Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 89 Rich, Willful

After Lupine drank the potion that Snape handed him, he changed back to his original human appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Lupine also paid a price, his mouth was scalded by the scalding potion.

Snape stopped cooling the pressure cooker as soon as it had cooled to a temperature that could be opened.

Then just as the lid was lifted, Snape scooped out the potion and handed it to Lupine.

The surrounding professors didn't realize at the time that the temperature of the medicine was around ninety degrees Celsius.

Fortunately, Lupine drank the potion in a werewolf state. With a werewolf physique, he just got scalded, otherwise he would have to lie down in the school infirmary tonight.

Snape was happy to be able to trick Lupine, and it was a good thing he didn't feel hot when he held the cup full of potions.

In the following days, everything proceeded step by step.

The professors teach the students every day, and the students are desperately exuding youthful hormones in their spare time. Filch fights wits and courage with the students who violate the school rules.

As the saying goes, where there is competition, there is progress.In the course of the struggle, Filch and the students, especially the magic level of a certain twin brother, continued to rise at the same time.

Now the standard for students to evaluate whether they have mastered the Disillusionment Charm is to play pranks in front of Filch after casting the spell on themselves.

There are also people who have changed. Lupine has to drink a glass of werewolf antidote named "Elune" every night before going to bed for half a month, and needs to go to Madam Pomfrey for a physical examination every morning.

In the last week of October, the students once again discovered that the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts had been replaced by Snape. At this time, Lupine stayed in the headmaster's office all day, under the supervision of Dumbledore, preparing to Spend the night of the first full moon after treatment.

If Lupine can successfully pass this level, it means that "Eluen" has been successfully developed.

The professors once calculated that the profits from treating werewolves in the British magical world could double their bonuses and benefits.Not to mention the werewolf village in the United States, and werewolves all over the world.

The salary of professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry consists of basic salary, teaching seniority salary, class hour salary, performance salary, special allowance and welfare allowance.Among them, the basic salary, teaching salary, class hour salary and performance salary are borne by the Ministry of Magic, special allowances are borne by the school board, and welfare allowances come from Hogwarts' small coffers.

And Hogwarts' profits from the transformation of scientific research results all went directly into the school's small treasury, and then part of it became the welfare allowances of the professors.It is this part of the welfare allowance that makes the total income of the professors keep going up.

The high income makes the professors full of enthusiasm, and the enthusiasm of the professors is transformed into the homework assigned to the students.

Zhang Xu still admires the potential of Hogwarts students. With the heavy homework, they can still spare a lot of time to participate in after-school activities after completing their homework.It seems that the current homework is not too much, and there is still the potential to continue to increase.

At this moment, Zhang Xu was in pain and happiness.On the one hand, he is able to assign homework to the students energetically, and at the same time, other professors are also energetically assigning him a lot of extra homework.

Although Dumbledore waived all of Zhang Xu's homework, he had to take seriously the homework that other professors specially prepared for him to complete when he was free.


; In the Muggle Studies professor's office, Zhang Xu didn't use the desk originally used by Professor Kerry Di Bubaji. After all, Professor Bubaji just stayed without pay, not resigned.So Zhang Xu got himself another desk in the office.

Now he has to prepare lessons, correct homework and write homework, and Zhang Xu, who has to prepare for next year's senior high school entrance examination, has no free time.

The reading room was handed over to Zhang Qiu to manage it at the beginning of this semester.

He also only participated in the activities of the other two student associations when he was free.

Zhang Xu has not participated in the magic practice in the Room of Requirement every Saturday night for two or three weeks in a row, and the guidance has been left to Harry's trio.

And from time to time, a professor comes to give guidance.

But Zhang Xu didn't look for the matter, but the matter found Zhang Xu by himself.

"Third-year students can visit Hogsmeade, but my aunt and uncle did not sign my consent form." Harry, who came to Zhang Xu's office to find Zhang Xu, said to Zhang Xu anxiously, "Zhang, you have What can I do?"

"You have to know, Harry." Zhang Xu shrugged, "There are only three people in this world who can sign your consent form. Your aunt and uncle, and your godfather. Others, even if it is magic Neither the Minister nor Professor Dumbledore can sign it."

On the train back to school, Lupine told Harry that Sirius was Harry's godfather.

When Harry heard Zhang Xu mention his godfather, his whole face became distorted.

Then Zhang Xu said: "Give me your consent form, there is a way, maybe you can try it."

Harry, who seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, immediately took out the consent form from his schoolbag and handed it to Zhang Xu after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

Zhang Xu took a piece of paper and wrote a letter, rolled it up with Harry's consent form and handed it to Harry.

"Let Hedwig send it to Bill Weasley, and I'll let him find a way to find your uncle. There are many problems that can be solved with one bag of gold coins, or two bags if one bag can't be solved. They can be solved with gold coins The problem is not a problem. If the matter is resolved, you can return the gold coin to Bill yourself." Zhang Xu said to Harry.

For Harry, money is something he does not lack, and the wealth accumulated by the Potter family is in his hands.Not to mention the gold coins in Gringotts, but the house where Harry's parents lived in Godric's Hollow is now filled with Harry Potter's name on the real estate certificate.

A while ago, when the Weasleys were preparing to open a broom shop, they had a lot of headaches due to lack of start-up capital.

Later, under Zhang Xu's matchmaking, Bill Weasley found Harry, and soon persuaded Harry to invest in the broom store, and Harry became the second shareholder of the store.

For the foreseeable future, Harry could make a fortune in dividends.

Young and wealthy, the structure of family members is extremely simple, and the family history is long.Without knowing it, Harry became the best candidate for the son-in-law of many wizarding families.

These wizarding families are all waiting and watching. If Voldemort still disappears in a few years, these families will let their daughters poach Ginny's corner.

After sending away the dazed Harry, a little red-haired head walked into Zhang Xu's office.

"Ginny, what's the matter?"

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