Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Vacation in Maoxiong Country

Cut carrots, potatoes, etc. into strips, stir-fry them with butter, and cook them with sausages, tomatoes, and pickled cabbage in the soup; salmon, sea bass, red fish, etc., boil them with potatoes, carrots, and spices. Fish soup sprinkled with fennel; lamb kebabs grilled over charcoal fire; chicken-flavored Kiev meatloaf with crispy skin and soft and delicious filling; pig, beef, and lamb are made with different ingredients, simmered and boiled until it melts in the mouth thick stew; caviar made from sturgeon roe; smoked sausage made by stuffing minced meat and various seasonings into casings, heat-treated or fermented; baked from flour, milk, eggs and butter Bollinger made from a batter; black bread baked from a dough made of rye flour, water, and salt, fermented with yeast

Just by looking at this menu, one knows that Zhang Xu has gone to Mao Xiong's place to spend this year's Christmas holiday.

Leningrad, a name familiar to anyone familiar with the history of World War II.


Two years ago, the city's name was changed back to St. Petersburg, marking the rounding of the grave of the furry red bear that once made the world tremble.

With the fall of the red furry bear, the bear people who had hoped to live a good life suddenly found that the cold winter was coming.

Zhang Xu, who was walking on the street in St. Petersburg, was stopped by someone.

Standing in front of Zhang Xu was an old man wearing an old-fashioned Red Bear Army uniform.

The original sharp and resolute eyes of the old man have been obliterated by the embarrassing life. The old man shivering in the biting cold wind raised his crooked hands. Among the several medals in his hands, the medal for the defense of Leningrad stood out among them.

Zhang Xu secretly used Legilimency on the old man, and learned that the old man's home had no food, and now he can only exchange the glory he bought with his life when he was young, in exchange for bread to satisfy his hunger.

Zhang Xu took out his wallet and bought the medal in the old man's hand at a price twice the old man's asking price.

Zhang Xu uses U.S. dollars. At this time, the U.S. dollar is a more popular hard currency than the ruble here, which can provide better help for the elderly.

Zhang Xu can only do so much for a veteran who fought for the anti-fascist cause.

At the Baltic Sea Shipyard, Zhang Xu stood on the roof of an office building next to the dock, quietly watching the aircraft carrier Kiev in the dock, which was undergoing renovation.

After Kiev was officially decommissioned on June 1993, 6, Zhang Xu proposed to the country a "three-step" plan to purchase an aircraft carrier.

In August, the country approved the plan with great efficiency.

Then after a month of negotiations, in the bewildered faces of the bears who thought that the other party was going to buy the Kiev back as a warship, they set up a series of harsh conditions such as dismantling the weapon system and power system, and in the face of countless vodka and In the Erguotou empty bottle, the contract for the purchase and renovation of the Kiev was signed.

As the proponent of the plan, Zhang Xu, the navy, er, should be invited by a maritime hotel and entertainment company to visit St. Petersburg when he is free, and to offer his opinions and suggestions by the way.

"I don't know when the aircraft carrier we built will be launched." A middle-aged man in a suit beside Zhang Xu said with a sigh.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, you will definitely see it before you retire with the rank of major general." Zhang Xu said.

The person talking to Zhang Xu was a man who worked at the Naval Equipment Demonstration Research Center

Associate researcher with special government allowance.

In order to prevent soldiers from appearing at the renovation site of the Kiev to stimulate Mao Xiong's nerves, none of the soldiers present wore suits.

Standing on the other side of Zhang Xu was the general manager of a certain offshore hotel and entertainment company.

"Xiao Zhang, many products now have an image spokesperson, I think our hotel will also find one in the future. What do you say about Gong Li?"

"Mr. Pan, I think it's better to draw a real person instead of a real person."

"Ugh draw it yourself"

"I'll give you a person's contact information later. When you return to Beijing, go to him and tell him your request and my opinion, and he will take care of it."

"The one drawn is a mascot like Panpan, and I will have to give it another name when the time comes."

"Almost. But you don't need to name it differently, it's called Kiev, Kiev, the ship girl."

After the three chatted for a while, Zhang Xu ran to the deck of the Kiev and left.

Originally, Zhang Xu planned to take this opportunity to invite Fu Rong to come to St. Petersburg for vacation, but two days before the vacation, Gabriel was defeated by a cold, and Fu Rong had to stay at home to take care of her.

So Zhang Xu, who was alone, planned to leave early after visiting St. Petersburg, and went to France to visit Gabriel.

After leaving the Baltic Shipyard, Zhang Xu wandered alone in the streets of St. Petersburg, thinking about where to have dinner tonight.In St. Petersburg today, the lives of ordinary citizens have fallen into a trough, but Zhang Xu, who carries a lot of rubles and US dollars, can be rich and willful.

Zhang Xu, who was walking on the street, suddenly felt a wave of magic coming from the side of the road. Turning his head, he saw a small shop appearing among the shops on the side of the road.

Zhang Xu found that this was a shop for wizards like the Leaky Cauldron, and there were many magical items in the windows on both sides of the shop door, so he walked to the shop to see what good things were inside.

Zhang Xu likes to visit such magic item stores, not because he wants to find something like a hidden grandfather. In this magical world, only dark wizards would do this, except for Harry Potter's pair of glasses.Touching that kind of thing might be the same as using Voldemort's Horcrux diary, and it might do something strange after being controlled unconsciously.

He likes to visit such stores because sometimes the ideas of making some magic items can give him more or less inspiration.

Walking into the store, Zhang Xu found that the temperature inside was not low. Wearing a thick winter coat, he was sweating after a while, so he could only take off the bearskin coat and hold it in his hand.

At this time, greetings in Russian came from the shop.

Zhang Xu looked at the counter and saw a waiter who looked about 16 years old standing behind the counter.

When Zhang Xugang wanted to ask the other party if he could speak English, the waiter said to him in not-so-fluent Chinese: "You Hao, you are Hua Xiaren"

"Yes, hello." Zhang Xu replied.

Maybe it's because she hasn't spoken Chinese for a long time, but after a while she found the feeling and became fluent in speaking Chinese.

"Welcome, what do you want to buy?" the waiter asked.

"I came in by accident, let me take a look first." Zhang Xu said.

"Okay, there are all kinds of magic items on the front shelf, which are not dangerous. The inside shelves are all kinds of books." The waiter explained to Zhang Xu.

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