
Drip-Fed – All but Forsaken 16 – [Character Summaries]


Yes, hello, Funatic here,

I am slightly phoning it in this week, giving y’all a new iteration of the character summaries – now including Korith. I felt like it was time to update everything and it's best to get everyone on the same page about what the characters can do. So, without further ado…




Class: Monk/Omniverse Slime Chimera

Level: 22 [Estimated]

Spell and Skill List:

Ready Waters Style – Apexus is taught in the basics of the Ready Waters Style. It focuses on defence and mobility. Monks achieve different styles by channelling their Ki in unusual ways. Other Classes simply let their mana take the path of least resistance, where the Monk deliberately trains their magical pathways in order to stimulate certain Meridians. This ‘weaves’ the Ki in ways that change the Martial Arts from their base templates.

Meridian Pressure – One of the fundamental abilities of Monks is to know the location of Meridians, also known as pressure or ki points, and trigger them through quick injections of their Ki. They are roughly categorized into Major, Medium, and Minor Meridians. Inverse to expectations, the Major Meridians are the smallest ones. The more difficult a point is to press, the more intense the effect. Ki points affect the target's physical ability, magical ability, or senses. A Meridian may affect only one of these categories or all three.

The pressing of Meridians requires immense accuracy. Monks are typically required to outpace, outsmart, or subdue their opponents in order to land a worthwhile blow. Apexus himself is aware of all common meridians of the humanoid form and can map them onto alternative body shapes with low accuracy. While he is capable of pressuring Meridians, it is not his forte. To use it accurately in battles of his level will require further training.

Flow Manipulation (Ready Waters Style) – Another fundamental ability of Monks. Uses an invisible ‘pad’ of Ki around the palms to gently nudge the trajectory of anything that moves. The redirection requires constant accompanying movement by the Monk and part of the force will affect the Monk’s body. The Ready Waters Style emphasizes the defensive use of this ability, distributing the attack force more evenly throughout their form to avoid taking meaningful damage. The drawback of this approach is a prolonged redirection process and wider motions.

Ironskin (Ready Waters Style) – Hardens the skin to reach the level of the name-giving metal. The Ready Waters Style lightens the discolouration of the affected areas, making it appear brighter than regular iron. The Ready Waters Style provides an additional resistance against magical effects.

Featherstep (Ready Waters Style) – Allows the user to walk on narrow and brittle surfaces, ignoring whatever issues one’s weight might bring. The Ready Waters Style pushes this to the extreme, making one capable of walking on surfaces that can sustain next to no weight at all. For beginners, this describes primarily tree tops, but masters of the style can hope to walk on water and even air. All such motions must be carefully planned. For how potent the Martial Art is, it is also fleeting, and reality will reassert itself before long.

Rippling Palm (Ready Waters Style) – The Rippling Palm is a fundamental Monk Martial Art that transforms the open hand into a deadly weapon. The energy of the strike ripples past the palm, unfolding its destructive potential a short distance behind the place of impact. The Ready Waters Style does little to change the function of this Martial Art.




Wing-friendly Robe (Grey): A grey robe, originally an overcoat that was adjusted to fit Apexus’ impressive frame. Open in front of the legs. Otherwise, grey and simple. The humanoid slime only wears it in social situations. Now slightly too small

Pants: Baggy pants that sit comfortably. Baggy enough that they have survived his recent upsizing without issue. Might require replacement though.

Undergarment: A simple pair of trunks, secured in place by a cord.

Hairband: A simple string, used to bind hair into a ponytail.

Adventurer’s Bag: Although often held by Aclysia, Apexus has his own bag. Usually, it only holds his clothes.

Mobile Estate Key: The key to the Mobile Estate, typically stowed in the slime of his arm – or deeper in his body if he suspects combat is imminent.




Other Factors:

Beyond Divinity – Does not possess a divine spark. The exact ramifications of this remain unknown.

Slime – A being that is, at its base, made from only two components: a nucleus and the name giving goo surrounding it. The former serves as the brain, heart and every other important organ of the creature. Without it, the slime dies. The slime around it is a highly acidic substance that is separated from the outside world through a magical membrane. The acidity of Apexus’ slime is also magical, transforming it into a harmless liquid when separated from the main body. Only possesses a natural sense of touch, noticing potential prey through tremors, working best underwater and worst in the air.

Acquiring Devourer – Can grow or replicate limbs, organs and attributes of things he has killed and eaten. These replications do NOT scale with the size or power of Apexus and they cost varying, but often high, amounts of energy to make. After roughly thirty days, knowledge of these replications fades and Apexus would have to devour a new member of the species. Can keep a Growth around for longer than he remembers how to remake it. Apexus loses all non-permanent Growths when he goes to sleep. He currently requires about six hours of sleep every day.

