Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 654 Let’s play a game of war


The two twenty-sided dice rolled a few somersaults on the table and stopped.

Zhang Xu glanced at the numbers on it, looked it up on a long piece of parchment, and read: "The Death Eaters' attack has been frustrated, and the Auror reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield in 30 seconds."

Wales placed the blue pawns representing reinforcements on a map of England big enough to be a double bed, surrounded by several black pawns.

Although the long-lost Harry trio at the table did not understand what Zhang Xu and the others were doing for a while, this did not prevent them from watching the excitement.

Zhang Xu greeted Harry when Hood was thinking about his next move: "Hey, Harry, you're released from the basement."

Harry, who was kept under strict protection in the secret room because he was afraid that Voldemort would take the opportunity to attack him, looked a little pale, probably because he didn't have a good rest these two days.

Harry didn't want to accept this, but asked curiously: "What are you playing?"

"We have just completed the production of a set of wargames, and are now conducting wargame deduction tests." Zhang Xu said, "We are doing deduction based on the battle that took place in the early morning of February 2."

"Hmm." Harry looked at it and found that he didn't understand it, "is there any use for this?"

The same is true for Ron and Hermione on the side, and everyone should just watch the fun.

With the disappearance of the last blue pawn on the map, another deduction ended.

"It's not normal." Hood frowned and said, "The actions of the mysterious man that night were too abnormal."

Zhang Xu and the other two big sisters nodded together.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Hood?" Hermione asked strangely.

"There are too many problems." Hood explained to her. "With the strength of the mysterious man, he could obviously expand the results of the battle that night. If he also put other forces in his hands into the battle, he might have been able to occupy Hogsmeade." ruins."

"And the timing of his launch that night was also very strange. It seemed to be launched at the time when the coalition reinforcements arrived."

"If it had been earlier, it is entirely possible that they would have caused even greater damage to Hogsmeade before reinforcements arrived."

"If it's later, Scrimgeour can send more Aurors to various parts of the UK after the reinforcements arrive. Although Hogsmeade's defenses appear to be unchanged, they will be bombarded on a large scale as soon as they arrive. It was a big blow to the morale of the reinforcements."

"Is there any other power in his hands that he hasn't used?" Harry asked, frowning, which was not good news for him.

"Giants and Werewolves" was said this time by Ron, who had seen the Giants the last time he rescued his mother.

"That's right." Zhang Xu replied, "The mysterious man has been hiding his giants and werewolves, and he has only used them a few times so far."

"Maybe he wanted to let them come out to attack at the last moment," Hermione said aside.

"If it were you, where would you use them?" In front of Zhang Xu was a map with a radius of ten kilometers around Hogwarts, and he was staring at the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts on the map. .

"I think it's the Forbidden Forest," said Hermione. "In the Forbidden Forest, giants and werewolves have the greatest advantage."

As a wizard who had dealt with giants and werewolves, Hermione thought the same as Zhang Xu.

But what Zhang Xu thought of at this time was the prophecy of the centaur elders back then, "Dark wizards, accompanied by blood and flames, raged in the Forbidden Forest. Steel monsters, rampaging in the Forbidden Forest. An unprecedented fireball fell from the sky. , burns the forest with a fire that cannot be quenched by rain.” In Chapter 383

The first has already appeared, the Death Eaters once attacked the centaur tribe.Later, in order to deal with the zombified Death Eaters, the wizards often set fire in the Forbidden Forest.

The third article also appeared, but the location seems to be a little bit different. These two events happened in the third and fourth counter-siege battles of Hogsmeade.

The next step is the second one, so Zhang Xu asked Hood and the others: "Is it okay for the army's armored vehicles to fight in the Forbidden Forest?"

It was the contemptuous gazes of the few of them who answered Zhang Xu. From the silent gazes, Zhang Xu read out the meaning of "We are the glorious Royal Navy, the army red deer has nothing to do with us".

Zhang Xu touched his nose in embarrassment, thinking about this method of changing the subject.

At this time, Harry said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang, Professor McGonagall said you have something to do with me."

"Oh, that's right." Only then did Zhang Xu realize that he was the one who came looking for Harry, and he handed a document to Harry, "You go and look at this first."

