Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 77 Professor, I want to play Scarlet Devil House

In the last few days of the holiday, Zhang Xu also lived in the Leaky Cauldron, and became neighbors with Harry.

It's just that the environment of the Leaky Cauldron Bar is so bad that Zhang Xu has to spend some time to clean up his room.

In the past few days, Zhang Xu didn't do anything else, but checked the textbooks for next semester's class in the bar room, and spent the rest of the time wandering casually in Diagon Alley.

The textbook for next semester's Muggle Studies class has already been finished by Zhang Xu in China, and it is now on sale at the Lihen Bookstore in Diagon Alley.

Zhang Xu came to Lihen Bookstore, planning to buy other textbooks for the third grade.

Zhang Xu walked into the bookstore, and the manager of the bookstore rushed forward to greet him.

"Is it from Hogwarts?" the bookstore manager asked, "Are you here to buy new books?"

"Yes," Zhang Xu said.

"Please step aside." The manager of the bookstore said impatiently, pushing Zhang Xu aside.

The bookstore manager put on a pair of thick gloves, picked up a thick, knotty cane, and walked towards the iron cage containing the monster books of the monsters.

"Wait a minute, I don't need to buy this book." Zhang Xu said.

"Don't you need to buy it?" The manager immediately said with a look of great relief on his face, "Thank God, I have been bitten five times this morning."

Suddenly there was a loud tearing sound from the iron cage, and the two ghost books of the monsters grabbed the third one and tore it apart together.

Just as the manager of the bookstore opened the books vigorously with his cane, Zhang Xu took out a few hay-like things, lit them with his wand and white smoke came out, and then stretched them into the monster book cage of the monsters.

As the white smoke drifted away in the iron cage, all the monster books of the irritable monsters quieted down, and they all lay quietly at the bottom of the iron cage.

Then Zhang Xu used the floating spell to make the smoking hay float in the iron cage.

"Thank you so much, sir. You solved a huge problem for us." The manager of the bookstore said to Zhang Xu very gratefully, "Can you sell this herbal medicine to me?"

"You don't need to sell it." Zhang Xu took out a handful of hay and put it on the counter. "This herb is called Ningshencao. The smoke after it burns has a calming effect. You can stick a piece of it on the back of each book cover. , so that these books will not be grumpy. It is said that these grasses are not worth much, just give me a discount after I buy the books. Also, although this kind of grass is not poisonous and can be eaten, it is best not to put it in your mouth , If you don’t believe me, try it.”

The bookstore manager accidentally picked up a piece of Ningshen grass from the counter, chewed it in his mouth, and then ran to the bathroom behind the bookstore to rinse his mouth.

Zhang Xu shrugged, and continued to choose the books he needed in the bookstore.

This kind of Ningshen grass is as easy to feed as weeds, and its taste is so bitter that even insects dare not eat it, so Professor Sprout planted a large number of this grass around the greenhouse and vegetable field to prevent insects.

In the bookstore, Zhang Xutian picked out the books he was interested in.

Suddenly, Zhang Xu saw a bug crawling in the air on a small bookshelf.Zhang Xu stared carefully again, and made sure that the insect was crawling on its legs in the air, and its wings did not move.

Zhang Xu reached out to feel where the worms had crawled, only to find a row of invisible books.

Zhang Xu picked up one of them, fumbled to open it, and found that the contents inside could be seen after the book was opened, but nothing could be seen from the cover side when turned over.

Zhang Xu took out a bookmark, half of which was caught in the book and half of which was exposed.

Zhang Xu took this strange book and walked to the counter, and said to the bookstore who had just returned from rinsing his mouth: "This book is invisible, so you are not afraid that someone will take it without paying?"

Then the bookstore gave another thank you, because after this batch of invisibility books of the invisibility technique came back, they were never found again.

Then the manager of the bookstore took a stack of bookmarks and imitated Zhang Xu to put a bookmark on each book.

After Zhang Xu finished selecting the books, the manager of the bookstore directly gave Zhang Xu a [-]% discount, and the invisibility book on invisibility was given to Zhang Xu.

After paying the bill, Zhang Xu saw several sets of Muggle Encyclopedias on the bookshelf. These are the textbooks for the Muggle Studies course designated by Zhang Xu. They are full-color on high-grade coated paper.