Challenging Evolver – Upon beating and eating the Apex Existence (not necessarily predator) in an ecosystem, Apexus may acquire one of its Growths to become permanent. These permanently acquired parts do scale with Apexus’ abilities and will outperform their natural counterpart fairly quickly. If and how this ability would work in social settings, where the Apex Existence is determined not by natural factors, is unknown. Permanent Growths can not be completely dissolved, only shrunk down to an insignificant level.

Magic Sense – Can sense magic while in contact with it, differentiating between a normal and an enchanted object.

Rebirth from Core – If the nucleus is removed from Apexus’ body in a mostly intact fashion, the slime does not perish immediately. While the entire body will immediately collapse, the slime turning into a harmless liquid and the remaining Growths laying around on their own, the ego and acquired information of Apexus will survive in the nucleus. Given enough time, the nucleus will shrink, its outer layers turning into slime, and allow Apexus to be ‘reborn’ in a severely weakened state. Water and food are an immediate necessity after such a regeneration.

Spark Eater – Apexus devours the divine spark of a being along with its flesh. This bars demons from returning to the Hellroots, ending their life permanently.


Permanent Growths [and their current abilities]:

Pheromone Ducts – Produce pleasant smells that can manipulate receptive insects and other organisms. Easily tracked by creatures with fine noses. After choosing his gender, Apexus’ musk has shown the capability to perform as a minor aphrodisiac. Apexus is able to tune the amount he spreads quite accurately, limiting or increasing the time the scent lingers. The aphrodisiac has come to also be mixed into his sexual fluids, as it increases in potency.

Bird Wings – Originally the shape of an eagle’s, these wings can be transformed to better fit the environment or purpose Apexus needs them for at any given time. Such transformations take time and energy however, especially when it comes to increasing size. Making muscles and fibre out of slime takes a tremendous amount of energy. The wings have an emerald green colour, inspired by Aclysia’s eyes. Attached to Apexus’ shoulder blades and supported by liquid muscles.

Cat Eyes – Pale blue eyes, chosen for their superb night vision. Sit in their appropriate place inside his skull.

Fox Ears – Once pale blue, the fox ears have changed to a near black, blending nicely with his black hair. Grant superb hearing that is highly adjustable in its directional perceptions. Located on top of his head.

Speaking Plates – Wooden plates attached to the roof of Apexus’ mouth. They vibrate to create a deep, extremely pleasant voice. Can be purposefully manipulated to create a cracked voice that’s similar to a boy in puberty. Through continuous humming, Apexus can create vibrations that have, so far, only been used for lewd purposes. Apexus has successfully linked the syllables to the appropriate lip movements, imitating regular speech.

Toothed-Snake Teeth – Uncannily human-like teeth, although with more pronounced edges and spikes. Attached to his human jaw, making them seem almost correct. Inspected closely, their feral appearance becomes clear.

Human Skeleton – The skeleton of a male human. Adjustable in dimensions of the individual bones, manipulating length and girth, but not in placement. Apexus remains completely flexible, as he doesn’t have to worry about nerves and veins and such.

Skinwalker Hide – Replaces Apexus’ outer membrane with a superior version. It can part and close quicker. It’s harder and more flexible at the same time. It allows him to hold appearance shifts without problem. Can change to different mono-colourations and minor colour deviations appropriate for mimicking a human. It’s also a perfect base for further improvements.

Black Strands – Black hair that can be grown to whatever length the owner wants. The roots are highly sensitive to movement. Each strand can be ejected at will, preventing grappling. Used to create hair and eyebrows.

Silver Crystal Ducts – Ducts that can grow sheets of a remarkably stable crystal material. It turns brittle once grown out too far. Can grow at an incredibly fast rate, if desired. Used as finger and toe nails. Can create protective patches, if the strike is anticipated in time. Can be made to glow or vibrate. Develops only minor heat and only as a side product.

Volcano Tearer Heat Core – A spherical object that appears like knotted roots made from stone. Its true nature is that of a bony material, originally evolved to withstand magma. Burns energy to heat up liquid flowing through it. Allows Apexus to moderate his own body temperature, keeping his stamina high. He can increase the heat to the point where his own slime starts to evaporate, granting him a speed and power increase at the cost of a large amount of biomatter and water. Fused to and surrounding his nucleus.

Myrm Nose – Nose that, once combined with the Human Skeleton, is indistinguishable from a human one. Sense of smell is several times better, however. Particularly good at picking up organic smells, like sweat, earth or blood.

Liquid Muscles – Strands of densely packed, elongated slime cells, each with their own membrane. They tense in response to magical energy, like electricity is used for regular muscles. Sinew and muscle regions have been created and attached to the human skeleton, giving them staying power. Movement with liquid muscles takes more energy than the previous method of shifting slime around, but the movements are quicker and more precise. The muscles also give Apexus proper grip and bite strength and allow him to more finely control his facial features.

