Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Wizards are at a disadvantage if they don't use melee combat

The two-month summer vacation is over in a flash. During this vacation, Zhang Xu's main task is to eat and sleep, and eat when he is full.

If there were no family members nagging Zhang Xu to bring Furong home, this summer vacation would be perfect.

The State General Administration of Sports decided to organize the Quidditch team to participate in the Quidditch World Cup, and called Zhang Xu to teach everyone. Zhang Xu dumped the blame on Professor McGonagall, who made Professor McGonagall a Quidditch genius girl back then.

The leaders of the General Administration of Sports heard from Professor McGonagall that Mr. Arthur Weasley's second son, Charlie Weasley, was also a talented player back then. He had led the Gryffindor team to win the Quidditch Cup as the captain a few years ago, so they decided to Ask Mr. Arthur Weasley if he can contact Charlie Weasley and ask him to be his coach.

Perhaps because he felt that it was too dangerous for his son to do work related to dragons, Charlie Weasley agreed to the request after Mrs. Weasley strongly persuaded him.

From the point of view of the General Administration of Sports, the current domestic Quidditch movement is starting from scratch. Instead of hiring an experienced old coach, it is better to hire a young coach to start from the beginning and slowly explore.

The visit of Mr. Arthur Weasley and Professor McGonagall was very successful. The negotiation was completed in three days, and both sides were satisfied with the result of the negotiation.

In the next month or so, the relevant staff led Mr. Arthur Weasley and Professor McGonagall to travel all over China, visiting many sects, schools and factories in the alchemist world.

In the last few days of the visit, Mr. Arthur Weasley and Professor McGonagall also visited Zhang Xu's home. Zhang Xu, who hated the teacher's home visit, could only pinch his nose and recognize it.Fortunately, he called the few Hogwarts graduates who had just come to work in his factory this year to relieve himself of a lot of pressure.

In the last two weeks of the holiday, Zhang Xu bid farewell to his family and went to France by himself.

After half a year of emotional brewing, Zhang Xu found that he had fallen in love with a bang, and his feelings for Fu Rong were no longer the nature of a student's puppy love, and he wanted to stay with her forever.

Zhang Xu's arrival was welcomed by Delacour's family. The Delacours were very optimistic about the pig that stowed their own Chinese cabbage.

After Zhang Xu took out a lot of snacks and toys for his future sister-in-law, Gabriel fell in love with her future brother-in-law.

After earning the consent of the Delacour couple, Zhang Xu took Fu Rong and Gabriel out to play every day, on the condition that Zhang Xu would send the two sisters home before ten o'clock every night.

During this time, Zhang Xu took his girlfriend and sister-in-law to all the interesting places in France, such as the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, Paris Disneyland, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles. An eye-opener for two sisters who rarely have contact with Muggle society in the wizarding world.

Since Christmas last year, Fu Rong has also changed a lot. The attitude of her classmates at school is no longer isolated and directed at her, which makes her originally proud personality much more cheerful.And she is now learning Chinese.

One Wednesday before the start of school, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong came to London, England from France through the portkey between the embassies. Today Zhang Xu had to go to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks for the next semester.

After arriving at Diagon Alley, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong first came to Gringotts hand in hand.

Led by the Gringotts goblin, the two came to Zhang Xu's vault.

Zhang Xu made a lot of money doing "overseas shopping" last school year, and Zhang Xu directly opened an account at Gringotts to save the commission from the British side.

Opening the vault, there was a large pile of Galleons inside, and two piles of small change.

After picking up a handful of various coins, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong left the vault.

Just as Zhang Xu was about to leave Gringotts, he met an acquaintance.

"Hello, Hermione. Hello, Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger." Zhang Xu greeted the three who entered Gringotts.

"Nice to meet you, Zhang. This is" Hermione asked, looking at Fleur.

"This is my girlfriend, Fleur Delacour." Zhang Xu introduced the two of them, "Fleur, this is the smartest witch at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger, whom I mentioned to you. "

"Hello, nice to meet you. I am not as good as Zhang said. You are more beautiful than Zhang said." Hearing Zhang Xu's compliment, Hermione blushed a little.

Well, Hermione's black face, it's not easy to see the blush caused by the dilation of blood vessels caused by the secretion of adrenaline to speed up blood flow and oxygen delivery.

Then the two girls went aside and whispered.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. Thank you for taking care of my daughter at school." Mr. Granger said to Zhang Xu while extending his hand.

"Miss Granger is a smart and brave lady, and her grades are the best in Hogwarts." Zhang Xu replied while shaking hands with Mr. Granger.

"We would like to exchange some currencies with British pounds, could you please introduce them to us?" Mr. Granger said.

