Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Sleep when you are full

Zhang Xu came to Ravenclaw's long table and was warmly welcomed by his classmates.

At this time, Zhang Xu saw an extremely cute female classmate at the long table waving to him, signaling him to sit next to her.

Zhang Xu sat next to the female classmate, and heard her say to himself in Chinese: "Xiao Xu, welcome to join Ravenclaw. In the future, if you have anything to do, just come to Auntie."

Looking at the cute girl in front of him who talked to him in an old-fashioned tone, Zhang Xu once again felt the malice of the will of the universe.

Zhang Xu, a classmate who claimed to be Zhang Xu's aunt, knew her. Zhang Xu also saw her in novels in his previous life, and she was Qiu Zhang.

After Mr. Zhao used colorful shaman scripts to change the fate of the country, a large number of sects and family children responded to the call of "learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians" and went to western countries to learn advanced technology.In the past hundred years, tens of thousands of children have appeared in various universities and major factories in the West, and many ancestors of Zhang Xu's family also stayed abroad at this time.Later, many of the children came back from their studies, shed their blood for the cause of national liberation and national construction, and wrote a song of hymn.In addition, there are still some people who stayed in the local area and opened Sha○ snacks and Jue○ duck necks. The ancestor of Zhang Qiu's family was one of them. After the signing of the joint statement on the Xiangjiang issue in 1984, the relationship between the two countries has warmed up, and many descendants of the children who stayed in the local area have returned to the country to recognize their ancestors. In 1985, after Zhang Qiu's father got in touch with Zhang Xu's family, he returned to his roots with the remains of his ancestors.Zhang Xu and Zhang Qiu met at this time.After everyone continued the family tree, they found that Zhang Qiu was a generation older than Zhang Xu, so the young lady Zhang Xu just met became a little aunt, and Zhang Qiu learned the attitude of an elder to talk to Zhang Xu.Now the two are grown up and sensible, but the habits they formed during the time they spent together cannot be changed for a while.

This kind of distant relationship is also very common in Hogwarts. The common intermarriage among wizard families makes students from wizard families somewhat related.Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy can be said to be relatives.

After Dumbledore's "Idiot Crying Nose Dregs Twist", the empty plates in front of the students were suddenly filled with roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes slices, Yorkshire pudding, pea shoots, carrots, gravy, tomato sauce and mint hard candy.

In all fairness, the dishes of the British aristocrats during the empire on which the sun never sets were still very rich, but after the sunset of the empire on which the sun never sets, the British cuisine, which was no longer as rich as before, became a timeless hero, and looked up to the stars to rule the roost.

Zhang Xu stopped eating when he was [-]% full, and ate a piece of jelly for dessert.

In this school that lacks extracurricular activities, Zhang Xu doesn't want to be a child weighing two hundred catties.

After the dinner, Dumbledore read out a lot of precautions, and after Dan painfully sang the school song, Zhang Xu and other freshmen came to the door of the common room led by the prefect Penelope Crivat.

The Ravenclaw public room is at the top of one of the towers of the castle. There is an eagle-shaped bronze knocker on the door that just asks questions. Only by answering the questions it asks can you enter the door.

In front of the gate, Penelope Crivat told the freshmen: "Our common room entrance, when you knock on the door, the Eagle Ring will ask you a question, and if you answer correctly, you will be allowed in."

After Penelope Crivat finished speaking, he knocked on the door.

Bronze Eagle Knocker: "what is the worst weather for the rats and ce"

Penelope Crivat: "when it rains cats and dogs."

The door to the Ravenclaw common room opened, and Penelope Crivat led the freshmen into the common room.

When he entered the door, Zhang Xu was thinking whether he should teach the door knocker questions such as "riding a monkey on a tree, and a monkey on the ground, please. How many monkeys" or "the steps to put an elephant in the refrigerator".

