Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 Please look at the big screen

In the last class in the afternoon of the first day of Hogwarts this semester, the third-year students came to the Muggle Studies classroom with great curiosity.

The classroom of the Muggle Studies class has been transformed into an amphitheater. When sitting in a seat, there is no need to be afraid of being blocked by the heads of the students in front of the seat.

On the windowless side of the classroom is a row of shelves covered by curtains, so students cannot see what is on the shelves.

The front of the classroom is a huge glass screen, and the professor's seat has been moved from the middle of the classroom to the left.

The names of many students are displayed on the screen. When the students walk into the classroom, they will see their names on the screen change from gray to gold.

At the bottom of the screen, if you get closer, you will see the red "changhong" logo.

Zhang Xu sat behind the podium, looking at the magic version of the tablet controller in his hand, which looked like a future tablet computer. The automatic roll call system was displayed on the big screen in front of the classroom simultaneously.

This automatic roll call system was developed by Zhang Xu based on Marauder's Map technology, which can automatically display and record the situation of different students entering the classroom, as well as the time of entry.

Because electronic products cannot be used in Hogwarts Castle, Zhang Xu purchased a spell version playback system from China.Only then did he realize that the magic version of the TV had almost reached the level of the TV 20 years later in terms of playback effect.The disadvantage is that it is impossible to directly receive the wired and wireless signals of the TV, and it has to be converted by equipment, and the conversion time is too long to be broadcast live.However, it is still possible to play movies and play ppt.

Since the students are looking forward to today's class, the staff is due 5 minutes before the class starts.

Zhang Xu started playing a short video after the name of the last student on the class list was lit up.

The screen suddenly went black, then gradually brightened, showing the entrance hall of Hogwarts Castle.At the same time, low-pitched music sounded.

The students saw the Basilisk appear on the screen with Lockhart on the stairs in the foyer.At the same time the music in the classroom became tense.

Suddenly, accompanied by high-pitched background music, Peeves carrying two packs of quicklime soared down from the sky, covering the Basilisk's face.

When Peeves was stared at by the other eye of the basilisk, the background music became tragic with the slow motion of Peeves turning into black smoke.

Then there is the suicide attack launched by five death squads under the majestic background music. The end of this scene ends with two petrified students falling to the ground in slow motion under the leadership of the overhead view.

Next, the scene of Zhang Xu rushing out and throwing a grenade to blow up the other eye of the basilisk flashed by, and the scene quickly changed to the students attacking the basilisk together, the professor came to rescue after several dangers, opening the passage to cover the evacuation of the students from the cafeteria and The scene where Scarlet blocked the basilisk by himself on the stairs, the background music also became more exciting.

On the screen, the scene of fighting the basilisk has both an aerial perspective and the No.1 perspective of the students, and there is even a shot of the basilisk's big mouth less than two feet in front of the camera.

At the end of the short film, Dumbledore's Phoenix sent Harry Potter the Sorting Hat and Gryffindor Sword, and then the audience followed Harry Potter from the perspective of Harry Potter to catch the Phoenix's leg and fly to the Basilisk On the top of the head, justice descended from heaven and pierced the basilisk to death with a sword.

In the end, the whole short film ended with a close-up of Harry Potter's face from far to near.

At the end of the short film, the students in the classroom responded with warm applause.The students who appeared in the video began to brag.

After deciding to fight the basilisk in the hallway, Zhang Xu entrusted a group of ghosts to help place the video crystals in various places in the hallway.

After finishing work, Zhang Xu discovered that these video crystals were not burned by the eyes of the basilisk. It is estimated that the eyes of the basilisk would only burn things in the path of vision when there were creatures behind them.Zhang Xu didn't go into this kind of magic but unscientific thing.

Later, Zhang Xu copied these video crystals and the videos stored in the video brooches worn by himself and Harry, edited them and added burning songs as bg to create this short video.

In his previous life, when Zhang Xu was in college, he often edited various short videos and uploaded them to Que b Le. He has rich experience in this regard.

Now it seems that the effect of the short film is good, and the reaction of the audience in the classroom is very strong.

When the students quieted down a bit, it was time for class.

Zhang Xu replaced the content on the big screen with the words "Muggle Studies Class" and walked to the center of the podium.

