but I will never put myself in its shadow.

It's like the author ran into his ex-girlfriend on the street, went up to say hello, chatted a few words about where he worked recently, added WeChat to each other, pinched her son's fat face, and then returned to their respective lives.After the intersection, that is, like in the circle of friends.

In fact, after many years, Scarlet put the matter aside, and was more worried about the "Bu Jingyun" who had no news of the Death Eater after he lured away.When she came to Hogwarts and saw Zhang Xu who looked similar to "Bu Jingyun", she took this matter back to her heart.

At the end of the chat between the two, Scarlett gave Zhang Xu a hug and added a "thank you" that was 14 years late for her.

At this time, Madam Pomfrey, who kept coughing, held a

Xu's breakfast came in.

In the next few days, Zhang Xu has been lying on the hospital bed, and his Muggle studies class is now being replaced by Professor Scarlett.

In the past few days, many friends have come to visit Zhang Xu, so Madam Pomfrey often drives people out.Three meals a day are delivered by Harry himself.Fortunately, Zhang Xu could eat by himself the next day, otherwise, seeing Harry's enthusiasm, he might even feed him.

Zhang Xu has received many letters in the past few days.

In order to thank Zhang Xu for saving Harry, Mrs. Weasley sent a large box of cakes.

Fu Rong sent several letters asking about his situation, and Gabriel even sent a bag of her favorite snacks. Zhang Xu wrote back and told Fu Rong that he had begun to recover, and made an appointment to travel to Russia during the Christmas holiday.

After the family knew that Zhang Xu was injured but he was fine, he was allowed to recuperate at school.

Mr. Zhao asked him to have a good talk with him about this incident after returning to China.Because Zhang Xu just woke up and sent back to the country, which made the historians fry.

During the past few days lying on the hospital bed, Zhang Xu has been reading several tomes introducing time and space.During time travel, he discovered that while time is changing, space is also changing, and the scale of time change is proportional to the scale of space change.

Zhang Xu, who is trying to figure out the relationship between time and space, has been studying Einstein's theory of relativity and other works in recent days.

In the end, Zhang Xu came to the conclusion that professional matters should be left to professional people to solve. His own point of "a ruler moving at high speed is shorter than a ruler at rest, and a clock moving at high speed is slower than a clock at rest" Don't show off your high school level physics knowledge.

Now that Zhang Xu thinks about it, he is afraid. If he was accidentally sent to the mantle or outer space, he would have received a lunch box on the spot.

After lying in the school infirmary for a week, Zhang Xu finally walked out of the ward alive and kicking.

Daily life at Hogwarts went on like this.

Ron and Hermione had a conflict because of Scabbers and Crookshanks.After Ron fed the potion given by Zhang Xu for a period of time, Banban's body improved obviously, and flesh began to appear on his body, but his spirit did not improve.In the common room, Ron and Hermione's conflict erupted when Crookshanks attempted to attack Scabbers.

While studying Black's next move with his classmates, Harry began to learn from Lupine the Patronus Charm against Dementors.

On the Quidditch pitch, after a fierce contest, the Eagles defeated the Badgers.The Seeker Draco Malfoy of the Snake Court announced his return from injury.

The youth magazine published by Percy and the others has recently received unanimous praise from readers, and sales have been rising steadily.

While Zhang Xu's Muggle Studies class was very popular with the students, he began to be attacked by conservative wizarding forces, and Zhang Xu began to fight back from the youth magazine.

Lupine experienced the night of the second full moon after the treatment. Fortunately, he showed no signs of turning into a werewolf during the days before and after the full moon.Therefore, Dumbledore publicly announced that the werewolf antidote was successfully developed and began to treat werewolves at Hogsmeade's medical point.

Hogwarts In this quiet and peaceful atmosphere, the second Hogsmeade weekend is coming.

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