Deathhound Tail – The tail of a Deathhound. It extends over one and a half metres and consists purely of muscles. In that sense, it is almost more akin to an extremely nimble tongue. Its texture is smooth, the colour matching the rest of Apexus’ skin. It's strong enough to serve as an additional weapon and dextrous enough to be prehensile.

Mantis Shrimp Smasher – The absurdly powerful arms of a small crustacean. Fully adapted into Apexus’ biology, the folded arms are practically invisible in his wrist. Once they snap forwards, they hit with immense force that rivals even a direct slam of his fist – directed at a much smaller area. Direct acquisition has optimized only the camouflage of this Growth. Like the smashers of the original, it unfolds its true punching power underwater, where the impact creates a bubble that then collapses, creating a secondary slam.


Physical Description:

While Apexus remains fundamentally a slime, making his shape a thing of his own choosing, he has very little reason to assume anything but his humanoid form. Despite being cobbled together out of numerous monster parts, he appears as an incredibly attractive and muscular man in his mid-twenties.

His frame is deliberately kept balanced between bulk and agility. That being said, the balance struck is one of the relative dimensions of his limbs. In most weightlifting competitions, he would be the natural favourite by his size alone. 2,05 metres tall and broad enough to make most people disappear in a hug, the slime is covered in impressive muscles, with no body region neglected. He is the embodiment of physical perfection.

Due to his nature, his skin is without blemish, unwanted hairs, or popping veins. The Skinwalker Hide emulates a healthy tan, giving him a light brown tone. Two large, emerald feathered wings sprout from his upper back. His nails are of a light silver colour and usually short.

His face is masculine and handsome, coming with a square jaw and a softly curving chin. His eyes are of a pale blue, the pupils slit. The eyebrows are perfectly swung and dense, every hair placed as desired. His lips are pinkish brown, the teeth behind them sharp. A pair of fox ears extends from his long, black hair. The slime has grown it out on request of his women, but finds it bothersome if it whips around when he moves fast. Because of this, he usually keeps it bound into a ponytail. A pair of regular ears sit on the appropriate places for a human. They are fakes that only emulate the appearance and cannot hear.

His flaccid dick is tiny, to avoid flopping.




Class: Guardian Angel [Basic Class]

Level: 22 (Estimated)

Spell list:

Sunlight Bolt – Bolt, the most basic attack spell, limited to the Divine-Light category due to Aclysia’s nature, adjustable in strength according to the amount of mana put into it and the user’s skill.

Sunlight Ray – A continuous discharge of energy. Efficient when directed continuously at the same spot on the target. Generally discouraged, due to how easy it is to accidentally hit allies with the laser.

Solar Lance – Curving discharging mana into a self-containing ellipsis creates, after a few seconds of charging, a manifestation of mana that can broadly be described as a lance. The magic is unstable and continues to rise in density, until it is either released or explodes where it is channelled. The Solar Lance is thrown by the caster at the target and unleashes intense heat and light upon impact. Several times more destructive than the basic Bolt spell.

Divine Healing – Basic healing spell of all Classes that are divinely attuned, uses a moderate amount of mana for a moderate heal, scaling with the user’s mana input and familiarity with the spell.

Sunray Mending – Quick heal that consumes a lot of mana.

Sunshine Rejuvenation – Time consuming heal that is very mana efficient.

Healing Nova -

Sunlight Focus – A technique used to prioritize the healing of particular areas first. Mana costs are dependent on the healing spell used, but generally higher than the basic version. Failure prone if used without proper concentration.

Illumni – Basic Light spell. Creates a stable, pleasantly warm sphere of sunlight that hovers over the user’s fingertip. Functions as a basic, slightly inferior in terms of range, torch replacement.

Flare – A flash of cold sunlight. Highly mana intensive basic blinding spell. Does next to nothing to people not looking in the direction of the user.

Spark of Life – Analyse a female humanoid’s body to find out whether or not a divine spark is forming inside them, thus detecting whether a person is pregnant and, if yes, with how many children.


Depth Priest’s Robe (Sloan) – A shimmering silk robe of a deep blue colour, invoking the feeling of the deep ocean. Black embroidery covers it like the waves of the sea. The lower segment is slit open at both sides, revealing a large amount of leg every step, and the back has holes for Aclysia’s wings. The robe is blessed by Sloan, the 11th of the 33 original gods.

Metal Staff – A staff dripped in Myrlight, mimicking expert design. The rod is of a simple steel grey. At the tip, six black and white crystals lock together into a diamond shape. The staff and the crystal focus are in a good state.

