Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Harry Ron Hermione: "I don't know if I should say something."

Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall through the Portkey the morning before the Christmas holiday.

As soon as he returned to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall went to report to Dumbledore, while Zhang Xu came to the reading room and began to sort out what he had learned in Beauxbatons in the past few days.

Zhang Xu's greatest achievement in Beauxbatons is naturally hibiscus.

In Beauxbaton's last few days, Fu Rong and Zhang Xu were inseparable. Apart from sleeping, the two shared dog food all the time.

When Zhang Xu read books in the library and communicated with other professors and students, Fu Rong acted as an interpreter.

In their free time, the two walked in the gardens around Beauxbaton Castle, chatting about their families and interesting things around them.

The love of everyone at this age is more spiritual than physical, and physical contact is limited to holding hands, hugging and occasional kisses.If the two want to go further, it is impossible.Zhang Xu is not fully developed yet.Besides, Zhang Xu is only 11 years old now, so based on the three-year starting point, Fu Rong will not be able to come out until the year of the Goblet of Fire.

After Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts, the first thing he did was to write a letter to Fu Rong, and he would post it after lunch.

The second harvest is that the French magic community extended an olive branch to China through the Beauxbaton School of Magic.

After Hogwarts took a step ahead, the Chinese magic books purchased by Zhang Xu alone in the British magic world had a huge impact.

By referring to and learning from the magic of the Eastern system, many old magic families have gained a lot.In just one month, improved and enhanced small magics have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain after referring to and learning from Eastern magic.

For a time, the overall strength of the British magic community, which had been stagnant for many years, had a faint tendency to rise further.

The British magic nobles know that what they can buy with money is elementary knowledge. If they want to acquire further knowledge, they must maintain the existing channels in addition to paying the corresponding benefits.Therefore, the nobles have reached a tacit agreement to befriend Zhang Xu.In the past Christmas, the families who bought books from Zhang Xu gave Zhang Xu Christmas gifts through the students at the school.Zhang Xu just went back to the dormitory and found that his dormitory was already full of gifts.

As for the sales of magic raw materials such as magic plants, animals, and minerals, Huaxia has given the UK general agent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which has made the magic school a lot of money.Professor McGonagall "accidentally" revealed when chatting with Beauxbaton's professors that Hogwarts' year-end awards this year have doubled compared to last year.

The UK and France have very frequent exchanges in the magic world. As soon as there was a hint of it on the UK side, the French side sniffed out the smell and responded quickly, so there was this weird Christmas exchange visit.

Before Zhang Xu came to the UK, he received instructions from China that other countries would treat them equally as long as they did business with sincerity.

So everyone drank the "afternoon tea" happily that day, and the negotiation was settled in less than half an hour. The smooth process surprised even Beauxbatons.

The head office of magic raw materials in France was represented by Beauxbaton School of Magic, which gave Beauxbaton's professors the hope of doubling their year-end awards.

Zhang Xu helped to build a reading room in Beauxbaton according to Hogwarts standards, and at the same time, the reading room also undertakes the business of purchasing Chinese magic books.

Zhang Xu simply set the address of the reading room in the ice and snow castle he gave to Fu Rong. That ice and snow castle has just been transformed into a magical building that can exist all year round with the efforts of the professors from Beauxbatons.

As for the administrator of the reading room, Zhang Xu appointed Fu Rong.

The books in the reading room will be ready in a month.

The first step of the communication between the two parties is decided in this way, and the second step will be carried out depending on the situation.

The third harvest is to communicate with professors and students in France

knowledge acquired through communication.

There are many differences in the teaching direction of Beauxbatons and Hogwarts. Zhang Xu has a general understanding of the similarities and differences between the two through purposeful guidance of the topic. The next step is to summarize and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the two.

When the students of Beauxbatons were together, they not only exchanged magic, but also exchanged content in many aspects, and they even played a game of Quidditch together.

Naturally, these new friends of Beauxbatons couldn't leave tea alone, and everyone made an appointment to write and contact them when they were free.Of course, the letter to them had to be placed behind Fu Rong.

While Zhang Xu was writing furiously, Harry, Ron, and Hermione found him.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, long time no see, thank you very much for the Christmas gifts." Zhang Xu greeted the three of them.

When Zhang Xu returned to the dormitory just now, he unwrapped the gifts from a few familiar friends. Harry sent a book about Quidditch, and Ron sent a box of candies that should be made by his mother. Min sent a box of chocolates.

Before Zhang Xu went to France, he also prepared gifts for his friends in advance. He gave the trio of Harry a quill pen with the badge of the Lion Academy printed on it that could write automatically.In addition, he also presented Mr. Arthur Weasley with a pure Muggle solar-powered flashlight through the twins.

After a few pleasantries, everyone talked about their Christmas holidays.

Unsurprisingly, Harry came to the magic mirror that reflected everyone's inner desires, and saw his family in the mirror.Then Dumbledore showed up and poured Harry a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul.For his own warrior development plan, Dumbledore asked Professor McGonagall to go to Beauxbaton as a representative of Hogwarts.

Zhang Xu really wanted to see this magic mirror, because he didn't know what his heart longed for now, whether it was wealth, power, or something.

Zhang Xu and the three of Harry briefly told the story of their trip to Beauxbatons, naturally skipping the story of flirting with girls and various transactions.

The fact that Zhang Xu went to Beauxbatons was made public early in the morning. On the surface, the criteria for selecting candidates are outstanding students, and for a while Zhang Xu's outstanding performance has left others speechless, and the Snake Court can guess To tell the truth, naturally I won't say much.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, Hermione asked a question that had been bothering them for a while: "Xu, do you know a man named Nicolas?"

"Yes, I have afternoon tea with him in France this time." Zhang Xu replied.

The hearts of Harry, Ron and Hermione turned into an alpaca ranch at this time, with countless alpacas running in it.

Thinking about how I searched for all kinds of books and materials a while ago, I even broke into the restricted section of the school library, but I still didn't find a trace of Nicolas Flamel.But now, you say that not only do you know each other, but the two of you drank tea together, what the hell is that?

"Why, do you have anything to do with him? If necessary, I can ask you when I write to him." Zhang Xu continued to stab the young hearts of the three of them.

At this moment, the alpaca in the hearts of the three of Harry began to punch the waves.

"You probably haven't heard of this name. Professor Dumbledore's famous wizard Cary mentioned his name." Zhang Xu made up the last knife for the three of them.

At this moment, the inner alpaca of the three of Harry has become a psychological shadow of 24.41 square kilometers.

Looking at the three people who were stunned for a while and depressed for a while, Zhang Xu said that I can't blame me.If it wasn't for Hogwarts turning back the wheel of history and being unable to use electronic products, and having a computer to check information, the problem could be solved with a cup of tea.Well, it must be an institutional problem.

After the three of Harry bid farewell to Zhang Xu, they left quickly.

Seeing the three of Harry leaving, Zhang Xu thought for a while, and it was better not to take the initiative to get involved in this matter, unless Harry came to ask him for help, or Dumbledore said something.

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