Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 681

Ten years ago

I'm still a student, you're not a professor

We are still the same

Be with Hogwarts

Walk through the gradually familiar corridor

Ten years later

We are friends and can still greet

Just kind of gentle

I can no longer find the feeling of freedom

In the end, the campus will inevitably become a society

Dividing line

The four people in the office dispersed after discussing the details of tomorrow.

Hermione and Ron came to Diagon Alley together, and the tea in her office was out, so it had to be replenished.

But Hermione soon noticed that something was wrong with Ron, "What are you thinking?" she asked.

"It's nothing." Ron said softly, "It's just that we can no longer go back to the past when we can solve problems together without any worries. Now when we want to solve a problem, we need to take into account too many things. Just like Fudge back then."

When Hermione and Ron headed to the Burrow through the fireplace in Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes under the watchful eye of the salesperson in a long dress, Neville had just reported to Professor McGonagall what the four of them had discussed today.

Professor McGonagall looked at Neville coldly and remained silent, which made Neville very uncomfortable.

The silence in the headmaster's office lasted for about 5 minutes. Professor McGonagall finally waved to Neville and said, "Just do as you say."

After Neville left the office, Professor McGonagall leaned back on his chair and sighed. The honest and honest Neville back then would play tricks.

The identity of "descendant of Voldemort" is a hot roasted sweet potato for former Death Eaters like the Malfoy family, but it is a very tempting political resource for Neville.

When Dumbledore was cultivating Harry Potter, why didn't he get the light of "Savior".With the Harry card in hand, many things are much easier to handle in many cases, such as summoning members of the Order of the Phoenix for the second time, such as the cooperation with No. [-] Downing Street.

Neville must also be planning to win these two people to his side. In this way, the signboard of "educating and influencing Voldemort's descendants" can add a lot of highlights to Neville.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are various open and secret struggles among the professors in Hogwarts.It's just that Dumbledore's gold-lettered signboard was shocked before, and the little thoughts of the professors were also put away.

But Professor McGonagall's prestige is far inferior to that of Dumbledore, and Voldemort's threat has been eliminated, and now some people are starting to move.On the first day of school, she also planned to let Zhang Xu attend the school opening banquet, and then put some pressure on some people, but Zhang Xu realized that something was wrong right away, so he left England early the next morning.

In the same batch of professors as Professor McGonagall, although Professor Sprout still serves as the dean of Hufflepuff, she no longer has any teaching tasks, and now she devotes all her energy to herbal genetics research.Professor Flitwick, the vice-principal, was very simple. Although he was the same age as Professor McGonagall, he made no secret of his goal and waited for Professor McGonagall to take the position of principal for a few years after Professor McGonagall retired.

Among the other professors, Hagrid only saw the animals and his lover far away in Beauxbatons. Professor Babling had quit a few years ago. Star, Professor Victor is still a small transparent one

Lupine and Black were relatively calm. The former was strictly neutral and had no desires, while the latter wanted to dance, but after being suppressed by Malfoy once, he lost interest.

What surprised Professor McGonagall most was Professor Rodney. At first, Professor McGonagall thought that this ex-military person would cause trouble at Hogwarts. The one that came out claimed to be on the daughter who had been drinking.

The most powerful dancers among the professors were Faranell, who was pushed in by the school board, and Neville, who secretly opposed him.

Now it seems that Neville has found an opportunity to jump out.

The most reassuring thing is only Professor Binns.

With the retirement of my generation, I don't know what troubles will be caused by the new professors in the future.Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall had to sigh, "It's not easy to lead the team."

"So I saw that the limelight in Britain is not right now, so I left as soon as possible." Just as Zhang Xu finished speaking, with a "snap", a disposable paper cup containing a glass of clear water hit the table in front of him.Fortunately, there was a magic spell, and the tap water in the paper cup did not spill half a drop.

Then, a hot cup of honey lemon tea and a small dish of fudge with various flavors appeared in front of the host sitting opposite Zhang Xu.

"In Beverly Hills, a servant like you is unique." Zhang Xu didn't get angry because he was treated lightly. "Why haven't you returned to Nurmengard yet?"

"When he is really dead, I will go back after I put him back in the grave." Grindelwald pointed to the old man beside him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to die tomorrow." Zhang Xu had heard Dumbledore's words for several years.

& nb

sp; Some people are alive, but he is dead. These words are perfect to describe the current Dumbledore.

Back then, Dumbledore's illness was not feigned, but his problem was that he almost lost all his magic power. In the end, he was not as good as Filch, but his body could last a long time under the treatment of Slughorn's special potion. for a long time.

