Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 674 A pot was buckled towards the dog's head

As time passed, the time for the train to arrive at Hogwarts was getting closer and closer.

As the rays of the setting sun streamed into the cubicle, the students began changing into their Hogwarts robes.So Arthas was invited out of the cubicle by his sister and his new friends.

Alsace heard a boy's laughter coming from the next cubicle, so he walked over and knocked on the door, "Excuse me, can I change my robe here? My sister and her friend are next door."

At this moment, the door opened, and a boy pulled Alsace into the compartment, and said to him enthusiastically, "Oh, don't be so polite, come in quickly."

There are three boys in this cubicle, and the table is piled with empty packages of various snacks and drinks, and they are also changing their robes.

"Hi, I'm Joseph Chapman." The boy who pulled Alsace into the cubicle introduced, "This is my friends, Cyril Sheldrake and Justin Arthur."

Xiaomengxin, a first-grade student, also introduced himself: "Hi everyone, my name is Alsace"

After Alsace announced his name, the other three people in the cubicle were taken aback, and then the atmosphere in the cubicle became weird.But Alsace has seen this kind of situation a lot since he was five years old. On weekends and holidays, many people come to him to brush the mountain pass.He sighed and said helplessly: "I know what you are thinking, Jaina is my sister, our father died when we were less than one year old, and you gathered 25 people to beat me, I Nor will a horse named Invincible come out of it. Finally, the elder who gave us this name is very familiar with glass slag.”

Alsace said so helplessly, Joseph, Cyril, and Justin didn't know what to say for a moment, even when they first heard that the other party had a younger sister, they immediately pulled him in and wanted to get along with him and get to know him by the way My younger sister's Joseph got stuck for a while.

"I'm sorry about your father," Joseph said, scratching the back of his head.

"There is no need to apologize for his death." Alsace spread his hands and said, "It is a good thing for everyone that he died."

"Ah" x3

"After all, I don't agree with what he did." Alsace said.

"What is your full name?" Cyril asked cautiously.

"Alsace Black." Alsace replied.

The Hogwarts Express train was moving slowly but firmly in the direction of Hogsmeade while the young wizards were talking. When night fell, the train arrived at the railway station on time.

"Here, it's the two of them."

On the roof of the train carriage, at some point there appeared two figures that no one else could see.

"Are you a grandfather going to say hello to them?" Zhang Xu said to the air around him.

Harry under the invisibility cloak couldn't see Zhang Xu who had cast the Disillusionment Curse on him, so he said in the direction of the voice, "Get out."

A group of freshmen in the first grade follow Hagrid to start the school again according to the tradition, while students from other grades go to Hogwarts Castle in a carriage pulled by Thestrals.

"I'll go to your house for dinner tonight." Zhang Xu said to Harry.

As a result, there was no sound around him, and it seemed that no one was there at all.

One minute later, Zhang Xu muttered in a low voice: "It seems that guy has escaped."

This year's freshmen crossed the Great Lake by boat, and soon climbed the steps to the gates of the castle.

faster than the freshmen,

It's a rumor about a Hogwarts professor.

"Do you know that a professor in our school always abandoned others, and now the child grows up and comes to Hogwarts to study."

"Do you know that there was a professor who abandoned the child when he was less than one year old, and now the child is dead as his father?"

"Did you know that a certain professor gave his abandoned child to someone else to raise, and that person gave the child a cursed father's name."

During the time between the students leaving the train and gathering in the cafeteria to wait for the arrival of the new students, a few unreliable news fragments mutated and fermented into unexpected rumors.

With the continuous spread of rumors, many communicators have supplemented and improved the content of the rumors, which makes the rumors sound more and more true.

Joseph, Cyril, and Justin sat at the long tables of their respective colleges, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts. The source of tonight's rumors was the three of them.

At the beginning, they just joked with others about the guesses about the life experiences of the Black brothers and sisters before getting into the carriage. In the end, these jokes turned into such widespread rumors in a short time after they were heard by others, which they did not expect .

After listening to the latest revised version of the rumor for a while, the three of them began to calm down, because the more they listened, the more they felt that their joke made sense.

First of all, the only male with the surname Black in the British wizarding world is Professor Black, the professor of transfiguration at Hogwarts.

Secondly, if Professor Black has children, it is not impossible for them to reach the age of going to Hogwarts this year. Professor Lupine's daughter, who is the same age as Professor Black, is just ten years old this year, so this is not a big problem.

The third is the reason why Professor Black abandoned the child. A group of senior students in Slytherin College reached a conclusion after whispering and discussing.Ten years ago, when the two parties were less than one year old, there was indeed a big incident in the Black family, that is, Professor Black married a wife from India.

So, two little Blakes who said their father "died when he was less than a year old" and an old Blake who married a rich and good-looking wife in the same year, if there is no connection between the two parties, no one will won't believe it.

The rumors among the students were quickly heard by the professors, and almost all the professors looked at Black.Facing the contemptuous or curious eyes of his colleagues and students, Blake himself felt uncomfortable.

He had also heard the rumors among the students, but he was still confused at the moment, because the rumors said that his illegitimate son had come to Hogwarts, and two of them would come as soon as they came.

Black must treat this matter with caution, because someone Zhang and Harry suddenly appeared at Hogwarts at noon today, and he had a bad relationship with someone Zhang first, and then Harry kept silent about the reason for coming to Hogwarts today .

Could there be an intrinsic connection among these few things? Blake thought to himself.

It's not that he hasn't thought about his cousin's affairs, it's just that it's impossible for Narcissa Malfoy to give birth to a child named Black. If Bellatrix said, Rodolph Slestrange would have been killed long ago. Who was she born with, Voldemort? He would rather believe that Lucius Malfoy had seduced his aunt.

Soon, Professor McGonagall notified Black that the task of guiding the freshmen through the sorting ceremony this year was temporarily entrusted to him.

Black took the order without saying a word, and he also wanted to see the two students in the rumors sooner.

By this time Hagrid had crossed the lake with this year's newcomers, and now they had just walked through the Basilisk Fountain and were walking towards Hogwarts Castle.

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