Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 676

There is a kind of helplessness in this world, which is that you tell the truth to others, but others think you are joking.

This kind of situation mostly happens on April [-]st. A group of people take advantage of April Fool's Day to confess their love to others, and the other party thinks you are celebrating the holiday.

But now it is September, and the two brothers and sisters decided to go all out to reveal their backgrounds, but everyone thought they were "forced by a certain professor's power" and did not tell the truth.

However, the rumors about the life experiences of the brothers and sisters disappeared completely in a short period of time after a few days. Many senior students began to keep silent about it, and other students were also distracted by the trivial matters of daily school life. attention.

Only some people know that someone is behind the scenes to suppress the limelight of this matter.

Zhang Xu, who learned about this from Rodney, just smiled. The situation is not bad until now. With some buffers, the impact when the truth comes out will not be so great.

Finally, the first Friday of the new school year at Hogwarts arrived, and the students found that Professor Longbottom, who used to go home for dinner, left after eating something hastily in the cafeteria tonight.

After walking out of Hogwarts, Neville did not go home, but turned a corner and walked towards the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

In the past few days, the Three Broomsticks Bar has divided the lobby into two parts with a row of green plants, and the inner part has been reserved.

Zhang Xu, who hasn’t returned to the UK for a long time, has been getting up from bed at noon, eating breakfast and lunch, and then lying in front of the window holding ginger or fish cakes to recover from the hangover. I was unwell, and finally came to the Three Broomsticks bar after dinner to have a drink with my friends who made an appointment tonight.

Because there were too many people he wanted to meet when he returned to England this time, he had to invite people over in batches to get together.

And it's different now, not everyone can sit together and talk about family affairs as before.For example, he didn't dare to invite Cedric and Percy out for a drink now, maybe the two of them would fight.So the party is an important factor he has to consider when arranging the party.

Another factor is the old and new feuds between people. Zhang Xu, who doesn't know the latest situation, might step on a landmine.

Tonight, besides Neville, the people he invited were Harry, who was too busy at work to spare time on weekends, and Ron, who would only be invited after Harry was invited.

"I saw Luna when I took a colleague to St. Mungo's Hospital this morning," Harry asked. "I didn't have time to say hello to her. Is anyone in her family sick?"

Zhang Xu scratched his head, "I invited friends from Ravenclaw and Lucy's brother last night, but we sent him to St. Mungo's Hospital."

Harry knocked on the table angrily with his wine glass, "If you talk about this again, I will turn my face off"

But the other three guys just laughed and ignored Harry's protests.

Before everyone was drunk, Neville asked, "Zhang, what happened to those two Black students? They said they were Voldemort's children."

Zhang Xu found that Ron was drinking, so he waited for him to take a sip before saying, "The two of them are Voldemort's children."

No one spouted a sip of wine, Neville and Ron both stared at Zhang Xu dumbfounded, and then the two of them found that Harry was very calm.

"Harry, you know about this," Ron asked.

Harry nodded and said, "I just found out not long ago. I don't want to interfere too much with this matter. After all, they are just children, so let it be."

Ron shook his head and said, "You don't want to interfere with some things, but it doesn't mean other people won't interfere."

Zhang Xu frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Now the Weasley family's way is very wild, so Zhang Xu doesn't doubt that Ron will know some news that few people know.

Neville seemed to know something too, his brow furrowed.

"It's just a group of Death Eaters who were unwilling to be reconciled to Voldemort's failure." Harry said in a low voice. "They have been looking for Voldemort everywhere, trying to make him reborn like 13 years ago."

"His father's bones seem to have been used up." Zhang Xu recalled the incident that boiled Voldemort back then, "and this is also a good thing for you. By then, your blood can be sold for a large sum of money, maybe The mortgage can be paid off early.”

"If he is willing to shoot commercials again, the mortgage will not be a problem." Ron said regretfully from the side.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Xu asked Neville quietly, while Harry glared at Ron angrily, which made Zhang Xu feel that there was something hidden behind it.

Neville put his head next to Zhang Xu's ear, and said in a low voice, "Ten years ago, Harry turned into a girl to shoot commercials, mainly because Ron got him drunk and cast the Imperius Curse on him."

After Neville said so much, Zhang Xu was relieved. No wonder Harley appeared in the advertisement. It seems that the mastermind behind this is Ginny, and she should have given Ron a kickback. Maybe Hermione is the Imperius Curse Do it yourself.

Class reunions many years after graduation often turn into breaking news conferences, and many events hidden in the depths of history are peeled off layer by layer.For example, many years ago, girls in a certain class of a certain engineering university quietly selected the top ten boys who are suitable to be boyfriends in the class, and a certain durian ranked 12th.

And the crooked building is also the norm when chatting at class reunions. The topic went from the father of the Black brothers and sisters to Halle's advertisement, and then to other places.

"Neville, how long will it take to pay off the mortgage on your house?" Ron changed the subject.

"We can pay it off early next year." Neville was obviously relieved when he said this, "Hogwarts has cooperated with GlaxoSmithKline in the past two years, and my share of the income is very considerable, so let's start Pay off the mortgage. Hannah is going to buy a new car, and we'll see next year when the mortgage is paid off."

"Ron, have you passed your driver's license test?" Zhang Xu suddenly remembered something. The poor kid Ron's driver's license test was the same as the apparition test. He always almost passed the test.

"Forget it," Ron said dejectedly, "If it wasn't for not being able to bring a wand during the road test, I would have passed the test a long time ago. Didn't I just forget to adjust the rearview mirror?"

At this time, the Three Broomsticks bar was already full of guests who came to have a drink on the weekend. Under the effect of magic, Zhang Xu and his table were isolated from the outside world.

The four of them have been drinking for three rounds, and they are constantly complaining about their recent life.

Harry said that he asked his eldest son how much six plus six was not long ago, and James said thirteen.

Ron complained that Hermione went to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes one day and thought the waitresses' skirts were too short, so she bought £[-] earrings on the way home.

Neville complained that Hannah's family complained that his car was too bad, and there was not much savings in Gringotts after paying off the mortgage.

After Zhang complained that money was getting harder to earn every day, he was suppressed by the other three.

At this moment, a "beep beep" sounded from Harry's body.He immediately took out an Auror's special communicator from his pocket, and after looking at it, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Something happened at Hogwarts." Harry said as he took out the potion for hangover.

Neville was not much drunk, he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"Someone is trying to invade Hogwarts." Harry left immediately after finishing.

This is the end of tonight's reception, and the other three followed Harry and left the bar after hearing that something happened at Hogwarts.

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