It’s just that under the background of the times at that time, a Dumbledore without combat power was far less useful than a Dumbledore who died in battle, so he and Snape cooperated in a play, anyway, jumping from the window of Hogwarts If you go out, you can't die.

It can be said that Dumbledore, who used the same fake death drug as Snape and Harry, was sealed in the tomb while he was alive. That night, Slughorn, one of the insiders, took him out of the tomb through a secret passage. With the help of Newt Scamander, he came to the United States to live in seclusion.

Afterwards, Slughorn revised his related memories again, and Snape still closed his mind, so this matter was hidden from everyone.

However, there are two other people who know about this matter.One is someone Zhao who provided him with the formula of fake death medicine in the year of the Triwizard Tournament, and the other is someone whose company published the biography of Dumbledore and regularly remitted copyright fees to Dumbledore's account so that he could live in seclusion .Chapter 169

And these two people concealed this matter from Zhang at the same time.

Later, in the film industry, Qian Ziye went to fool Dumbledore. After changing his appearance a little, he starred in the Lord of the Rings series of movies. Like many retired veteran cadres, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable when he was idle. At the same time, Dumbledore liked acting very much. Lido finally agreed to him.

In less than 5 minutes after the opening of the world premiere of the first Lord of the Rings, Zhang, who could see the clues from the details of Gandalf's demeanor, movements and expressions, immediately rushed out of the cinema, and then came to the UK to take Grindel Waugh was thrown into the plane to the United States.

Mr. Zhang didn't know what happened later. He came to the door with the IOU left by Dumbledore after a week after he estimated that the situation would be calm.

The current Grindelwald is very disgusted with this guy who always comes to the door with a stack of IOUs and calls for Dumbledore to repay the debt. Grindelwald never gives him a good face every time Zhang Xu comes.

Dumbledore retired with an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor after wandering in the film industry for a few years, but because his "death" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, other people who don't know only regard him as a grown-up An actor who looks a bit like Dumbledore.

In line with the principle of spending all the money earned from filming before his death, Dumbledore bought a luxurious villa in Beverly Hills.So whenever Zhang Xu waved the stack of IOUs, he always said: "Okay, this villa will be used to repay the debt after I die." Zhang Xu didn't really want him to pay back the money, but he was always angry. But Dumbledore faked his death to lie to himself.

Dumbledore ate a piece of jelly, then smiled and said to Zhang Xu: "Isn't the current situation exactly what you've always wanted?"

"Your reading room, and your Muggle studies class, isn't there a lot of party politics?"

"So you should be happy."

Zhang Xu took a sip of the tap water in the paper cup, then sighed, and said, "I'm just surprised that all this happened so quickly. I thought it would take several years for wizards in Britain to start taking this step."

"But I didn't expect that the last order Voldemort gave to Lucius was to let him investigate Buckingham Palace. And Lucius handed over his business card directly, and finally let him meet the queen, and then with the support of the queen, did Voldemort just die? In a few days, he established a wizarding party under the slogan of supporting local capital and reaching the comprador class. In future history books, his reputation may not be inferior to the two of you."

After listening to Zhang Xu's complaints, Dumbledore just smiled and drank tea, and Grindelwald just "hummed".

Then Zhang Xu said to Grindelwald, "Maybe they can take over No. [-] Downing Street through a parliamentary struggle and win the victory that your Excellency failed to obtain back then."

Grindelwald said disdainfully: "Parliamentary struggle is a crooked way of cowards."

Dumbledore put down the empty teacup, and then said: "This shows that wizards are tired of the magic world that has been unchanged for hundreds of years, and everyone is eager for change in their hearts."

"As you said before, a person's position determines his behavior, and they only change their world in their position."

Zhang Xu played with the empty paper cup in his hand for a while, and then asked, "Are you two interested in changing the world?"

"Hey." Grindelwald sneered twice, "Be careful to scare the Aurors outside to death when you say that."

It is impossible for the Magic Congress of the United States to not know that the two big bosses are living in seclusion here. Although they will not interfere with their daily life, necessary monitoring, or disguised protection is still needed. The two big bosses are also aware of this situation. well aware.

Now the two sides have reached a tacit agreement that if one party does not make trouble, the other party will pretend not to know anything.

It was just that the American Auror who had been called out of his whereabouts outside the garden of the villa was very embarrassed at this time. The one-eyed Auror couldn't help but scratched his shiny black head like a marinated egg.

Dumbledore didn't care about this. He shook his head with a smile, pointed at Grindelwald and said, "We have all used our own methods to change the world, but he failed."

Then he pointed to himself, "It seems that I have succeeded."

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