Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 67 Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Ginny's blame is on you

When it was time to prepare lunch, Dumbledore hurried back to Hogwarts.

Beside the basilisk, Zhang Xu saw that Dumbledore's face was as dark as Hermione's.

After Dumbledore observed the basilisk carefully, Zhang Xu found an opportunity to quietly tell Dumbledore that he had something to say, and then the two came to Dumbledore's office.

The two sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. After Dumbledore conjured tea and snacks, before Dumbledore could speak, Zhang Xu put the diary with a hole in it on the desk .

Dumbledore picked up the diary on the table, his eyes shot down from his long hooked nose, gazing intently at the charred pages.

"Remarkable, needless to say, he's probably the best student Hogwarts has ever seen," said Dumbledore.

"It's really amazing, but it's a pity that he lost at the last step." Zhang Xu said after eating a piece of dessert.

Dumbledore: "You know who he is"

Zhang Xu: "Of course, Voldemort is the only person who can make this kind of magic item that can store soul shards before he graduated from Hogwarts 50 years ago."

Dumbledore: "Very few people know that Voldemort used to be called Tom Riddle."

Zhang Xu: "Just change the order of the letters of the name. If you are interested, you can still find it."

Dumbledore: "How did you beat him back then"

Zhang Xu: "He was too proud and careless. In the hall, he belittled the five students who volunteered to be daredevils, and he was caught after being unconscious. He belittled me when he was in the auditorium. He didn't know that I was tied up. His rope has some other function, and after I asked the question, it fell down without even a spell. Then I found the journal and destroyed it with a poison-coated dagger. Because his soul was so entangled with Professor Lockhart's soul, Professor Lockhart was also hurt."

Dumbledore: "So, everything that happened in the past year was caused by Tom controlling Gilderoy"

Zhang Xu: "Yes. Professor Lockhart got this diary before he came to Hogwarts as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. When people write in the diary, they can communicate with the soul in the diary. Communicate. Then the soul in the diary devours Professor Lockhart's most secret fear, the deepest secret. The soul's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and at the same time it is getting stronger. In the end, when the power of this soul is stronger than that of Lockhart When teaching, it began to control Lockhart's actions. It was accidentally discovered by Ginny when it tried to open the secret room for the first time, and then it controlled Ginny to break the trap in front of the secret room. Finally, because Ginny was pure blood, so it didn't kill Ginny, it just wiped Ginny's memory and threw the badly injured Ginny in the hallway. Then came the attack on Harry."

Dumbledore said in surprise: "For Harry"

Zhang Xu: "Yes, Tom Riddle is curious, how a baby, without any particularly magical magic, could defeat the most powerful dark wizard who ever lived. How Harry was able to escape unscathed, leaving only a scar , but Voldemort's power was destroyed. So he wanted to capture Harry and study the secrets of Harry. As a result, the first three attacks were met by others in advance, so they all failed. This time it was the fourth attack, It was discovered after triggering the early warning system that was installed just a few days ago."

Dumbledore: "Did Tom tell me where the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"No." Zhang Xu spread his hands, "After I asked this question, he didn't answer, but asked me if I would like to do it with him. I guessed that he had regained his strength or was impatient, so I immediately activated the rope that bound him

The magic on the mule stunned him.Then find the diary on his body, and destroy it. "

Dumbledore nodded, he didn't find any big problems from Zhang Xu's narration.

Dumbledore continued: "Gidero will be staying in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for a long time, and we have to find another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"I think it will be a long time to live in Azkaban." Zhang Xu said while handing Dumbledore all the materials about Lockhart's swindling and abduction.

Zhang Xu and the others originally wanted to show Dumbledore the information after the Easter holiday before sending it to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. However, Dumbledore was not at Hogwarts these days, and the matter was delayed until today.

Dumbledore read the information carefully, looked up at Zhang Xu solemnly, and said slowly: "Yes, he is going to live in Azkaban for a long time."

At first, Dumbledore thought that Lockhart was just a little vain and bragging, but he didn't expect that what he committed was so serious.Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts professors were hard to find. Dumbledore could only lower the standards when recruiting professors, and something went wrong.

"I will personally deliver this information to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic," said Dumbledore.

Zhang Xu nodded.After all, Lockhart was found by Dumbledore. He reported the crime himself and the students reported the crime, which is different for the image of Hogwarts and Dumbledore.If it was Dumbledore who reported the crime, it can be said that everything is still under Dumbledore's control.If it was the students who reported the crime, it would be the students who slapped Dumbledore in the face severely.

After collecting the information, Dumbledore asked Zhang Xu again: "The corpse of the basilisk is your trophy, what do you plan to do with it?"

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang Xu to just say, go to the kitchen, buy four more radishes, cut them up, chop them up, add a few pieces of tofu, let’s chug chug chug, let’s add a few drops of vinegar if there is no pepper, let’s drink it together if it’s sour .

"I suggest using the skin of the basilisk to make a specimen and put it on the lawn outside the castle as a monument. Keep the other parts of the basilisk that are needed by the school, and sell the rest. Participated Fighting students have priority to purchase and can get a certain amount of materials for free," Zhang Xu said.

Dumbledore thought for a while and agreed to Zhang Xu's suggestion.

"I have a small request." Zhang Xu continued, "I hope to get some venom, heart cords and nerves, and the guts of the basilisk. Of course, I will pay for it."

Dumbledore agreed to Zhang Xu's request without thinking.

The heart cord and nerves of magical creatures are generally used to make the core of the wand, and Zhang Xu intends to use it to upgrade his wand.There will be a lot of things in the next few years. After becoming an acting professor, I guess I have to take care of some things, so I need to strengthen my offensive equipment.In terms of armor, it is estimated that there will be skins shed by the basilisk in the secret room. Find a chance to go in and bring them out. Although it is not as good as the skin of the basilisk, it is not bad to use as armor.

As for the snake gall of the basilisk, this is not very useful in the western magic world, but it is very useful in China.Among the basilisk parts that were disassembled last time, the bile of the basilisk alone can almost buy a flat in the North Third Ring Road, and the whole snake gall is estimated to be able to buy a big house in Pudong this year.

The basilisk venom is even more precious. Not only can it be used to treat various difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but it can also be used to make a universal snake venom antidote.So that someone proposed the idea of ​​raising basilisks to obtain snake venom.Those venoms from last time can directly arrive at a suite in the North Third Ring Road and then bring it with fine decoration.This time the venom must be taken back anyway.

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