Ravenclaw's common room is a large circular room with elegant arched windows on the wall and blue and bronze silk hangings. During the day, Ravenclaw students can see the beauty from the window scenery.The ceiling is a dome with stars on it and on the dark blue carpet below.There are tables, chairs, bookshelves, and a white marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in an alcove opposite the door.A door next to the statue leads to the dormitories above.

Penelope Crivat was giving the prefect's welcome speech to the freshmen at the moment.

Warning on the number of words in the original copy ahead

"Congratulations to all of you. I am Penelope Crivat, Prefect, and I am delighted to welcome you to Ravenclaw House. Our house emblem is an eagle, soaring high above untouchable heights; our colors are Sky Blue and Bronze; our common room is in Ravencrack

"The top of Lauta, hidden behind a door with a magic knocker. Through the arched windows of the circular common room, there is a panoramic view of the Hogwarts campus: the Great Lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and Conservatory. No other college has such a view.

"I don't mean to exaggerate, this is where the brightest witches and wizards live. Like our founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, we make learning a priority. We don't need hidden communal halls like other houses Lounge entrance. Our common room door is at the top of a long, curved staircase with no handle and an enchanted bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. When you knock, the eagle ring will ask you if you Answer correctly and you'll be allowed in. For nearly 1000 years, no one but Ravenclaws has been able to pass this simple barrier.

"Some first-years are afraid of the Eagle Ring's questions, don't worry. Ravenclaws are good learners, and you'll quickly learn to enjoy the Eagle Ring's challenges. 20 people stand at the door of the common room, trying to answer the day's questions together. Not uncommon. It's a great chance to meet other Ravenclaws from other years and you can learn from them though it can be a bit annoying when you forget your Quidditch suit and need to rush in and out. Therefore, I recommend Before you leave Ravenclaw Tower, double-check your bag.

"Ravenclaw has another cool element: our people are very egos. Some might even call them eccentric. But geniuses are usually out of step, unlike some houses where we think you can wear Dress whatever you like, believe whatever you want, say whatever you please. We don't hate offbeat people; instead, we admire them

"Speaking of eccentricity, you'll love our headmaster, Professor Flitwick. People often underestimate him because he's really small. We think he has elf blood, but we've never been rude to ask him. , the voice is shrill, but he is the best and most knowledgeable master of spells alive in the world. His office door is always open to any Ravenclaw with problems, and if you are not happy, he will release Those delicious pocket cakes hidden in the desk drawer tin can let them dance in front of you. In fact, you can pretend to be unhappy so that you can watch the cakes jive. It's really worth a try.

"Ravenclaw has an illustrious history. Most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from our house, including Perpetua Fancourt, inventor of the moon-watching mirror, Vee de NTrency, the great pioneer of love potions, Ignatia Wildsth, Fly Inventor of road powder. Famous Ravenclaw Ministers of Magic including Llicent Bagnold, who happened to be in office the night Harry Potter escaped the Dark Lord's death curse, defended wizarding celebrations across Britain in his own words:" I insist that celebration is our inalienable right. and Minister Lorcanird, who is quite a clever wizard, but who prefers to communicate with people by drawing smoke from the tip of his wand. Of course, I said earlier that we produce eccentric people. In fact, we also pay attention to magic. The world contributes Ulric the Odd, who wears a jellyfish as a hat, and is a classic punchline in many wizarding jokes.

"As for our relationship with the other three houses: you've probably heard of Slytherins. They're not all bad guys, but you should be wary before you get to know them. Their long house tradition is to win at any cost so , please pay attention, especially in Quidditch matches and exams. Gryffindors are not bad. If I have any complaints about them, it is that Gryffindors like to show off too much. They are also more tolerant of heterogeneous We're far worse; the fact that they even make fun of some Ravenclaws who are interested in levitation, or curious about the magical properties of troll eggs, or omega, which is a method of divination using eggs. Grant Fendo doesn't have our intellectual curiosity, and to us, if you're willing to sit all day and all night in a corner of the common room cracking eggs and recording your predictions based on how the yolks fall differently, it's not at all A problem, and you're likely to find someone willing to help you. As for Hufflepuffs, no one would ever say they're not friendly people. They're arguably the friendliest bunch in school. Let's just say that when you meet You don't have to worry too much about them when you compete in exams.

