Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 This is different from what I expected

When Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts, it was already very late.

In the kitchen, Zhang Xu filled a small pot of chestnuts in a copper pot and put them on the table.

There is a small chestnut grove beside the Forbidden Forest. Zhang Xu stocked up a lot of chestnuts in autumn.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to shell the chestnuts, Harry's trio came to the kitchen.

"Do you want to eat?" Zhang Xu asked.

The Harry trio nodded.

Zhang Xu filled the copper pot with chestnuts and handed it to Harry and the others.

"If you want to eat, help with the work."

So Ron and Hermione sat at the table, took out their wands, and shelled chestnuts.Harry, on the other hand, used warm water to send out shiitake mushrooms.

After turning off the alarm of the Horcrux detector on his wrist, Zhang Xu took a few pieces of chicken breast, put them on the cutting board, and cut the chicken into pieces with Shenfeng Wuying, but the cutting board was not damaged.

If Snape were here, he might have beaten Zhang Xu up.

Due to the frequent practice in the kitchen, after sacrificing many chopping boards, Zhang Xu's sharp edge Wuying can be said to be better than blue.

After blanching the chicken, Zhang Xu used the Feilai spell to get a large casserole and put the chicken in it.

Then, the chestnuts and shiitake mushrooms that Harry and the others had processed were also poured in, and then a few slices of ginger were added.

After adding water, Zhang Xu put the casserole on the fire.

While the stewed chicken with chestnuts was not yet cooked, the four of them sat around the table and chatted.

"At Christmas, someone gave me a Dongfeng 31 broom," Harry said, "but I don't know who sent it."

Harry's Nimbus 2000 did not escape the fate of being smashed to pieces by the Whomping Willow.

Harry already had a deep relationship with the broom that Professor McGonagall gave him, and he was sad for a long time because of it.

And this Dongfeng 31 is a product against the Firebolt. Its performance is [-]% higher than that of the Firebolt, but the price is only [-]% of the Firebolt.Moreover, this broom follows the path of hunger marketing, and it is not easy to think about it.

The England Quidditch national team ordered seven Dongfeng 31s before Christmas, and they vowed to rub the Irish team on the ground in the Quidditch World Cup.

"Have you ever wondered who gave it to you? Is the broom okay?" Zhang Xu asked.

"I asked Bill," Ron said, "this broom was mail-ordered by someone anonymously, and it was delivered directly to Harry with free shipping in the store. And Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Bill have all checked it , there is no trace of a curse on it."

The broomsticks produced by Huaxia use oriental spells. If a British wizard wants to cast a curse on it, it will be as conspicuous as writing a large paragraph of English in a Chinese book.

"In this way, the person who gave the broom should not have any malicious intentions." Zhang Xu said, "Can we find out who it is in the store?"

"I can't find it," Ron said. "Bill said that the order and the gold coins were sent by the owl of the post office. At that time, Bill thought it was a professor from Hogwarts who was going to surprise Harry."

"Professor McGonagall said it was probably given by that person." Harry said excitedly.

The youth magazine had just finished reporting on the basilisk incident, and the cover of that issue still had a photo of Harry stabbing the basilisk to death.As a result, the next issue a week later was that Harry was attacked and injured by a dementor during a Quidditch match, and even his broomstick was scrapped.But the report didn't say

Harry's injury.

During that time, this incident was quite a big deal, and basically all the wizards who paid attention to the news knew about it.

So when checking the broom, Professor McGonagall speculated that it might have been given to Harry after the hermit knew that Harry's broom was broken.After using the exclusion method to exclude people Harry knew, only this good friend of Harry's father who may have died that year remained.

Zhang Xu had to admire Professor McGonagall. From a certain point of view, her reasoning was correct.Of course, the premise was that Zhang Xu hadn't led her thoughts into the ditch from the very beginning.

Due to dementors scurrying around Hogwarts and around Hogsmeade this school year, activity at the Shrieking Shack has stopped.

At the start of the school year, Zhang Xu had arranged the Shrieking Shack to look like a secret hideout for a few Hogwarts mischievous students.Then pretend to leave out a product brochure from the Weasleys' broom shop.

Now it seems that there is a good chance that the person who gave Harry the broom was Black.

If it can be confirmed that Black sent the broom, then it can basically be concluded that he is not Voldemort's spy.

As for Scabbers, he had time to place an order in the shop, but he had no chance to go to Gringotts to get the money, and Bill said that the order came with gold coins, not a check.

Zhang Xu decided to go to the Screaming Shack when he was full, to see if the order sheet at the back of the product brochure was still there.

"Who's that guy who's sure he's not a danger to Harry?" Hermione asked.

When Professor McGonagall was checking the broom, Hermione heard Professor McGonagall and Harry mention "that person", but she not only did not get an answer after asking, but was also warned by Professor McGonagall.

Without useful clues, Hermione couldn't reason it out even if she changed her surname to Edogawa.

Zhang Xu in front of her now obviously knew this person, so she turned to Zhang Xu to solve her doubts.

"Don't ask about this person, don't think too much about it, let alone investigate." Zhang Xu said to Hermione, "Professor McGonagall doesn't let you talk about it, there is a reason."

Looking at Ban Ban who was eating chestnuts, it was impossible for Zhang Xu to let him know about this matter.

Several people chatted about other things for a while, and the stewed chicken with chestnuts was ready, so everyone happily ate chicken together.

After leaving the kitchen, Zhang Xu decided to go to the Screaming Shack after eating and drinking.

With the invisibility turned on, Zhang Xu quietly came to the Whomping Willow.After confirming that there were no dementors, black dogs and other creatures around, he walked into the secret passage leading to the screaming shack.

In the secret passage, Zhang Xu found that there were many dog ​​footprints on the ground, both in the direction of entering Hogwarts and leaving. It seems that during this period of time, Black has entered and exited Hogwarts through this secret passage many times.

Entering the Screaming Shack, Zhang Xu checked carefully. There were many dog ​​paw marks on the ground.

After finding that Black was not in the Screaming Shack, Zhang Xu was relieved. He had no plans to confront Black right now.

In the hall where the celebration banquet was held on the first floor, on the long table, Zhang Xu saw the product catalog of the broom that he deliberately left behind.

Zhang Xu pretended to drop this catalog on the ground at that time, but now it is placed on the table, and the stool in front of it has been moved again.It can be seen that someone has sat in a chair and read this catalog.

When Zhang Xu opened the catalog, he saw that the order attachment at the back of the catalog was still in the catalog and had not been torn off.

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