Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 620 Bigger news

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Wei Liuwa was dancing alone in a corner of the restaurant, and no one around him paid attention to him.

Just now, after Hermione finished reading the magazine, when she was talking to other people, she found that they didn't pay attention to her voice at all. Everyone was talking about themselves, and at the same time, she couldn't hear everyone's voice.Ginny had sold Ron once she had lifted the spell that isolated her voice.

"Percy, what's wrong with you?" Hermione also noticed that Percy's face was not looking well.

Percy didn't answer, and Mr. Weasley answered for him: "He's regretting it."

"What are you regretting?" Hermione asked curiously. It must be a major event that made Percy regret so much that his face almost caught up with his own.

"He's regretting that he didn't seize the opportunity." At this moment, Bill Weasley's voice came from the direction of the fireplace, "Otherwise, he would be a big shot now."

After Bill finished speaking, he took out his wand and added some background music to Ron who was dancing beside him.

"Of course I can't compare to you who have become a big shot." Percy finally spoke, but with [-] points of indignation in his tone, "His Excellency Bill Weasley, Vice President of Gringotts Bank."

"Ah" Hermione was glad that she didn't have a heart attack, otherwise the news she heard today would be enough to make her fall ill several times.

"You don't know about this," Bill asked Hermione curiously, "I thought you already knew."

Seeing Hermione's dazed expression, Bill sat down opposite her and briefly told her what had happened in the past few months.

As the spokesman for the interests of the Order of the Phoenix in this operation to poach Gringotts' corners, as well as employees who have worked in Gringotts, Bill knows far more details than what is published in the newspaper.

From a few months ago, everyone responded to the call of American wizards and began to form a group to dig the corner of Gringotts, and then took advantage of the fire to loot Gringotts not long ago.And behind this action, the ministries of magic of various countries began to abandon the International Federation of Wizards to form a new order, and then began to unite to take back the ownership of Gringotts of various countries from the hands of goblins, as well as the G20 of the wizarding world held in New York yesterday Meeting.And in this series of operations, Lucius Malfoy's role.Finally, I would like to mention by the way that the building that Hermione's family earned recently is the proceeds from their participation in this operation.

When Bill finished speaking, Hermione was not only stunned, but opened her mouth so startled that it never closed.Ron, who was tired and paralyzed beside her, picked up a cookie that Ginny had just pulled out of the kitchen from the table and stuffed it into her mouth, which brought her back to her senses.

Also frightened were Harry, Ginny, and Black and Lupine who had just returned from Bill's speech. Mr. Weasley and Percy obviously knew about these things, so they became very calm.

"So, the money we made this time was working hard with the Death Eaters." The first one who couldn't accept this fact was Black. During this time, he only knew that Bill had helped him make a lot of money, but the money was Bill didn't elaborate on how he made it, and he didn't think to talk about it when he was with another member of the undercover team.

Bill took a sip of the honey lemon black tea passed by his mother to moisten his throat, and said to Black: "We are not cooperating with Death Eaters, but some British wizarding families represented by the Malfoy family. I just said , there are also representatives sent by Scrimgeour in this cooperation. This time it is not a struggle between wizards, but a struggle between humans and goblins."

"Then is it dangerous for you to work at Gringotts? The current president of Gringotts is Narcissa Malfoy, and she is a Death Eater." Mrs. Weasley asked worriedly. Only the safety of my own son is in danger.

"It's okay, Mom." Bill said, "It's because many families are worried that Mrs. Malfoy, who has a background of Death Eaters, will dominate the family in Gringotts in the future, so I entered the high-level Gringotts with others to contain her. For that, they will keep us safe."

"Besides me, the leader of the board of supervisors is Mrs. Longbottom, and the other vice president is the Muggle Mr. Owen who is working with us this time." The Daily Prophet, after flipping to the second page, pointed to the corner of the photo accompanying an interview with Narcissa Malfoy and continued: "Ms. Malfoy's assistant is her."