The pages are printed, and the style of painting in the bookstore is obviously different from other books.

"How is the sales of this set of books?" Zhang Xu asked the bookstore manager, pointing to Muggle Encyclopedia.

"This set of books introducing Muggles from China is very popular." The bookstore manager said, "The paper and printing have never been seen before, the content is very interesting, and the price is very low. This is Hogwarts' Muggle book this year. I bought the textbooks for the Melon Studies class, but many students who did not take this course and many adult wizards bought this set of books. If I hadn’t kept enough, otherwise many students would have no textbooks in this year’s class.”

Speaking of making money, the manager of the bookstore had a happy smile on his face.

Hearing that this set of books was very popular, Zhang Xu was relieved.

When the country compiled this set of books for the Muggle Studies class at Hogwarts, it was not simply compiled as a textbook, but a combination of teaching, fun, academics and private goods.

A complete set of five books objectively tells the history, technology and social development of the Muggle world for thousands of years from the shallower to the deeper.

From the first book used by the third grade, it tells the common sense of Muggle social life, the basic usage and precautions of various electrical appliances.Book Five, used up to Year [-], describes the economic, political, legal and philosophical development of Muggle society.After learning a set of books, wizards basically have no problem living in Muggle society.

Just as Zhang Xu was about to leave, a beautiful figure walked into the bookstore.

The person who came was a little girl who looked less than 1.4 meters tall, wearing a pink dress, a pink loose round hat, and holding a pink umbrella in her hand.There were scarlet ribbons and lace on pink dresses, round hats, and parasols.Under the loose round hat, there is a cute bun face, with short purple hair and short silver hair. The pupils of the eyes are a strange red. When the mouth is opened, a pair of cute little canine teeth will be revealed.

This cute little girl, if Zhang Xu can't beat her, maybe Zhang Xu will give her to prprpr one day when no one is around.

"Hello, Professor Scarlet." Zhang Xu greeted the little girl.

Helleson Scarlet is a professor of mathematics who just came to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry last year.

Her Scarlet family took refuge in Hong Kong during Voldemort's rebellion, and then settled in Hong Kong.

Helleson Scarlet graduated from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong, and was invited by Dumbledore to be a professor of numbers at Hogwarts when he was in Chapter 42.

Regarding Professor Hellesen Scarlet, there are two mysteries about her, her age is a mystery, and her strength is a mystery.

Because Hellesen Scarlet is not tall and looks very cute, many students think that she is not very old, but the students who asked her age were all beaten to death by her.

On a certain Saturday night last year, when Zhang Xu and the others were practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts in the Room of Requirement, Hellesen Scarlet visited the Room of Requirement.As a result, none of the students who were practicing at that time could fight, and she overthrew all two or three moves on the grounds of extracurricular tutoring. Zhang Xu, who had the best score, only survived under her hands for more than two minutes.Since then, no one dared not to pay attention to mathematics class.During the basilisk incident, she took many students to a safe place. When dealing with the basilisk, she blocked the basilisk's attempt to escape from the hall by herself on the stairs. The name "Crimson Demon" began to circulate in Hogwarts.Since then, the students' enthusiasm for learning mathematics has been very high.

Because Professor Scarlett is very good at playing and is full of majesty in the classroom, although she looks very cute, the students are very afraid of her.

Especially Draco Malfoy, the treatment of Harry Potter in Potions class is the same as that of Draco Malfoy in mathematics class.

And Draco Malfoy couldn't find someone to reason with, because one of the Death Eaters that Voldemort sent to Hong Kong to hunt down the Scarlet family was Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy. blessing.

But Professor Scarlet has a very good relationship with Zhang Xu.Helleson Scarlet, who has lived in Hong Kong for more than ten years, can be regarded as half of Zhang Xu's hometown, and both of them like to drink black tea, so they quickly became acquainted.

Professor Scarlet's current attire was designed for her by Zhang Xu for a certain purpose.The lady without wings is cute too.

However, after confirming that the Scarlet family did not have a pair of sisters named Remilia Scarlet and Flandre Scarlet, Zhang Xu was disappointed for a long time.

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