Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 54

After the Christmas holiday, the students once again put themselves into the intense study life.

This semester, Professor McGonagall turned on the mode of the Great Demon Lord McGonagall.

After-school assignments for Transfiguration began to gradually increase, and by February, students found that the amount of homework was almost double that of last semester.At the last class of each week, there will be a written test or a practical test, and the results will be included in the final grade as ordinary points.

As the number of after-school homework increases, the difficulty also begins to increase.The most obvious manifestation is that Hermione Granger, the school legend of Hogwarts who is a "jack of all trades", once said in private that the current Transfiguration homework must be done with full energy.

However, just as the students were complaining about the Great Demon King Mag, the demon generals under the Great Demon King also stretched out their claws to the students at the same time.

The teachers of classes such as Potions, Charms, and Herbs also followed in the footsteps of Lord McGonagall, adding homework, taking quizzes, etc., and playing the students to death.

The worst thing is this year's owls candidates and newts candidates, the learning task is three times that of candidates in the same period in previous years.

Rumor has it that Hogwarts is contacting the Wizarding Examinations Bureau of the Ministry of Magic, hoping to increase the difficulty of owls and newts.

Another gossip said that Hogwarts professors are working together to edit a new series of textbooks, called five-year owls five-year simulation and five-year newts seven-year simulation.

Only in the history of magic class, Professor Binns remained unchanged as before, giving the students a little spiritual comfort.

With the increase of homework, students are unwilling to give up rich and interesting extracurricular activities, which makes students give up some unnecessary actions.

This year, on Valentine's Day, Professor Lockhart only received five cards.And the dwarf he found to act as a messenger of love was so bored playing cards in the corridor.

The reason for all this has to start with Professor McGonagall's trip to China last summer.

In the past school year, Professor McGonagall was a little puzzled by Zhang Xu's knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry while studying Hogwarts courses.

But when she visited Wudaokou School of Magic and Technology, she found the answer.

Professor McGonagall was invited to participate in the graduation defense of several Huaxia wizard graduates in the direction of deformation. Their graduation thesis was the effect of deformation technology on the structure and properties of magnesium-based composite materials, and the effect of deformation ratio on the mechanical properties of cast steel s35c Research on the mechanical properties and microstructure of metal parts before and after deformation, and research on the process of casting alloy ow deformation, etc.

At the defense site, although there was an interpreter who translated all the content of the defense into English simultaneously, Professor McGonagall seemed to be listening to a scripture.

Among them, she can understand some of the principles of Transfiguration, and after understanding some of the principles, she found that some problems that had been troubling her had been solved, and many of them seemed reasonable, but she didn't understand why they were so meaningful. reason.

As for the part outside of the transfiguration, Professor McGonagall's eyes were darkened.

Under the explanation of the school entourage, Professor McGonagall understood that the technology of these papers would be used in cooperation with Muggles.

Then the school arranged for Professor McGonagall to visit the school’s industry-university-research cooperation center. In the achievement display area, the school showed Professor McGonagall the application of transfiguration in ships, construction machinery, military industry, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment, railway locomotives, automobiles and other industries. usage.

Professor McGonagall was deeply shocked by this visit.She discovered that the development of China's magic had already left British magic behind by the Pacific Ocean.The twelve uses of Dumbledore's dragon's blood are a bit childish compared to what this school has achieved over the years.

When visiting Zhang Xu's house, Professor McGonagall had a conversation with Zhang Xu.

On a summer night, the moon was white and the smoke was blue, and the cool breeze was blowing. Professor McGonagall and Zhang Xu sat in the courtyard of Zhang Xu's house, talking about the harvest of Professor McGonagall's visit.

At that time, Professor McGonagall asked Zhang Xu why there was such a big difference in the development of Chinese magic technology and British magic technology.

Zhang Xu replied: "Emancipate the mind, break the shackles of habitual forces and subjective prejudices, study new situations, and solve new problems. Make ideas break through the confinement and shackles of old habitual forces, and integrate the thinking consciousness of the subjective world with the changed objective reality. Combined, overcome those unrealistic habitual thinking and subjective prejudice, and creatively transform the objective world with the perspective of development and change.”

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall could only sigh deeply.Because she knew that only by breaking the barrier between the wizarding world and Muggle society like Huaxia, could magic technology and Muggle technology develop together.However, in the UK, the gap between wizarding and Muggle society is still huge, and this is an institutional issue, let alone talk about it.To liberate the minds of the wizarding world is more difficult than killing Voldemort.

From the perspective of a scholar, Professor McGonagall began to resist some practices in the Western magic world.

Then Professor McGonagall raised another question, whether it is possible for graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to study at the University of Magic in China.

Zhang Xu himself agrees, after all, if he can take this step, he won't have to take the college entrance examination in the future.

But at the national level, it's hard to say.After all, the systems of magic technology between the two countries are different, and the knowledge structure of the students is different. If the other party comes to study abroad, can they keep up with it?

Zhang Xu called on the spot to report Professor McGonagall's idea, studied it overnight in the capital, and got a reply the next morning.Try getting Hogwarts graduates to study abroad.

After receiving the official answer, Professor McGonagall turned his attention to those brothers who were working in Zhang Xu's pharmaceutical factory.

So after a morning's long talk, those brothers became the first batch of British wizards to study in China.

However, one month after the start of school, the Huaxia Education Department reported that the performance of those guys was not very good.He could barely keep up with the magic class. Except for English CET-[-] and CET-[-], the other courses were basically blind.

So the Ministry of Education decided to open a preparatory class first, and let those guys take a year of preparatory classes first, and make up for their shortcomings in knowledge before going to university.

Before Christmas, the Ministry of Education said that the preparatory class is doing well, and if it continues, these guys can keep up with Huaxia students.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education also invited students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft to visit Huaxia after the end of this year's school year.At the same time, aspiring young people are welcome to study in Huaxia after graduation this year.

Dumbledore, who received the news, arranged for Professor McGonagall to take full responsibility for the matter.

After Professor McGonagall held a meeting with other professors, he decided to start to pressurize the students in the next semester. By then, the students who walked out could not embarrass Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As for Zhang Xu, after receiving a letter from Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao told him not to think too much, and come back honestly to take the college entrance examination.

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