Looking at the quiet students, Zhang Xu said to the students: "Welcome everyone to choose the Muggle Studies class. In this class, you can let your wands rest for a while."

The students in the seats laughed.

Zhang Xu went on to say: "Although everyone's wands can rest, the brain cannot rest."

"On the moon

Is it a human or a ghost? What is hidden behind the birth of the steam engine? Why do wars in the world break out frequently? The development of science and technology, who is behind all this? Is it the progress of Muggles or the decline of tradition? Is it the outbreak of technology? The helplessness of survival, please pay attention to the Muggle Studies class, let us follow the textbook, walk into the life of Muggles, and reveal the secrets behind the Muggle world for you.”

"Next, I will announce some rules for adding and deducting points in our classroom."

"Students who are late, one point will be deducted for every minute late. Students who need to ask for leave, please hand over the leave note signed by your dean to me before three o'clock that day, or entrust your dean to give it to me."

"During class, you can be in a daze, sleep and do homework on other subjects just like you are in a history of magic class. But there is one thing, you can't disturb other students who want to study in any way, such as snoring while sleeping."

There was a burst of laughter from the students.

"If anyone affects other students who want to study, five points will be deducted for each student affected."

"Plus, no matter how well you perform in class, I treat any student's assignments and tests the same."

"Speaking of homework, I don't want you to copy the homework of other students. If I find anyone whose homework is a lot of the same, I will treat them well. Please believe me, your experience in plagiarizing homework is not as rich as mine. "

The students burst into laughter again.

"After talking about the sad deduction points, let's talk about the pleasant plus points."

"After I ask a question, whoever raises your hand first will answer the question."

"One point is added to the basic score for the correct answer, and then depending on the completeness and depth of the answer, the extra points are set in five grades from one point to five points."

Then Zhang Xu waved his magic wand, and a hummingbird with blue light flew out from the podium.

"The hummingbird will fly itself to the head of the student with the fastest hand raised, so whoever it flies to will answer the question."

"When a classmate asks a question, with my consent, whichever classmate can answer his question can also get extra points. But don't let anyone think of colluding to get extra points. This will not deceive me and Hummingbird's."

"That's it, anyone object?"

The students in their seats shook their heads.

"Then let's start our first learning content." Zhang Xu said, "Today we first learn about the history of the development of the Muggle world."

Zhang Xu walked to the podium, "Next, please watch the big screen. I will play a documentary about world history. Record any questions you have while watching, and you can ask questions after the documentary is played."

The students began to concentrate on watching the documentary played on the big screen.

The one-hour documentary tells the historical process of human society from the Stone Age to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and focuses on the development of science and technology after World War II and after the war.

The students, who had never experienced this kind of class experience, watched the content on the big screen attentively.

The one-hour documentary cannot tell the history of the development of human society in too much detail, and Zhang Xu only gave the students a preliminary impression of the history of the Muggle world, so that they would not be like some wizards, thinking that the Muggle world is still the same as them Stay in the Middle Ages.

At first, Zhang Xu found that most of the students who took this course were students from Snake Academy, which surprised him very much.

After asking the familiar students of the Snake Academy, the students of the Snake Academy said that they need to learn because they don't understand, which made Zhang Xu feel relieved.

Therefore, Zhang Xu chose the method of crushing their three views from the very beginning through documentaries focusing on the Second World War, aerospace technology, nuclear weapons and other scientific and technological achievements, allowing them to re-understand the Muggle world at the end of the [-]th century.

From the expressions on the faces of the students, it can be seen that this method has been successful.

The war machines during World War II, the atomic bomb explosion and the ruins after the explosion, and the moon landing pictures of the Apollo project shocked all the little wizards from the wizard family.

The same event, the feeling of watching a documentary is not comparable to reading a book in the reading room before.

After the documentary was played, the students asked various questions, which mainly focused on technology after World War II.

From the use of electrical appliances to whether Zhang Xu will make an atomic bomb, there are all kinds of questions.

Even Malfoy, whose right arm was wrapped in a bandage, raised his left hand and asked Zhang Xu eagerly how he could become an astronaut.

Fortunately, Zhang Xu has a wealth of knowledge and can answer all kinds of questions.

The end of get out of class time came amidst all kinds of questions and answers.After arranging for the students to write a review of the documentary, Zhang Xu announced the dismissal of the get out of class.

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