"No problem, please follow me." Zhang Xu led the Grangers to the currency exchange counter.

At this moment, Hermione came over and said that she saw her friend, and walked outside Gringotts.

When Mr. Granger was exchanging currency and complaining that almost all of Hermione's pocket money was used to buy books with Zhang Xu, Hermione walked in with a large group of people.

Harry Potter and the Weasleys came to Gringotts together.

After introducing each other, we made an appointment to go shopping together later.

Looking at the Weasley family who went to withdraw the money, Zhang Xu smiled triumphantly in his heart: "Brothers Weasley, I poached your sister-in-law."

After Zhang Xu chatted with the Grangers for a while at the gate of Gringotts, Harry and the Weasleys came out to withdraw the money. After they made an appointment for an hour to gather at the gate of Lihen Bookstore, they dispersed.

Zhang Xu declined Harry's invitation to act together with the three light bulbs, and took Fu Rong to stroll around Diagon Alley.

As the commercial center of the British wizarding world, Diagon Alley is full of various commodities.

In a candy store, amid Furong's laughter, Zhang Xu bought a large bag of candies.Because he couldn't bring his sister-in-law out today, Zhang Xu made a promise to buy her candy, and then calmed Gabriel who was pouting in anger.

Fu Rong is very happy that her boyfriend and her sister have a good relationship. What is more important than a neat and happy family?

While eating ice cream, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong went shopping in the store they were interested in.

Zhang Xu would buy and buy whatever Furong liked, and he also bought a copy for Gabriel by the way.

Furong didn't reject Zhang Xu's behavior of chopping hands either. She knew that the two of them would be separated for a long time again, and she didn't know if they could meet again at Christmas, so it's good for them to be happy now.

Zhang Xu also thinks the same way, while we are still together now, buy more gifts, so that the girl can see more things and think about others, right?Although the ice and snow castle is enough to see, but there is nothing new to see and it will be boring.

After a big purchase, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong came to Lihen Bookstore, and saw a bunch of people snapping up a book about a flower peacock.

Zhang Xu, who realized that he came early, squeezed into the crowd and bought a bunch of textbooks.

"Unexpectedly, these are the textbooks for our Defense Against the Dark Arts class this school year." Zhang Xu said to Fu Rong with a thick stack of books.

"Does the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts read novels?" Fu Rong said that she didn't expect this kind of operation in your school.

"The content in the book is still useful, but the professor is unreliable." Zhang Xu said helplessly, pointing to the flower peacock in the crowd.

"He looks exaggerated, and his smile is fake. Is such a professor really okay?" Fu Rong looked at the flower peacock that was spreading its tail and said.

"We can only place our hopes on the vision of Professor Dumbledore." Zhang Xu said helplessly.

While talking, the two began to buy Zhang Xu's other textbooks.

After Zhang Xu finished selecting the textbooks, there was a sound of "cracking" in the crowd. It was the crowd applauding the flower peacock.

After Zhang Xu paid the money, he found that Malfoy and his son were chatting with the Weasleys.

"Look at the friends you've made, Weasley, I thought your family had fallen to the limit." Old Malfoy started a group of taunts.

Zhang Xu hurriedly pulled Fu Rong to the side.

Unexpectedly by Zhang Xu, Mr. Granger stopped Mr. Weasley who was about to get violent, and said to old Malfoy: "Sir, can you explain what you mean?"

Old Malfoy glanced at Mr. Granger contemptuously, and said in a tone as if talking to garbage: "You guys are so lowly."

Before the old Malfoy finished speaking, Mr. Granger rushed forward and punched the old Malfoy in the eyes, then punched him in the temple, and then kicked him out with a side kick , knocked down the bookshelf.

"I think you owe me an apology, sir," said Mr. Granger, clapping his hands.

A dazed Zhang Xu came to Hermione and asked quietly, "Hermione, isn't your father a dentist?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Granger replied, "My husband served in the SAS before going to college, and then went to college with a scholarship."

Zhang Xu, who was unable to complain, said that the world loves so much, and he can live a good life in the future.

Then Hagrid came, and the old horse, who couldn't fight anymore, returned Ginny's textbook after talking about it.

Zhang Xu saw that there was already something in the textbook.

After everyone left, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong used magic to help the bookstore set up the bookshelves, so that the books would automatically return to their places.

As for the rule that minors are not allowed to use magic, hehe, one is French, and none of the wands in the other have traces. If the Ministry of Magic can catch someone afterwards, you are capable.

In addition to thanking Zhang Xu and Zhang Xu, Lihen Bookstore gave each of them a discount card.

After Zhang Xu and Fu Rong strolled around for a while, they went to Muggle World for a meal, and then sent Fu Rong home.

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