Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 The Three Trials

Zhang Xu can easily guess Dumbledore's conditions. Now Dumbledore's work focuses on the Harry Potter development plan. For this plan, he did not hesitate to lose his life in the end.Therefore, Dumbledore's condition is very likely to allow himself to join this plan, the difference is only the level of participation.

The meeting between Zhang Xu and Dumbledore ended quickly, and everyone went straight to get what they needed. An agreement was reached in less than half an hour, and then they went to the cafeteria for dinner.

At this moment, the poor Harry Potter student still doesn't know what kind of life he will face in the future.

While having dinner, Zhang Xu noticed that the atmosphere in the cafeteria was a bit weird.

When the students of Yingyuan looked at him, they had the look of "the indescribable book you hid has been found out" in the eyes of friends, while Zhang Qiu had an old mother's face, "my son has finally grown up." expression.

The students of the Snake Academy looked at him with the eyes of a bully character.

On the other side of the Lion Court, the twin brothers smiled and gave him a thumbs up, the Harry trio looked at him with admiration, and Percy nodded to him pretending to be mature.

The students of the Badger Academy looked at him like pandas.

Zhang Xu frowned, realizing that something was wrong, all eyes in the cafeteria were on him.

Zhang Xu turned his head to look at the professor's seat, and found that from the principal to the professor to Filch, they all looked at him with expressions of "you are the best student I have brought this year".

The mystery was revealed during the principal's speech before dinner.

In addition to Dumbledore saying that the Christmas period is over, everyone should pay attention to study and so on.

Then Dumbledore said, "As you know, during the Christmas holiday, Professor McGonagall and Zhang Xu, on behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, made an exchange visit to Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This visit was a great success, Hogwarts Both Gwartz School of Magic and Beauxbaton School of Magic have gained a lot. Of course, Mr. Zhang has gained the most."

Having said that, Dumbledore winked at Zhang Xu.

The other students who knew the inside story laughed when they saw it, and the students who didn't know hurriedly asked for science, and the entire Hogwarts dining hall was filled with laughter.

Dumbledore pressed his hand and told everyone to stop.

"In recognition of Mr. Zhang's performance, Ravenclaw House gets fifty points," said Dumbledore.

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, there was a huge cheer from the dining table in the Eagle Court.

The students of Eagle Academy ate this dinner very happily, but Zhang Xu ate a little uncomfortable.

Now sitting on the left of Zhang Xu is the prefect Penelope Crivat, and his aunt Zhang Qiu is sitting on the right.The two beauties were by his side, they only cared about eating and didn't say a word to him. Zhang Xu wanted to start a conversation, but they couldn't hear him.

After eating, the food and plates on the dining table disappeared. Zhang Xu just wanted to leave, but his left and right shoulders were pressed down by a hand.

Before Zhang Xu, who was pressed down by Penello and Zhang Qiu, could react, he heard footsteps around him. It seemed that most of the students in the school had gathered towards Zhang Xu.

At this time, the voices of the twin brothers sounded beside Zhang Xu.

"Everyone be quiet, we know what everyone wants to know."

"Next, Mr. Zhang, please tell us about his romantic love story with a French lady."

"Before telling a story,

For background, this is from a relative of mine who studied at Beauxbatons. A girl named Daphne Greengrass from the Snake Court put a huge photo on the table, which showed Beauxbaton's ice and snow castle and surrounding gardens that Zhang Xu expanded the day before he left.

Then Cedric Diggory from Badger Yard appeared. He waved his magic wand and clicked on the photo, and a huge 3D projection of a snow castle and garden appeared above the photo.A third-grade student made this step and won a lot of applause.

"At night, the castle looks like this." A voice came from the professor's chair.I saw Professor McGonagall only waved his hand, and the projection of the photos that were originally black and white immediately turned into color ones. The dazzling castle and gardens were displayed in front of the students, and then they left.

"Isn't it just an attempt to scratch your chin? It's necessary." Zhang Xu said in his heart.

Zhang Xu raised his head and looked around, and found that people from the four colleges surrounded him, and everyone looked curious and gossipy.

Zhang Xu could only look up at the sky at the moment. When the four Hogwarts colleges were so united, they would be so united in the future to hate Voldemort, or just do it with Voldemort.

Zhang Qiu patted Zhang Xu on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Xu, everyone is very interested in your love story, so please tell everyone."

What are you talking about, is there such a thing as spreading dog food in public?

Zhang Xu showed a look of being beaten to death without saying anything.

"I have a bottle of Veritaserum in the third row and third row of the second cabinet in the Potions classroom. I hope no students will steal it." This time it was Snape's voice that came from the professor's bench.

Zhang Xu glared at Snape, who had just left his clothes. Didn’t he just often sell Heise and Ba○ shampoo to you? As for that?

"Ah, the mushrooms in the greenhouse are ripe. I'm going to have a look. There is a kind of mushroom that smokes from people's noses when they tell lies after eating it." Professor Sprout said as he walked towards his dormitory.

Zhang Xu already has 10086 alpacas in his heart at the moment playing wave boxing. Didn’t he pick some herbs as condiments and use them to make hot pot in the Hogwarts kitchen? You Heqi were also among the people who ate together Patch's student, the one named Cedric Diggory had the best time.

At this moment, all the students in the cafeteria looked at Professor Flitwick. Among the deans of the four colleges, he was the only one who did not stab Zhang Xu. Everyone was curious about how he would stab the students of his own college.

I saw Flitwick waving his magic wand at the 3D projection of the ice and snow castle above the cafeteria, and said, "Aimeyakai from Beauxbatons wrote to me and told me that Christmas Eve was like this."

As a result, the 3D projection of the originally static Ice and Snow Castle started to move, and began to broadcast a loop of Fu Rong hugging Zhang Xu and kissing him. The Ice and Snow Castle and the surrounding gardens simultaneously burst into dazzling light, reflecting a pair of kissing figures.

At this moment, the students in the Hogwarts dining hall were all boiling, and many thin-skinned little girls covered their blushing faces.

Zhang Xu understood at this moment that all of this was a calculation, because he saw in the eyes of Dumbledore before he left, "Who told you that you don't put good things in your school but take them to other schools?" "Sister-in-law" means.

When all the professors in the professor's chair were gone, the students began to "interrogate" Zhang Xu.

The most exciting questions were the twin brothers and Zhang Qiu. The three of them seemed to have a tacit understanding and pointed the question step by step to the core. They even asked how the child would be named in the future.

While answering various questions in a panic, Zhang Xu secretly scolded Dumbledore in his heart. He must be behind today's matter.

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