When Harry took the document in Zhang Xu's hand, he saw "Operation Tsunami" written on the cover, and then he looked at Zhang Xu with vigilant eyes, and said, "You're not going to make any weird plans again, are you?" "

"Don't worry." Zhang Xu said, "This is not a plan to make you look like your mother again, and then Ron dress up like you, and then you will appear in front of the mysterious man together to scare him. .”

"It's not about letting three steel claws protrude from your fist and stabbing the mysterious man to death."

"This is a major operation approved by the Ministry of Magic and the British government involving more than 10 people, and you are the protagonist of this operation. There is no room for sloppiness."

Harry took this document and went to the sofa in the corner with Ron and Hermione to read it. This plan is actually the final modified version of Zhang's plan to attack Voldemort with ddos.

In order to carry out this plan, Scrimgeour has been suppressing the strength of the Ministry of Magic to fight back.He planned to let Harry Potter taunt Voldemort on the opening days of the Premier League after the reinforcements arrived in secret and the preparations for the major stadiums in England were completed, and then attack Voldemort at critical moments in nine or 10 minutes.

Fortunately, Azajavid did not get this information, otherwise the crowd would have another headache.

"Let's play another game." Zhang Xu resumed the wargame situation on the table, and then said to Nelson.

At this time, the door of the dormitory opened and someone walked in.

"Oh, why are you all playing happily here, and I have to worry about changing homework?" Rodney, who was arrested by Scarlet to correct students' homework, returned to the dormitory, and then grabbed her sister He drank most of the bottle of pumpkin juice beside him in one gulp.

"We've been busy all day, okay?" Nelson patted the back of his younger sister who was choking on drinking too quickly, "There is a senior professor here, go ask him what to do when he encounters this situation .”

"Professor Zhang," Rodney walked behind Zhang Xu, and then massaged his shoulders with the force of pinching walnuts, "When you are unhappy in Hogwarts, you always

will generally do it stably.”

Professor Zhang, who put a hardening spell on his shoulder, replied: "According to the practice of a certain former Hogwarts professor, when he is unhappy, he will toss the students to make himself happy."

The Harry trio, who had noticed the situation here, looked in horror at Professor Rodney who was walking towards them with a smirk on his face. At this moment, they were determined to tie Professor Zhang to a rock and sink to the bottom of the lake.

"Miss Granger." Rodney greeted Hermione with a smile.

Startled, Hermione sat on the sofa and squeezed behind her.

"When fighting against evil wizards, don't forget that there are still four months before the final wizard level exam." Rodney said.

The effect was obvious. Hermione entered the mode of worrying about gains and losses, and within half a minute made a decision to only sleep for four hours a day for the next four months, and then spend the rest of the time reviewing.

Of course, she would drag Harry and Ron along for such a good thing.

"Is your sister a demon?" Zhang Xu quietly asked Nelson.

"Occasionally," Nelson replied calmly.

"I really feel better." Rodney said, who was helping Zhang Xu's back.

Zhang Xu ignored the "bang bang" sound on his back, but continued the war game with Nelson.

The map of the United Kingdom is full of white chess pieces representing the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, the blue chess pieces representing the coalition forces are concentrated in Hogsmeade, and the red chess pieces around London are the strength of the government forces.It's just that everyone doesn't know where the Death Eaters' lair is, so all the black pieces are placed outside the board, and then the rules are used to limit the time when the Death Eaters can reach a certain place.

Although this is just a new game to be launched after the coffee shop is rebuilt, the rules are not very strict and need to be strengthened, but there are still many problems in the general direction from the chessboard.

For example, the Aurors on the chessboard spread all over the UK in order to control the areas where wizards lived. They were nailed to the Auror headquarters in various places and occupied Hogsmeade's precious troops, causing the mobile force to shrink sharply.

But Scrimgeour didn't dare to reduce their strength, because of Voldemort's presence, the Northern Ministry of Magic has always been weaker than the Southern one.If there is news that a certain area is completely occupied by Death Eaters, the reputation of the Northern Ministry of Magic will inevitably be cut in half and cut in half.At that time, not only will the people be disappointed with the Northern Ministry of Magic, but even the insiders will lose confidence in themselves.