"That's all I suppose. Oh, yes, the ghost of our house is Lady Gray. Others think she never speaks, but she talks to Ravenclaw. She is the daughter of the Gryphon, a beautiful Ma'am, it is said that there is something with the bloody Baron. She is especially useful when you get lost or can't find something.

"I'm sure you'll have a great night. Our dormitory is in the corner tower next to the main tower; our four-legged beds are covered with sky blue silk duvets, and the sound of the wind blowing in front of the window is very comforting. .

"I'll say it again: Congratulations on being one of the brightest, quickest and funniest Hogwarts houses."

After the prefect's welcome speech, a group of freshmen began to enter the dormitory, looking for their own berths.

The door of the dormitory is hung with the name tag of the freshmen, and the freshmen who see their names happily push the door in and get to know their new roommates.

Zhang Xu walked to the last dormitory and found that all the dormitories in front of him happened to be full, and he occupied a dormitory by himself.

In the dormitory that used to accommodate four or five people, now there is only a single bed and a set of desks near the window, and Zhang Xu's name is pasted on the corner of the bed and desk.The next day's schedule is on the desk.

Zhang Xu checked the suitcases under the bed, and found that they had all been moved here. He checked the seals on the suitcases, and there was no trace of being touched.

Just as Zhang Xu took the textbook out of the suitcase and put it on the desk, there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Xu opened the door and found three little wizards standing outside.

"Hello, I'm Anthony Goldstein, and these two are Teri Bute and Michael Kona." The little wizard standing in the middle introduced himself and then introduced the two little wizards beside him to Zhang Xu.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Xu. My surname is Zhang." Zhang Xu introduced himself.He doesn't like others calling himself Xu Zhang according to the Western pronunciation, so he will indicate this every time he introduces himself.

"You are welcome to come as guests, but you see, my dormitory is too spacious now, and it is not suitable for receiving guests." After Zhang Xu introduced himself, he turned sideways so that the three little wizards at the door could see the empty dormitory behind him.

Set up a seven-star stove, cook three rivers in a copper pot, set up a table for the eight immortals, and entertain the sixteen parties, and all the guests come.For the students who come to visit, Zhang Xu is not the kind of person who puts on airs and rejects people thousands of miles away. He has many friends and multiple paths when he is away, so there is no need to make himself enemies on all sides.The kind of people who get angry at each other when they disagree with each other when they meet are either stupid, or like Draco Malfoy who loves Harry Potter like Draco Malfoy, who loves you hard and can't hold back his face, or Lu Hughes Malfoy and Arthur Weasley have been enemies for many years, or Draco Malfoy has discriminated against Hermione Granger.

Anthony Goldstein looked at Zhang Xu's dormitory and said to him: "We saw the nameplate on your door and found that you live alone. If you think it is necessary, you can apply to move to our dormitory with Professor Flitwick. live."

Teri Bute on the side also said: "Yes, we have discussed it. We have enough room in the dormitory. It's no problem for you to come and live together."

"Thank you, but I have a better idea. Please come in." Zhang Xu invited the three young wizards into the dormitory.

Zhang Xu came to the bed and held the popped wand with a wave of his hand, which made the eyes of the three little wizards behind him shine.

Zhang Xu waved his magic wand, and a large box under the bed slid out, and then tapped the box a few times, and the box opened automatically.

Zhang Xu pointed to the books in the box and said, "This is my private collection of books. I don't mind sharing it with you. Now I plan to apply to the school to transform the empty part of the dormitory into a small reading room. What do you have?" Any good advice?"

The three Anthony Goldsteins were born in a wizarding family, knowing what books represent in the wizarding world, the three friends were shocked for a while.

After seeing off the three bewildered classmates, Zhang Xu tidied up his textbooks and luggage, and then got into bed.

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