Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 656 The wind rises at the end of the green apple

For some time now, both Muggle and wizarding newspapers have been filled with the smell of war.

In the Muggle world, a joint fleet headed by the aircraft carrier HMS Kitty Hawk of the United Kingdom and the aircraft carrier Ark Royal of the United Kingdom is floating in the sea off northwest India, and they are standing for the inspection team of the International Atomic Energy Agency.Every day when the United Nations is in meetings, the five permanent members take turns to hold India hard, and they are ready to air strike the nuclear weapons test site in the Birkeland area of ​​Rajasthan, India.

In the world of wizards, the "Twenty-Sixth Bombing" that occurred in Hogsmeade shocked the world.An aerial photo of the ruins of Hogsmeade has appeared in wizarding media around the world in less than two days.

Facts have proved that a picture of the almost total destruction of a prestigious village in the wizarding world is more shocking than those cold casualties.

In a large number of news reports, newsletters and features, local British media such as the Daily Prophet, Wizards Weekly, and youth magazines have exposed Voldemort's crimes to the British people and the people of the world.

The famous British journalist Rita Skeeter wrote in a report in the Daily Prophet: "I can't describe what I saw in Hogsmeade. I can only describe what I saw in unadorned language." Everything is recorded in its original form.

Madame Puddife's teahouse has been completely destroyed, and it is said that Mrs. Puddife was rescued from the ruins and sent away for treatment.

Rescuers tried to find survivors amid the rubble as the Devis and Bans store and surrounding businesses were razed.

The two Aurors in the ruins carefully collected the remains of a victim as completely as possible.

The Wenrenju Quill Pen Shop and the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store were burned down with only a few logs remaining.

The Owl Post Office has become a smoky ruin, the surrounding air is filled with the stench of scorching, and a few owls who escaped disaster stand on the roof of the half-collapsed Honeydukes Candy Store.

Relatively speaking, the Three Broomsticks is lucky, it is only missing a wall. "

The youth magazine published an article by Colin Creevey with a large number of photos taken that night. He wrote in the article: "In addition to countless houses being damaged, countless civilians were killed and injured. People who carry the wounded."

"Soon there will be no more stretchers. Everyone used everything they could to transport the wounded. In order to buy time, we didn't even use the Transfiguration Spell. A middle-aged man was lying on a door in front of me. Blood gushed from his severed calf in spurts, followed by his wife, her face covered in ashes that coagulated with the blood, with the help of Mr Longbottom and Mr Weasley The severely injured husband was dragged from the collapsed house, and I only learned the next day that they had lost two children forever."

"Among the rubble of a destroyed house, more than a dozen corpses of several families were buried, and the dug up desolate ones were placed in a roadside body bag. There were signs of wearing pajamas on their remains. Obviously, they all Died in his sleep."

Hanna also wrote an article describing: "Rescuers rescued many wounded from the rubble, and the wounded with broken heads and only broken bones were taken to the hospital after simple treatment.

Arrived in a special tent at the resettlement site. "

"Those who have lost an arm, lost a leg, and have only one muscle that is shaking are our priority treatment targets."

"It's just that the number of medical practitioners present is insufficient. We can only bandage them to stop the bleeding first, and then send them to Hogwarts for further treatment."

"Not all the wounded were rescued in time. When an old lady rushed into the tent with her granddaughter in her arms, it was too late. When I lifted her back, I could still feel her body in my hands. There is still a little bit of warmth on the bed, but she can no longer drink the healing potion, even if we tried everything."


"Thanks to Mrs. Pomfrey, for the past few years, she has taken two days every month to teach some basic knowledge of first aid and treatment to us students who are interested in becoming medical practitioners, otherwise we would just stand there at a loss that night .”

"However, in the next two days, Mrs. Pomfrey, who had never rested for more than 10 minutes with the medical staff of St. Mungo's in rescuing the wounded, herself collapsed beside the hospital bed in the auditorium. Professor McGonagall and Spur Professor Lauter had to personally pour her a full cup of Living Hell Potion, so that she could get a full rest."

A special reporter from Wizards Weekly interviewed Ginny during the lunch time at the eating place of the resettlement point. Ginny, who has not loosened her brows these days, said to the reporter: "It's hard for others to think that we have gone through such a few days. What kind of life is the life of our compatriots in this disaster.”

"What happened that night left an indelible shadow on many people's hearts. Some people now think of the pain of that night when they see the flames, even the flames on the candles can make them scream And trying to escape the light brought by the candles, they can only shiver in the corner without candles these few nights."

"Some people simply cannot accept the fact that their loved ones have passed away. There is a pair of five-year-old brother and sister who would go to the village every day to look for their parents, and some witnesses saw the moment before the boulder hit their house. , their parents threw them both into the street, and the parents didn't escape. If we don't let them go to the village, they will cry, beat people and even bite people. Speaking of here Ginny Showed the teeth marks on her arm to the reporter, now we can only let volunteers follow them to the village."

"Some people were so sad that they didn't eat anything for two or three days, so that they were starved and fainted in the tent before being discovered. Minister Scrimgeour had to give special permission for Aurors to use the Imperius Curse on them to control them. They eat."

"The most pitiful thing now are those orphans who have lost their parents"

Maggie McGonagall, who took care of the children during the day, dragged her exhausted body back to her tent at night, and when she sat at the painting table dug out from the ruins and picked up some broken paintbrushes, she felt her strength returned. to the body.In the past few days, she has turned all what she has seen, heard, and felt into the content of the special supplement of the cartoon Hogwarts afternoon tea time.On the last page, she wrote: "How many flesh and blood of my compatriots were scattered, and how many houses were reduced to ashes. The quiet village was filled with smoke and flames. Crazy careerists caused another blood debt."

Reports from the front line of Hogsmeade continuously bombarded the minds of wizards, and their influence even spread to the world of ordinary people.

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