Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 62 The Sudden Annual Battle

Coming out of Dumbledore's office, Zhang Xu returned to the dormitory and spent a lot of time writing a letter to China, including today's events, his own thoughts, and preliminary plans.

After Zhang Xu finished writing, he found that it had been a long time since the meal time, so he could only pack up the letters, first go to the owl room to post the letters, and then go to the cafeteria to get some food.

When I came to the common room, I saw a man lying listlessly on the table, waving to him.

"Chambers, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Xu asked his teammates on the Quidditch team.

"I just came back from training, I'm hungry, I'm too tired to go to the kitchen, do you have anything to eat?" Chambers said.

The Quidditch team practiced again after dinner today, but Zhang Xu asked for leave today.

"Only the small fish is dried, do you want it?" Zhang Xu handed several small dried fish to Chambers.

"Can't you change something else?" Chambers said helplessly, "This is for cats, can humans eat it?"

"I originally prepared a year's dried fish for Mrs. Luo Lisi, but now it can't eat it. I have half a year's worth of dried fish here, so I can't waste it." Zhang Xu said, "My little fish Dried fish is dried petrel fish fried until crispy, and then added a lot of seasoning, it is very delicious.”

Chambers took one and tried it, and found that it was really crispy and delicious, "Give me some more."

So Zhang Xu made a small dish and put it in front of him.

The time came to Saturday, there were no major events these days, and everything was proceeding step by step.

Regarding the fact that Professor Kerry Dibbaji of the Muggle Studies class will leave after the end of this semester, and that there will be a new acting professor in the next semester, it has been circulated in the school for a day, a less important elective course The professor's change does not stimulate the interest of the students.

Two days ago, Mandrake held a lively and noisy dance party in the third greenhouse. Several students who tried to go to the greenhouse to find salad materials lay outside the greenhouse for one night until the next morning. Professor Lauter discovered them when he arrived at the greenhouse.

Today is a fine day, sunny, cloudless and breezy.

Today there will be a Quidditch match between the Lions House and the Badger House. The captains of the two colleges are all trying to get their players to eat more breakfast.

While everyone was eating breakfast, suddenly a rooster crowing sounded throughout Hogwarts Castle.Every loudspeaker in the castle is playing the sound of a rooster crowing.

"It's the corridor where Mrs. Norris was attacked," Fred Weasley shouted. "The sound varies from place to place."

The president of the student union who was in the cafeteria took out a crystal and put it near his mouth. The next moment, the loudspeakers in Hogwarts Castle rang his voice while playing the crowing of the rooster.

"All students, pay attention to all students. The monster in the secret room has appeared. The monster in the secret room has appeared. All students, now go to the common room, auditorium and classroom closest to you to avoid. Be careful to avoid the corridor in front of the girls' bathroom on the second floor."

Since it is breakfast time, many students either have breakfast in the cafeteria or are on their way to the cafeteria.

soon, cafeteria

There were quite a few evacuated students gathered here. At the entrance of the cafeteria, several senior students wearing goggles were guarding the entrance.

In a corner of the cafeteria, Zhang Xu, the Weasley twins, the president of the student union, and several prefects from the four colleges gathered around the Marauder's Map to observe the situation inside the castle.

Some time ago, everyone organized a team of about 60 people with the members of "afternoon tea time after school" as the backbone to deal with emergencies about the basilisk. The "Hogwarts Defenders Medal" issued by the school refers to this team as the "Hogwarts Defenders".

According to gossip, the Ministry of Magic was very nervous for a while after learning about the incident, thinking that Dumbledore was going to organize a team to attack the Ministry of Magic.In the end, it was the members of the families in the team who sent news to the Ministry of Magic through their own families, indicating that this was only organized by the students spontaneously and had nothing to do with Dumbledore, which allowed Cornelius Fudge to sleep well.

After the "Defender" was established, the twin brothers shared the Marauder's map when they were researching ways to deal with the basilisk.After the map is fully opened, the command of the evacuation work is much more convenient.

In addition to goggles, each member of the "Defenders" is also equipped with a palm-sized communicator.This communicator is similar to the fake Garon that Hermione made for members of the "Dumbledore's Army" to deliver messages in the future, and can transmit various text messages.It's just that this kind of communicator that gathers the wisdom of everyone has more functions than what Hermione made by herself.

With the map fully open and instant communication, a group of people began to hack.

In the corridor in front of the girls' bathroom on the second floor, the name of the basilisk was not found on the Marauder's Map, but the name of Gilderoy Lockhart appeared.

A prefect of the Badger House asked the fat monk to go scouting.

"You are in the corridor, peeking from behind the direction he is moving, just to see if Gilderoy Lockhart is with the monster, and what the monster looks like." The prefect of Badger House said to the fat monk .

The fat monk nodded and flew away.

On the Marauder's Map, you can see that there are many students in various places in the castle. Most of them come out of the common room of the Eagle Academy and the Lion Academy to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast and return to the common room or go to the cafeteria after breakfast. The students in the library and reading room, and now some of these students are hiding in various classrooms in the castle.

The command group in the cafeteria used the Marauder's Map and the communicator to contact the members of the "Guardians" who were still in the castle and bring the students in each classroom to the offices of several nearby deans and Dumbledore.Also remind them to avoid Gilderoy Lockhart's position.For some students who don't have "guardians" around, ask the ghosts in the school for help.

Since Nick was attacked, the ghosts in the school said they would work together to deal with the monster in the basilisk.And letting them scout and subpoena is the best option.

At this time, the fat monk brought back first-hand news.

"Gildroy Lockhart was with the monster. It was a large snake, 50 feet long, with dark green skin and scales that looked solid. Every time the rooster crowed the monster would writhe in pain, Then Gilderoy Lockhart would destroy the horn that made the sound."

Not long after, on the Marauder's Map, it was seen that the students in the castle had fled to a safe place, while Gilderoy Lockhart left the second floor and seemed to be walking towards the cafeteria on the first floor.

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