Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 648 Hogsmeade’s 4th Anti-Siege Campaign (4)

After taking a capitalist iron fist, Voldemort also began to learn war in war.

Although he didn't have enough weapons in his hands, he had to admire his magical attainments and brains. The magic bombing caused huge damage to Hogsmeade.

In the beginning, the Death Eaters quietly excavated rocks in the mountains to the north, and unearthed many stones weighing twenty tons.Then they took turns casting Levitation Charms and other spells on the stones, and pulled them over Hogsmeade with flying carpets imported from India.

The kinetic energy of the 20-ton stone falling from a height of nearly 40 meters is enough to penetrate any magic barrier.Moreover, its landing speed is about 50 meters per second. According to the wizard's spell range of [-] meters, the wizards only have one second to cast spells to resist the falling boulders.The only good news is that the wizards have about ten seconds to watch the boulder fall from the sky.

"3, 2, 1, Wingardim Leviosa"

Following Scrimgeour's order, the Aurors around the Pig's Head Bar, together with Aberforth, cast Levitation Charms into the air.

Eventually, the boulder above them stopped after smashing through the roof.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately cast a spell together to move the extinguished boulder to the side street.

Not all places are as powerful and well-directed as the Pig's Head Bar. Except for a few places where the boulders were deflected under the influence of the Flying Curse or the Expulsion Curse, most of the boulders hit Hogg without any hindrance. In Maud's house.

Although the flaming boulders fell vertically and would not roll, the flames on them quickly burned the surrounding ruins and wizards.

Scrimgeour on the roof of the Hog's Head Bar breathed a sigh of relief after the boulder stopped falling from the sky, when there was a burst of exclamation from the street beside him.

I saw that huge boulder shook "rumbling", and then turned into a stone man about two or three stories high and stood up.

There was a "boom", and the stone man punched a big hole on the second floor of the building opposite the Pig's Head Bar.

In other places, the huge stones that were not extinguished by the fire turned into stone men with flames, and they set the buildings on fire as they destroyed them.

Zhang Xu, who came from the air, saw a dozen flaming stone men raging in Hogsmeade, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​hitting the Death Eaters' sap in the clouds, and immediately flew to Hogsmeade for reinforcements.

During this period, an idea popped into his mind, how about taking a picture of this scene, and then talk to Glass Slag about plagiarism and the like

If Professor McGonagall was present at this moment, she would definitely be trembling with anger.The house she was renting out was first collapsed by a huge boulder falling from the sky, and then burst into flames and smoke like her neighbors who were smashed into ruins.

Seeing the flaming stone man punching the intact part of the second floor of the house, the beauties who had just rescued a few neighbors from the ruins could only watch their bedrooms being beaten into flames wearing pieces.

"My savings," Nelson shouted in despair. The wages she had just received in the bedside table turned into flying ash in an instant. She owed Zhang a lot of money for installing the artificial eyes.

Although Nelson, who was a soldier, retired due to injury and her strength has declined a lot, she still has a deep knowledge of explosive magic.


I saw that she shot two spells in one cast, and half of the stone man's leg was blown off.

Her teammates waved their wands and cast spells, and the stone man soon collapsed because his feet were blown off in shock.It didn't take long for it to become a heap of broken stones.

The few of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the broken stone man didn't recover automatically like in the dog blood plot.

As long as you can kill them, just kill them all one by one.

At this moment, a house next to them turned into a pile of flying fragments with a "boom". Although they were protected by the Iron Armor Curse, they were almost knocked down by the flying fragments of the house.

A stone man who had been rampaging from the next street had destroyed a house, and it had raised one foot to step on Hood, who had been knocked to the ground by a flying beam.

づ "Hood Flying"

Just when the big foot of the stone man was about to trample Hood into Hood sauce, Zhang Xu, who just arrived, used the flying spell to rescue Hood from under the stone foot.

Zhang Xu, who was stepping on the flying sword, tightly held Hood's waist with his left hand to prevent her from falling from the air. At the same time, he continued to wave his wand with his right hand and cast a spell downward.


A white spell flew towards one of the stone man's legs on the ground, and the extremely cold spell left a trail of condensed water droplets in the air.

The stone man, whose leg was frozen on the ground and could not move, fell flat on the spot, and at the same time completely smashed down the only intact part of Professor McGonagall's house.

The few people next to him naturally beat up the stone man lying on the ground,

until it turns into a second pile of rubble.