Hermione and other people who hadn't read today's newspaper looked over and found Zhang Qiu's head in the corner of the photo.

After sitting down, Bill continued to break the news: "Originally, I planned to let you, Sirius, sit in this position, but it was very difficult.

Many people think you are not very reliable, so I took this position. "

This time it was Black's turn to be immobilized as if under a petrifying spell.

"And what about Percy?" Harry asked curiously, "Which position did he lose?"

"I didn't lose my job at Gringotts," said Percy, with a sigh.

Mr. Weasley saw that Percy didn't want to talk, so he explained for him: "Didn't Bill just say that a new international organization composed of ministries of magic and other institutions from various countries will be established outside the International Federation of Wizards. Now this organization The headquarters of the Preparatory Committee of the Ministry of Magic is in New York, and the Ministry of Magic needs to send a liaison officer there to communicate with other countries. Percy really wanted to get this position where he could get acquainted with the whole world, but in the end it was out of the question."

"Who is this person?" Hermione asked while flipping through the newspaper, but there was no relevant information in the newspaper.

"It hasn't been reported in the papers yet," said Mr. Weasley. "Our plan is to elect one of the two Digories. Percy himself is fighting for the position, and almost succeeding. But the position ended up being The candidate proposed by Lucius was taken, and Mr. Zhang later persuaded our minister about this candidate. That person is Draco Malfoy."

This time it was the turn of a few Hogwarts students to be shocked. Even if Snape took this position, they would not be so surprised.

"Why him?" The one who reacted most violently was Harry, who had been fighting with the pony for six years.

"Later, my father and I also agreed on this candidate." Percy said helplessly.

Then Percy reached out to stop Harry and the others who wanted to say something, and continued: "I can't say the reason yet, but the reason is enough."

Lupine on the side was lost in thought, and his right hand on the table beat rhythmically on the table, attracting everyone's attention in the brief silence.

"Thought something?" asked Black, who was sitting next to Lupin.

"Think of a possibility." Lupine replied, "If this guess is true, then something makes sense, and the reason really cannot be said."

After finishing speaking, Lupine looked at Percy and Mr. Weasley, who probably knew the inside story, with proving eyes, and then the father and son nodded to Lupine.

Seeing the three of them playing riddles, Ron muttered to the side and didn't know what to say.Hermione, annoyed by him, picked up a piece of cake from the table and gagged his mouth.

As the lunch time approached, Moody, the Longbottoms, Hagrid and other members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived at No. 12 Grimmauld Place one after another, and Mrs. Weasley led several young people to prepare lunch for everyone.

As they were getting ready for lunch, Kingsley Shacklebolt asked Lupine, "Remus, what is the importance of gathering us all today?"

Lupine replied: "Mr. Zhang asked me to call everyone together. He said he wanted to discuss with us something about Dumbledore and the mysterious man."

Taking advantage of this gap, Blake groped into the kitchen, sat beside Harry who was peeling potatoes, and asked in a low voice, "Harry, do you mind if you have two more sisters?"

"You have settled this matter," Harry replied, "I don't care, I have a good relationship with Parvati, Padma and the others."

"We don't object to continuing to keep in touch with this." Black's voice paused, "You know."

"How could I not know about such a thing?" Harry gave him a sideways glance. "When Lupine was guarding us in the dungeon, he hinted at me. Later, when Moody came back from ordering a new artificial leg, he and I said that you chatted with a lady and almost forgot to pay for him. In addition, you have been like this for the past few days. I asked about this smell in the common room, unless it was Parvati and Padma who were hanging out with you these days."

"So, you have no objection." There was a little excitement in Black's voice.

"Why should I object," Harry replied, "Isn't it a good thing?"

Seeing Black leave happily, Harry smiled and shook his head.

Just when Harry had just finished peeling the potatoes, someone's voice came from outside the kitchen door.

"Hey, Percy, your complexion doesn't look very good. Don't worry, nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, you will encounter many such things in the future, just get used to it."

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