Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 The Melancholy of Tom Riddle

Tom Riddle found out that his luck has been bad this time around since his comeback.

From Ginny's description, Tom Riddle is very curious about Harry Potter.How did a baby, without any particularly magical spells, defeat the greatest wizard ever

So Tom Riddle planned to take the basilisk out to brush Harry Potter, trying to find the secret that he could defeat Voldemort when he was a baby, but the result was not very smooth.

Last year, when Tom Riddle controlled Ginny to enter the secret room for the first time, he did not expect that a large number of magical traps would be laid in the corridor that was clear all the way 50 years ago.Without noticing it for a while, Tom Riddle, who touched the trap, was blown up all over his body.Since he controlled Ginny's body, the feeling of Ginny's physical injury was fed back to his soul at the same time.Tom Riddle, who was blown to death, was afraid that Ginny's body would be left in front of the secret room, and his Horcrux would fall into the dark underground, so he tried his best to escape from the secret room.

After Ginny's injury recovered, Tom Riddle saw the one-eyed basilisk when he controlled Ginny to enter the secret room for the second time.

Reminiscent of the magic trap outside the door of the secret room, Tom Riddle believes that someone has discovered the secret of the secret room in the past 50 years. After arranging it, he entered the secret room and left no trace except for destroying one eye of the basilisk. In the end, it may have been eaten by a basilisk.

The little girl controlled by Tom Riddle has weak vitality and magic power, and cannot cure the basilisk's eyes.So the first few times I could only go out with a one-eyed basilisk.

The first time I took the basilisk out of the Chamber of Secrets, I saw Ginny wrote in the diary that Harry Potter and two classmates would go to a ghost death party on Halloween Eve. Tom Riddle decided to return to Harry Potter. Ambush them on the way to the common room.

When Tom Riddle took the basilisk just out of the bathroom, he left a secret room warning on the wall, intending to attract Harry Potter and the others to the door of the bathroom, and then rushed out of the bathroom to knock him down and tie him to the secret room.As a result, a cat was petrified and hung at the other end of the hallway.But Harry Potter and the others only stayed in front of the cat, and didn't come to the door of the bathroom, and then the students after the dinner party appeared.Tom Riddle, who missed the opportunity, could only let the basilisk go back first.

Later, Tom Riddle learned from Ginny that Harry Potter was injured and lived alone in the school infirmary, so he decided to attack again.

As a result, this time I ran into a student with a camera and grapes on the way. The student was petrified when he tried to take a picture of the basilisk with the camera.And at this moment, Dumbledore's footsteps were heard on the stairs, and Tom Riddle would not miss the sound.Tom Riddle, who didn't dare to confront Dumbledore, retreated again.

Before Christmas, Tom Riddle, who had been defeated repeatedly, made another sneak attack plan. As a result, before Harry Potter entered the ambush circle, one person and one ghost broke in.Just when Tom Riddle made up his mind to continue the ambush plan, Peeves appeared, and he found the victim lying on the ground.

After Christmas, Tom Riddle, whose luck was getting worse and worse, found himself lucky when the diary was picked up by a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor named Gilderoy Lockhart.

After months of hard work, Tom Riddle finally grasped the psychological loophole of his new prey and tricked him into opening his soul.Tom Riddle devours the deepest fears, the deepest secrets of his new prey.Gilderoy Lockhart is stronger than Ginny in every way, and Tom Riddle is also stronger than before.

Tom Riddle, who gained power, controlled Gilderoy Lockhart to go back and forth frequently to and from the secret room, and finally healed the other eye of the basilisk.

At this time, Tom Riddle learned that Dumbledore was temporarily absent.

After entering the country, he thought that he had a great advantage, so he decided to take the basilisk A over there, and while Harry Potter was having breakfast in the cafeteria, he went straight into the cafeteria to capture Harry Potter, and then hid in the secret room to find out. The Secret of Harry Potter.After figuring out the secrets of Harry Potter, Tom Riddle thought that even Dumbledore would not be able to stop him by then.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in all battles.

Tom Riddle also thought that Hogwarts now is the same as it was 50 years ago, and the appearance of the Chamber of Secrets would definitely overwhelm students and professors.As soon as the basilisk came out, the professors trembled and the students fled in all directions.Without Dumbledore's obstruction, he only needs to kill Harry Potter to take him away.

This can't be blamed on Tom Riddle, after all, Hogwarts has changed a lot in the past two years, surpassing any time in the past.

What Ginny wrote in her diary was her sweet love story with Harry Potter.

Gilderoy Lockhart wrote in his diary only about his deceit and fear of being discovered.

Neither makes a note of the various efforts Hogwarts students have made to deal with the basilisk in their journals.

Ever since, Tom Riddle's last attack was the first step.

Not long after Tom Riddle walked out of the girls' bathroom with the basilisk, the sound of a rooster crowing resounded throughout the corridor, and then the entire Hogwarts castle resounded with the sound of a rooster crowing.

The basilisk that heard the cock crowing was rolling on the ground in pain, and then Tom Riddle heard someone directing the students to evacuate.

Knowing that he had been exposed, Tom Riddle decided to put all his eggs in one basket. He knew that if he missed this opportunity, there would never be another one.

Tom Riddle could only destroy the horn that made the crowing sound of the rooster while leading the basilisk to the cafeteria.

By the time Tom Riddle reached the foyer on the first floor, the annoying crowing of the rooster had stopped, and the tortured basilisk had taken a breather.

However, at this time, someone unexpected by Tom Riddle appeared.

Peeves suddenly flew out from behind, and then smashed the two packets of white powder on the basilisk's eyes.

Tom Riddle only had time to clean the powder from the basilisk's right eye, while the newly healed eye on the basilisk's left was bleeding black again.

At this time, Peeves was stared at by the basilisk's right eye, and then turned into a black and smoky appearance.

After calming the basilisk, Tom Riddle just wanted the basilisk to rush to the cafeteria when a huge rooster crowed in the hall.

Just when Tom Riddle raised his wand and was about to destroy the loudspeaker disguised as a decoration on the wall of the hall, he saw five students wearing strange masks shouting "For the glory of Slytherin" rushing out from the direction of the cafeteria He threw several dark objects.

Just when those few black objects fell on the ground around Tom Riddle, they suddenly exploded with a "bang".

Tom Riddle suddenly felt like he was hit by a running Hagrid, and then he found that he couldn't control Gilderoy Lockhart's body, and his whole body seemed to be petrified.

Tom Riddle, who was lying on the ground, saw that two of the five students wearing strange masks who rushed out just now had fallen down, and two of the remaining three students rushed up to hold them and waited for the freshmen to attend the sorting ceremony. Running around the small room, shouting "They're just petrified" while another student pointed his wand in Tom Riddle's direction and shouted "Jiedroy Lockhart!"

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