Only then did Zhang Xu land beside them and put Hood on the ground.

Hood took a deep breath to calm down his nervous mood, and then said to Zhang Xu, "I owe you my life."

"Don't worry about it." Zhang Xu said to her, and then he asked the beauties around him, "Are you injured anywhere?"

"Two or three ribs were cracked." Hood touched his ribs and said, "You hugged too tightly just now, it seems that the injury has worsened."

"Take it and drink it." Zhang Xu angrily stuffed a bottle of potion into Hood's hand, "Where are the ginger and fish cakes?"

"I made them run out of the village." Hood said with the look I knew you'd ask that.

"How are you guys?" Zhang Xu turned around and asked Nelson how they were.

They shook their heads, except for a little skin trauma, there was nothing serious.

Zhang Xu gave each of them a bottle of magic potion, and said, "Everyone, let's rest for a while, and then clean up the remaining big guys who are flaming."

"What about the Death Eaters in the sky?" Ryan asked, who had just finished drinking the potion, "If they wait to rush down, we will be in big trouble."

Although they didn't see the situation in the sky, they could still infer that there must be a lot of Death Eaters to throw so many boulders over.

"The reinforcements will arrive soon." Zhang Xu looked at his watch, "If the Death Eaters came half an hour late, we wouldn't be so passive."

"What kind of reinforcements?" Ryan looked at Zhang Xu suspiciously, listening to what he meant, these reinforcements had been planned to come from other places tonight, rather than being dispatched by Scrimgeour.She is now serving as the intelligence officer of No. [-] in Hogsmeade, and she finds that there seem to be some things she doesn't know.

"It's reinforcements from the International Union of Wizards." Zhang Xu replied, this information is no longer a secret internally at this time, "Reinforcements sent by the Ministry of Magic of various countries, including the foreign Auror regiment of the French Ministry of Magic, I heard that Someone from the Elysee Palace was also sent."

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, he suddenly found that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. "Your counterparts in France" he thought about the words, "there is friction"

"Hey, that fat fat woman deserves to have friction with us"

Zhang Xu realized that this topic was a trap, so he jumped away decisively.

There is not much time for people to rest on the battlefield, and a few people adjusted their state while talking nonsense.

"Let's start to act." After the topic suddenly changed to Rodney's injury and Zhang's hobbies, he didn't answer their words but turned the topic back to business, "Solve the problem early and go back soon sleep."

At this time, most of the stone men dropped by the Death Eaters had been wiped out by the Aurors, the coalition forces and the local people, but some of them were still raging in the village.

Zhang Xu and the others left the ruins of the coffee shop. The rest of the village was full of collapsed and burning houses, as well as destroyed stones scattered around.Smoke billowed from both sides of the street into the sky, and the crackling of flames, the crash of beams collapsing, the cries of wounded people and the sounds of distant battles filled the ears.

A particularly large stone man broke through the encirclement of the wizard and rushed all the way to Zhang Xu's position.

"Dig a big hole in the ground!" Zhang Xu shouted to the beauties behind him.

Hood and the others thought Zhang had experience in dealing with these guys, so they did as he said.

On the stone man's way forward, a two-story deep pit was soon dug out by Zhang Xu and the others with a spell.

However, the stone man with one missing arm didn't fall into the pit as foolishly as Zhang Xu thought, but jumped up beside the pit. It seemed that he could jump over the big pit.

‵盘′づ "greasy"

The stone road where the stone man landed was immediately covered by a layer of thick and slippery grease. When it landed on the ground, although part of the grease was ignited, his feet still slipped, and he was pushed backward amidst the sound of explosions.

In order to conceal the failure of his command, Zhang Xu spent a lot of effort and finally stuffed the stone man upside down into the deep pit just now in a short time.

There was nothing to do with him after that, the wizards who surrounded the stone man just now rushed over, and began to stand by the pit and beat the pit dog.

The clouds in the sky tonight are low and rich in water vapor.After the thick smoke from the burning of Hogsmeade's house floated into the clouds, the smoke particles began to attract the surrounding water droplets, and when the water droplets gathered enough, they fell from the sky.

After a while, pattering raindrops fell from the sky together with the Death Eaters.

"It seems that the reinforcements have arrived." Zhang Xu said after watching the flashes of magic spells emerging from the clouds in the sky after burning a puddle of meat paste that almost hit him.

From the location and number of people falling from the sky, it can be seen that the Death Eaters are retreating north.

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