Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 96 Harry: I want to take the wind to go home, but I'm afraid that the high places will

If you want to set up an ambush against Black, you must find a professor he doesn't know and stay by Harry's side during training, otherwise Black will run away when the dog is scared.

But now, among the professors at Hogwarts, Blake basically knows all of them. These professors were either his professors back then or his former classmates.

So Professor Zhang was assigned by Dumbledore to the stadium to protect Harry.

In the end, the "leading the dog out of the hole" plan failed. Black did not show up during Harry's training, and Zhang Xu was drenched in the wind and rain for several days.

Soon, the Quidditch season of this school year began in a storm.

The past two years have been tragic years for the Quidditch team of the Snake Court.

Last year, with the funding of the Malfoy family, the Snake Academy was fully equipped with the latest Nimbus 2001 broomstick, thinking that it could crush the other three academies with its equipment advantages.

As a result, the broomsticks replaced by the Eagle Academy were better than their Nimbus 2001. During the game, they were crushed by the Eagle Academy with equipment, and when they played against the Lion Academy, they were defeated by the opponent's Seeker skills.

It was inferior to the Eagle Academy in terms of equipment, and inferior to the Lion Academy in terms of technology. The Snake Academy was reduced to the point where it planned to seek victory from the Badger Academy.As a result, Cedric Diggory, who was "discovered" by Zhang Xu in the Badger Court Quidditch team, once again taught Draco Malfoy how to be an excellent Seeker.

Objectively speaking, Draco Malfoy is a good Seeker, if at other times, he can be called excellent.

It's a pity that he was born at an untimely time, so he could only raise his glass and sing "Draco, Harry Potter, Zhang Qiu, Cedric Diggory".

Under the background of the excellent Seekers of the other three colleges, student Xiao Ma has no choice but to become an organic fertilizer to set off the red flowers and green leaves.

This year, a piece of new news made the Quidditch players of the Snake Academy even more frustrated.

The Eagle Academy Quidditch team has completely changed their outfits again this year. Last year’s trial version of the broomstick has been eliminated after obtaining various data. This year, it has been replaced with the latest Julang No. [-] broomstick, which far surpasses last year’s broomstick. broom.

Since the Weasley family opened a broomstick shop, Bill Weasley sponsored the latest Dongfeng 21 broomstick for the Quidditch team of the Lion Court, which is comparable in performance to the Julang No. [-] of the Eagle Court.

Even the Badger Court was not willing to be lonely. The dean, Professor Sprout, personally found Bill Weasley, and at the price of the badger's Quidditch team's portrait rights, he brought back seven cards that were similar in performance to the Eagle and Lion College. The broom is similar to the Land 1 broomstick.

Now the Weasley family's broomstick shop is covered with advertising posters featuring the three House Quidditch players.

The Snake Court has always regarded itself as a pure blood, so it is impossible for them to go to the shop opened by the "Pure Blood Traitor" to buy brooms, and it is even more impossible for Snape to buy Firebolts for them.

So at this time, the Quidditch team members of the Snake Court had already fainted from crying in the bathroom.

After the Snake Academy changed the order of the game under the pretext of Malfoy's injury, the Lion Academy ushered in the Badger Academy in the first game of the year.

Although the robe on his body is not afraid of wind and rain, walking in such a violent storm still makes Zhang Xu very uncomfortable.

Originally, he didn't want to watch the game today. It was a kind of enjoyment to sleep in while listening to the sound of wind and rain on a rainy day.

But after the "leading the dog out of the hole" plan a while ago failed, Dumbledore thought that Black might attack Harry today, so all the professors who could fight in Hogwarts went to the Quidditch pitch in case.

Zhang Xu knew that what attracted today was not something as simple as Black.

Sitting alone in the empty front row seat on the highest level of the stands, Zhang Xu entered the mode of watching the game.

The game entered a fierce stage from the very beginning. The two teams that had just put on new brooms were in the state of getting new toys. Regardless of the storm in the sky, the two teams started a fast break together.

Students in the stands can often only see a red or yellow shadow flying behind the rain.

Amid the cheers of the audience, the scores of the two teams rose alternately.

Zhang Xu saw that Harry was still using the Nimbus 2000 broom that Professor McGonagall had given him.For a player who mainly relies on personal skills and has little cooperation with players, a broom that he is familiar with and has good performance is often more suitable than rashly using a broom that has better performance but is unfamiliar.

The weather is getting worse, the clouds are getting thicker, the sky is getting darker, and there are bursts of thunder in the sky.

Just now the Lions had a wave of scoring, leading by [-] points all of a sudden, and then the Lions called a timeout.

After a few minutes, the game restarted under lightning.

There were more and more lightning bolts in the sky. Zhang Xu looked at where he was sitting. At that time, he chose the highest level of the stands for a wide view. Now he found that there were no lightning rods around the stands, and he could not feel the force exerted on the stands. Magic spells such as lightning protection spells.

Sitting in this kind of place during the thunderstorm, the rhythm of going through the catastrophe every minute.

When Zhang Xu wanted to change places, he suddenly heard a strange footstep behind him.

Harry was struggling to find the Snitch in the wind and rain. After avoiding a Bludger, he turned around and tried to get back to the center of the field.

But just then, another bolt of lightning illuminated the stands, and Harry saw what completely distracted him: the silhouette of a huge, shaggy black dog, clearly reflected in the On a row of vacant seats on the top floor of the stands, there was a person who looked like a student sitting in the front row of the stands.

Harry's numb hands slipped on the broomstick, and his Nimbus 2000 dropped a few feet.He brushed the drenched tassels away from his eyes, and looked sideways at the stand. The dog had disappeared. The student who was sitting in front of the stand was looking up at him, but the rain was too dense to tell who it was. who.

Next, Harry was reminded by Wood and found the golden snitch flying in the air.

Zhang Xu in the stands felt something, and immediately cast a mechanized mind on himself.

Suddenly, the entire Quidditch pitch fell into silence, and many students in the stands let out screams of panic.

Around the stadium, hundreds of dementors floated in the air.

Suddenly, Harry Potter on the broomstick fell from the sky.

While Harry was still in midair, a spell flew towards him from the audience, slowing his fall.

Zhang Xu saw that it was Dumbledore's position.

Only less than half a second behind Dumbledore, several levitating spells hit Harry from the audience.

Zhang Xu saw that these spells came from professors Snape, Lupine, McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, and Scarlett.

Less than half a second later, some students with high willpower and low influence from dementors also came to their senses, and cast spells such as the Levitation Charm on Harry in the air.

With everyone's concerted efforts, Harry, who had received countless floating spells, stopped falling and was blown away by a gust of wind.

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