If Scrimgeour hadn't relied on the strength of the British government and foreign allies, then the end of the Northern Ministry of Magic would have been slowly consumed by the Death Eaters who took advantage of their strength in battle after battle, and then the straw that broke the camel's back fell. Time to usher in a complete collapse.

If Scrimgeour were to shrink his forces, he might be able to retreat to most of Scotland and Northern Ireland across the sea.

However, the main project of the national defense system was completed and put into use before the Ministry of Magic moved north, which cut off Scrimgeour's way to separate the north.

Scrimgeour knows the function and power of this system, and so do the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. It is equivalent to opening a map for the Ministry of Magic, so that they can use superior intelligence to eliminate Death Eaters with superior forces.

However, this system has also become a chain that locks the Auror's vital force in place, making it impossible for the Ministry of Magic to concentrate more mobile forces in a larger area.

This makes the Ministry of Magic have to resort to external forces if they don't want to be finished.

Precisely because this system gave the wizards the hope of winning, before the Hog's Head Bar and No. [-] Downing Street had a good run-in, the wizards from all over the place kept calling Aurors to fight the Death Eaters together.

But these scattered battles across the UK turned the entire island into a blood mill. Although the results were gratifying, when the losses from various places were added up, it reached a figure that made Scrimgeour unable to sleep.After all, the British wizards have not experienced large-scale wars for hundreds of years, which makes them not very tolerant of casualties.

At first, wizards in Britain didn't know about it, and the top Ministry of Magic officials kept quiet about it.The first group of wizards to realize this problem was the group of military chess deduction enthusiasts who emerged after the war.

At this time, Zhang Xu didn't know about such a thing, and now he was fighting against Nelson, who was on the side of Hogsmeade, as a Death Eater as usual.

When he got to the chessboard, Zhang Xu understood why Voldemort repeatedly used the method of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to weaken Hogsmeade's forces before attacking, because this move was so easy to use, even if Scrimgeour knew it It was Voldemort playing tricks and had to follow his baton.Because the spread was too large, and there was no room for loss anywhere, Scrimgeour had to expel his limited forces.

This time Zhang Xu and Nelson simulated a new round of attack launched by Voldemort in the near future, while Hogsmeade only used the power of the Ministry of Magic and tried not to use reinforcements and government forces.

Hogsmeade, which was half destroyed, was no longer necessary to occupy, so Zhang Xu directly directed the Death Eaters to attack Hogwarts, the last iconic fortress against Voldemort, in three directions.

The first was the bombing from the north. After being protected by the escort formation riding broomsticks, Hogwarts, which lacked warning, suffered a round of flying carpet bombing.

Then the main force of the Death Eaters began to attack from the gate. The peas planted on the lawn of the main gate were all lost in the previous bombing. After losing this strong support, the Aurors and Hogwarts students set up positions near the gate. war.

When there was a stalemate near the gate, a surprise attack force composed of giants and werewolves broke through the centaur defense line in the Forbidden Forest and the pea defense line next to Hogwarts, copying the back route of the main force of Aurors and students near the gate.

After some dice rolls, the Death Eaters finally issued gg in the cannon fire wash.

"It seems that there is no way to win without relying on external forces." Harry, who watched the whole process of the battle from the sidelines, sighed.

"This deduction is based on the fact that you lost to the mysterious man. Use modern weapons to kill a large number of Death Eaters' vital forces, and then try to see if you can kill the mysterious man." Zhang Xu said to Harry , "As long as all his men are killed, he will continue to survive through Horcruxes. When all his men are dead, it will be difficult for him to make a big deal by himself. And, don't forget that we still have the ability to detect Horcruxes." s method."

"What if the mysterious man hides the Horcrux very tightly?" Hermione asked, "I'm afraid that he will hide it in a place that no one would expect. If he can't find it, wouldn't he have to fight him for hundreds of years?"

Zhang Xu, who was clearing the table, said: "There is still a way, at worst, we can use the country to form an array."

"What's that?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Don't worry about the details." Zhang Xu replied.

He called Harry tonight, mainly to let Harry know the role he was about to play, and then drove him to Professor Flitwick for special training in dueling.In terms of dueling experience, Professor Flitwick is second to none at Hogwarts.

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