Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 635 New Horcrux

The temperature at the end of January is still very cold, and there is still not a thin layer of ice on the lake.Zhang Xu dug a big hole in the lake, and then used a rope to sink an iron cage containing various fruits to the bottom of the lake.

Half an hour later, the iron cage rose from the ice hole by itself. At this time, the fruit inside was gone, replaced by a few alive and kicking fish.

For mermaids who live underwater, fruits on land are extremely precious luxury items.In the past, only when the fruits on the fruit trees by the water fell into the water after they matured, could the mermaids taste one or two.

However, someone Zhang still came up with this method of bartering with the mermaid to get around Hogwarts' regulations prohibiting fishing in the lake.

Harry had just returned from training on the Quidditch pitch when he was called by Zhang Xu to an open space blocked by bushes by the lake.

When he came to the clearing, several fishes that had been grilled by the fire were exuding a tempting aroma.

Harry, who had been training for several hours, was already hungry. He sat by the fire, picked up the fattest piece of grilled fish and ate it.

When he took a bite, he realized that this grilled fish was unusual.

The grilled fish has not been opened, and all the internal organs and bones of the fish have been removed by magic spells.

The belly of the fish is replaced by soft and delicious glutinous rice and several kinds of mushroom granules.

The place where the fish bones were originally has been replaced with various spices, and the smell of the spices has penetrated into the soft fish.

And the fish hadn't been scaled, but I don't know what method Zhang Xu used, the grilled fish scales were surprisingly crispy.

Bite down, the crispy fish scales shattered in the mouth with a "click", and then the teeth cut into the fish meat as soft as cotton without any hindrance, and finally were bitten off together with the soft glutinous rice.

Every time you chew, you can not only hear the crackling sound of the crushed fish scales in the mouth, but also the fish meat jumping non-stop on the tip of the tongue.

Harry, who had been busy at the Quidditch pitch for a long time, felt that he could eat ten of these grilled fish at a time.After two or three bites, half of the grilled fish, which was only a little thinner than the arm, was gone.

Then he took another sip of the cold beer thrown by Zhang Xu, and the fatigue of the afternoon disappeared without a trace.

"This will end soon, Harry." Zhang Xu, who was also eating grilled fish, said to Harry.

Harry let out an "um" and continued to eat the grilled fish in his hand.

The other day Harry was at a multi-party meeting in the Hog's Head pub.

At the meeting, all parties summarized the achievements made in the fight against Voldemort since January.

First, all parties worked together to smash Voldemort's attempt to attack half-blood and Muggle-born wizards across the UK in early January. They not only protected all the targets, but also wiped out a large number of Death Eaters' vital forces.

Then, they raided the Ministry of Magic and, through a series of operations that followed, cleared the Death Eaters from the city of London.

When Harry finished eating the grilled fish and beer in his hand, a gust of wind blew by, and the smoke from the campfire smeared his face.

He saw Zhang Xu sitting across from the campfire staring at the lake in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

While waiting for Zhang Xu's next words, Harry picked up another skewer of grilled fish.

When Harry finished eating the second skewer of grilled fish, Zhang Xu threw Harry a fur hat.

"Put it on and we'll talk." Zhang Xu said, "We can't let the slightest leak out of our conversation."

Harry looked at the ugly fur hat in his hand with distaste, hesitated and put it on.

This hat can theoretically block the communication between the two souls, at least after Harry wears it, the Horcrux detector will not be able to find him.

"Nagini has been missing for a while," Zhang Xu said.

"What?" Harry immediately realized the meaning contained in Zhang Xu's words.

"Nagini is a very poor person." Zhang Xu took out two more cans of beer, threw another can at Harry, and told him the story about Nagini he heard from Grindelwald. .

After listening to the story, Harry frowned and looked at Zhang Xu.


I suspect that Nagini has become You-Know-Who's latest Horcrux. "Zhang Xu continued.

"Well, Hermione also guessed that his new horcrux is probably the snake." Harry nodded and said, "But isn't he afraid of the interference of the horcrux? And does Nagini still have a human mind?"

"I'm afraid that Nagini's thinking has degenerated very badly, almost like a snake. This is the news from another wizard with blood curse inheritance. If she can still change into a human form, she may be cured, but after so many years There is no way to cure it." Zhang Xu first answered Harry's second question.

The Greengrass sisters' blood curse through the unicorn's blood may have been cured, or suppressed, but the same method had failed to turn their mother back into a human.

Therefore, Nagini's future may still end in tragedy. Even if she didn't die by Neville's hands, she might die by someone else's hands.If she appeared in front of Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu would give her a pleasure without hesitation and relieve her from the pain.

"As for the interference between Horcruxes," Zhang Xu sighed, "Do you still remember the first stop of our time travel, the conversation between Tom and Professor Tolkien in the corridor outside the classroom?"

"About the magic power contained in the number 3? 3 represents firmness, and what else?" Harry and the others once asked Professor Babling about this question, "So he will make three Horcruxes?"

"It's estimated to be two, and his own soul is three. In this way, perhaps the connection between souls is the most stable." Zhang Xu guessed, "This is the most likely guess so far."

Zhang Xu glanced at Harry and continued: "And using animals as Horcruxes, this Horcrux can escape by itself when it encounters danger, and it can avoid being discovered and destroyed calmly like using objects as Horcruxes. Of course, if he digs a deep hole in the ground and buries the Horcrux in it, I won't say anything."

While thinking about the problem, Harry stretched out his hand to the last grilled fish by the campfire.

However, his paw was quickly swept to the other side with a stick from "This Faces the Enemy".

Zhang Xu picked up the last piece of grilled fish, ate it with beer and asked Harry, "What's your plan next?"

Harry shook his head, now he obeys the command in all actions, and just waits for the most critical shot to be fired.

Some time ago, Harry was taken to a class by Mr. Rodney.In class, Mr. Luo told Harry that modern warfare is an all-out general war, and the individual fighting of heroes has become history.As long as we continue to severely crack down on the arrogance of the two-hole socket and its subordinates, even if the two-hole socket can be resurrected continuously, it will eventually be drowned in the vast ocean of the British people because of the lack of help of the unjust, and be hammered by the iron fist of capitalism. into powder.

"When his latest Horcrux is completed, it must be the time for him to launch a counterattack." Zhang Xu said solemnly to Harry, "In order to restore the decline of the previous period, we estimate that there are two targets for his action. One is Huo Germaud, and one is Hogwarts."

"Only by defeating Hogsmeade can the Ministry of Magic under his control become the only Ministry of Magic in Britain."

"If it's in the direction of Hogwarts, his target must be you. Only by killing you can he destroy our confidence and revive his prestige."

"In the period before, he would inevitably distract us through a series of small actions."

"However, with the intervention of the Wizarding Union, the power has changed. It is estimated that these small actions will end in failure."

Speaking of which, Zhang Xu took out two more cans of beer, and then threw one to Harry.

"So, the next time he appears in Hogsmeade or Hogwarts in person again, it will be the decisive battle."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he raised the beer can in his hand, saluted Harry from a distance, and drank the beer in one go.

Harry imitated Zhang Xu and finished the beer in one gulp, then nodded and said, "I see, I will eliminate him then."

Zhang Xu was silent for a while, and then said: "If I'm not around then, you have to be more cautious and listen to other people's opinions. We will create a good duel environment for you then."

"Okay." Harry noticed something in Zhang Xu's words, "Where are you going?"

"I'll talk to you when I leave for a few days." Zhang Xu replied, "If the mysterious person cooperates, maybe I'll leave after I'm done."

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