Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 686 Alsace who is about to become a man tonight

Days passed by, and the earth was spinning as always.

Time soon came to the pumpkin festival.

Today, the last class of the first-year students in Slytherin College in the afternoon is Charms class. Professor Flitwick is explaining the main points of a new spell on the podium, and then let the students practice alone.

Flitwick wandered between the desks, constantly correcting the students' gestures and pronunciation of spells.

;︿づ "fluorescent flash"

Arthas' spells and gestures were flawless, but the tip of his wand didn't shine like a flashlight, just a dot of light drifted out.

Professor Flitwick watched for a while. Alsace tried several times but failed. He said to the student who was already sweating: "Don't be nervous, Mr. Black. This is a normal phenomenon. .”

"Why?" Alsace looked puzzled, "Why can't I use this spell? It's normal."

"Try it with your usual glowing wand charm," said Professor Flitwick.

 ̄w ̄づ-=“Bright Hall”

Arthas read the spell in Chinese, and the tip of his wand shone like a flashlight.He would use this spell when he went into the mountains to catch crickets at night in the summer before.

Professor Flitwick nodded, and he said to Alsace: "Spells with the same effect, the spells used by wizards in different places are different, and the spells in different places are in the common language of each place."

Alsace nodded. If French wizards were allowed to use English spells, they would simply switch to Famas Kedavra.

"Your current problem, Mr. Zhang also encountered it back then." Professor Flitwick continued to explain, "Your problem is that the previous spells have left too deep marks on you, so you are using When you use English spells, your spellcasting will be interfered by your inherent thinking. Now this spell is not a big problem, and when you use other spells in the future, it is likely to cause your own scars."

Alsace thought for a while, then waved his wand and tried again, and found that his problem was the same as what Professor Flitwick said, he said "fluorescent flashes" in his mouth, but subconsciously in his heart was still "bright".

"Then how did he solve this problem?" Alsace asked. "He never told me about this problem."

Professor Flitwick smiled, and then said: "He told me about this problem on the first day of school. It is inevitable that you two brothers and sisters will have such problems. But he wants you to experience this feeling deeply. It will be good for you to grow up in the future. But your sister's performance seems to be pretty good."

Alsace would never have imagined that Professor Flitwick's avoidance of talking about Zhang's solution to the problem was because that guy hadn't planned to solve the problem from the very beginning.Anyway, the operation test at the end of the term only looks at the results, not the process.

At this time, Professor Flitwick wrote a list on the blank page of Alsace's notebook, and then said: "Go to the library to borrow these books, first understand the theory of silent spellcasting, and then think about yourself problem. Although this is the content of the sixth grade, I believe your wisdom can solve this problem."

Guiding students to research and solve problems by themselves is one of the professor's tasks. Professor Flitwick is very optimistic about this pair of siblings who are smart enough, so he doesn't mind setting a goal for the siblings that is seriously beyond the scope, and then let them learn the skills themselves Tree.At the same time, this is also a test that Professor Flitwick has given to the siblings.

Not long after, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

During dinner, huge jack-o-lanterns floated over the cafeteria, and various

pumpkin products.

"It's a pity that there is no pumpkin flower stuffed meat." Alsace said while dealing with the last bit of pumpkin cake on the plate in front of him.

Gianna, who was sitting next to him, served herself a bowl of pumpkin soup. She said, "This is the season. And the pumpkins in the UK are not mainly eaten. Of the pumpkins grown in the UK in a year, more than 90.00% of the pumpkins are only used for Halloween decorations, and less than [-]% of the pumpkins are used to eat."

Alsace was a little out of interest, he whispered to his sister, "I don't know if there will be any accidents today."

Jaina said helplessly: "Isn't An Ansheng living a good life?"

"If you have nothing to do, you can help Evelyn lose weight."

The first friend the siblings met on the train, the chubby little girl Evelyn, was recently ordered by her mother to lose weight.Because she ate too many chocolate frogs in order to draw cards, she has been gaining weight recently.

As a friend, in the past week, Jaina had to cast several spells like "Dancing Youth" on her in the dormitory every night, and asked her to do radio gymnastics for half an hour.

Alsace, who was eating roasted chicken legs, said, "I heard my master brag before that when he was at Hogwarts, more than half of the Halloweens would have accidents."

"In the first year, the people controlled by my father got a troll into the corridor. In the second year, the people controlled by my father's horcrux released the basilisk. In the third year, my uncle sneaked into the castle to make trouble. The fourth In [-], my father's men made trouble in the Goblet of Fire."

Alsace told Jaina about the things Zhang said when bragging, "Every time something happens, it's either related to my father or my uncle. The people involved are our relatives, so it's okay for us to have something wrong on Halloween. strangeness."

"This is inevitable in the course of history." Jaina said angrily, "It is strange that nothing happened at that time, it just happened a few times on Halloween."

At this time, all the food on the table disappeared, replaced by a pile of pumpkin snacks.

"I'll go to the library to borrow the books that Professor Flitwick mentioned, will you go?" Alsace asked his sister.

"No, I'm going to help Evelyn lose weight," Jaina said.

When the pumpkin feast was over, Arthas went upstairs with the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw crowd.

The librarian at Hogwarts is still the same one. She married Filch nine years ago, and now she can't be called Mrs. Pince, but Mrs. Filch.

Filch, who was old and had a child, was now going back to Hogsmeade's home to be with his family at night, so the night watchman in the castle was replaced by the senior prefects of each house.

There are quite a few students sneaking into the library at night, many of them headed for the restricted area.But Alsace had a note from Professor Flitwick, so the prefects who watched the night did not make things difficult for him.

When Alsace put the borrowed books into his "treasure bag" and was about to leave the library, suddenly a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and then he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a huge rock, with light spots like fireflies flying above him.

Arthas quickly got up from the ground, and he found himself on a platform thirty feet square, surrounded by black mist in the distance.

Looking at the ceiling covered with spikes coming out of the mist above his head, Alsace widened his eyes, and said in a voice that he could only hear: "No way, this is the legendary Hogwarts version. If you are a man, you will go down a hundred floors."

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