Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 86

The afternoon class time came amidst laughter in the faculty lounge, and the professors got up and went to the classroom to start the afternoon class.

"Professor Sreikat, this bottle of shrinking potion is for you." Zhang Xu handed the bottle full of shrinking potion to Sreikat.

"Why did you give it to me?" Sreikat, who was about to go to class, asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Didn't you rely on this potion to maintain your current figure and appearance?" Zhang Xu said naturally.

Slay Carter:

Not long after class, Professor Lupine brought a group of lion cubs to the faculty lounge.

Many students came to the faculty lounge for the first time, and they were obviously very curious about the long, new sofa and coffee table in the middle of the room.

The first few students who entered the faculty lounge even saw Professor Snape with a strange smile on his face.

After Professor Lupine came in, when he was about to close the door behind him, Snape said with a sarcastic smile on his lips, "Don't close it, Lupine. I'd better not look."

He stood up and walked past the class, his black robe fluttering behind him.

On the porch, Snape turned and said, "Probably no one warned you, Lupine, that there are more fantastic animals in the staff room than you can imagine."

Then Snape glanced at Neville among the students, and said again: "I advise you not to ask Neville Longbottom to do anything difficult during the actual operation, unless Miss Granger whispers something in his ear." instruct."

Although Neville was a blockbuster in last year's final exam, the fear left by Snape in the first grade was still too deep in his heart. In Potions class, when Snape walked within five feet of Neville, Neville Trembling hands and feet, lack of concentration, causing him frequent accidents in potions class.

Neville blushed, and the other students glared at Snape as if trying to make him pregnant.

"I originally wanted Neville to be my assistant in the first phase of the operation," Professor Lupine said. "I'm sure he will do well."

Snape's lips puckered, but he left, slamming the door shut.

"Come here, everyone," said Professor Lupine, beckoning the class to the end of the lounge.

There was nothing there but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their extra robes.Professor Lupin walked over to the closet and stood still, and the closet suddenly shook, banging against the wall.

"Don't worry." Professor Lupine said calmly, because at this moment several students jumped back in fright. "There's a Boggart inside."

Most people feel that there is something to worry about.Neville glanced at Professor Lupine with terror in his eyes, and Seamus Finnigan peeked in fear at the now shaking cabinet doorknob.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupine, "wardrobes, voids under beds, cupboards under sinks. I once came across one hidden in an old grandfather's clock. This one was yesterday afternoon." Moving in, I asked the principal if the faculty could leave it alone and give my third graders some practice. So, the first question we have to ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart"

Then Professor Lupine started the on-site teaching, introducing to the students the characteristics of the Boggart and its weakness of not being able to deal with more than two people at the same time.

Professor Lupine then taught the students the "Funny Funny" spell to use against Boggarts.

Finally, Professor Lupine encouraged Neville, who was the first to appear.

"When the Boggart rushes out of the closet, Neville, and sees you, it will take on Professor Snape's appearance," said Professor Lupine. "And you, hold your wand like this and yelling funny funny

And try to focus, thinking about your grandma's clothes.If all goes well, Professor Boggart Snape will be forced to become a man wearing a hat with a stuffed vulture on his head, wearing a green suit, and carrying a large red handbag. "

The whole class laughed.

And the wardrobe shook even more.

"I'll count to three, Neville," said Professor Lupine, pointing his wand at the wardrobe as well. "One, two, three."

There was a burst of sparks from the end of Professor Lupine's wand, and the spark hit the wardrobe door handle.The closet door opened, and a figure-like figure rushed out of the closet.

A nervous Neville raised his wand: "Funny funny"

Zhang Xu tied into rice dumplings: "Don't shoot me"

Professor Lu Ping and a group of lion cubs were all in a daze. They agreed to become Snape's Boggart, but why did they become Zhang Xu who was tied up?

Could it be that what Neville is most afraid of is not Snape, but Zhang Xu?

I heard that Neville and Zhang Xu have a very good relationship. Zhang Xu has been helping Neville since the first grade. He also saw Neville's talent in herbal medicine and recommended Neville to Sprout. professor.Moreover, Neville's parents were cured only with Zhang Xu's help, so Neville has always been very grateful to Zhang Xu.

Could it be that something unspeakable and terrible happened between Neville and Zhang Xu without their knowledge?

Looking at Zhang Xu, who was wearing a long dress embroidered with lace, a tall hat with a moth-eaten old stuffed eagle on top, and a huge scarlet handbag dangling in his hand, A group of onlookers instantly filled their brains with hundreds of thousands of words of love and hatred between the two.

At this moment, Zhang Xunei's face is full of bullshit, and the story of Snape in women's clothing that he agreed to be a must-have chapter in the Harry Potter fanfic turned into a trick for himself.

Since the rope that tied him was turned into a woman's dress, Zhang Xu popped out his magic wand after untying it, and relieved himself of "funny funny".

After reacting, Professor Lu Ping came to Zhang Xu with his wand and poked Zhang Xu's shoulder with his wand.

Zhang Xu pushed Lupine's wand away depressedly, and said, "Don't make trouble, I'm a human, not a Boggart."

Then Zhang Xu pointed to the tea cupboard in the teachers' lounge and said, "The Boggart you want is in there."

"Then what do you do?" asked the bewildered Professor Lupine.Before he left the teachers' lounge just now, he also confirmed that the Boggart was in the closet. Why did he become a living person in a short while?

"Oh, don't offend Professor Scarlet easily." Zhang Xu sighed and walked towards the sofa beside him.

Professor Lu Ping suddenly realized, and patted Zhang Xu on the shoulder when Zhang Xu passed by him.

The little lions who had figured out the situation laughed cheerfully.

Amidst laughter, Zhang Xu sat on the sofa and slowly explained the curse of "funny funny".

When the spell was working on Zhang Xu just now, he found that there was a part of the shadow of transfiguration in the spell, which explained why he was hit by it, and there were also some parts related to the soul and emotions.

Think of Boggarts that can explore the characteristics of human fear. It seems to feed on human fear, which is similar to dementors that feed on human happiness.

In this way, the "Funny Funny" that can expel Boggarts and the "Patronus Charm" that can expel Dementors may have similarities in the parts involving souls and emotions.

"Perhaps when Professor Lu Ping finishes his class, he will borrow this teaching aid to study." Zhang Xu thought.

At this time, Zhang Xu saw that Boggart had turned into a [-]-year-old moon in front of Professor Lupine.

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