Leather shoes – Nothing great, just some basic protective wear for her feet.

Adventurer’s Bag – Aclysia has her own bag, containing their gathered funds and a few commonly used items. She also used to hold the group’s communal bag, but gave it to Reysha, as they couldn’t find a vendor for a new one.


Casual Dress – single article of clothing that covers the entire body, apart from the upper back. The kind of dress that farmer women can work and walk in without issue. Not particularly beautiful or outstanding.

Fancy Dress – A flowing dress of a silk-like, blue material. Fit for any noble gathering.

Washcloths (5x) – A number of linen squares used for whatever purpose is appropriate at any given time.

The group’s funds – Aclysia holds and manages the groups finances. Their wealth after all latest income and expenses: 11 Gold 14 Silver 5 Iron 9 Bronze 15 Copper.

Red Sphere – An odd Red Sphere found in the Serpent’s Heart, whose purpose is not yet clear.

Other Factors:

Divine Flight – Can use her moth-like ‘angel’ wings to hover, as long as there is enough room to stretch them. This consumes a minimal amount of mana. If her wings are damaged, the ability to hover decreases accordingly.

Metal Fairy – Is made from a metal that is lighter than flesh. This comes with several factors. Aclysia is unlikely to ever win in a melee battle, particularly without weapons, due to a lack of weight and therefore force behind her attacks. Aclysia only requires mana to survive, which she can get by eating basically anything in creation or by absorbing it from a willing other.

Angel on her own – Does not hold any natural sway over any member of the Church despite being a divine creation by the 33rd of the 33 original gods. This also prevents her from being recognized at a glance by all but the most divinely attuned.

Physical Description:

Aclysia is 1,81 metres tall and has white hair, which is always combed back and falls down to the middle of her back, ending at the base of her wings. Akin to a moth in texture and shape, she possesses a total of four wing segments, they are mostly white and have symmetrical patterns in black running over them.

Her skin is of a milky white and meticulous, not a single strand of hair anywhere. Her bust is of a moderate size, slightly below average, with light pink nipples. Overall, her figure is defined by her hips, giving her a pleasing pear type body with long legs and nice thighs.

Her face is defined by its fair cut, having something ephemerally beautiful about it and the brilliantly shining emerald eyes. Her ears are pointy, like an elf’s, but not unusually long. Her nose has a well rounded tip, her eyebrows are as white as her hair, her lips are pink and pillowy.



Class: Hoard Warrior (Unusual Base Class)

Level: 22 (Estimated)

Skill and Spell list:

Warrior Control – The fundamental ability of the Warrior is to always have their abilities ready. They sacrifice finetuning of their abilities and surprise factor for pure reliability. To Warriors, boosting their strength and speed with magic is a constant affair. Their Skills are activated more as a matter of reflex than deliberate decision.

Ironscale Armour – Combination of Ironskin and Scale Armour, boosting Korith's defenses immensely, to the point that she can shatter basic weapons on her body. Currently this causes her scales to turn steel grey. Her visions tell her they will turn gold eventually.

Ironclaw Strike – Muscle Martial Art, increasing strength in an arm immensely. This is simultaneously used with reinforcement of claws to turn them into armour rending points.

Steadfast  – Bone plus Joint Martial art, locking a segment or the entire body in position to absorb an impact far above usual tolerance.

Punish Leap – Slam into the side or back of an enemy with maximum jump force and Ironscale Armour.

Copper Strike – Weapon Art, of perhaps holy origin. Fills the weapon with the power of Hoardfire. After coming into contact with an area, the Hoardfire spreads and then explodes, shoving and burning enemies in the area. Strength of the attack can be increased by sacrificing currency.

Treasure Leap – Bone-Muscle Martial Art, allows the user to take massive leaps. Evolved from Frog Leaps to greater effect (and so Korith doesn't feel as embarrassed)

Contact Hoard – A ritual through which Hoard’s followers offer it ever more treasures. Sometimes, Hoard offers something in return, wishing to guide its flock to bring it even more shinies.


Modified Plate Armour – Overall standard metal armour that has been modified to work with her assets and shortness.

Warhammer – A regular warhammer with two flat sides.

Warpick – A pick to smash through armour

Mace – A one handed weapon for tight areas and close quarters.

Torchlight Pendant – A pendant that glows with the same intensity as a torch, providing constant light around the wearer.

Calming Surcoat – This surcoat was enchanted with heat regulation, diminishing the drawback of being covered in metal in cold or hot environments.




Casual Clothes – A set of clothes. Most of what Korith likes to wear is baggy, conservative, or both. She knows her curvaceous body nets her a lot of eyeballs and she does not want everyone to keep staring at her.

Dice, Cards, and more – Korith’s growing assembly of utensils to use to play games with


Other Factors:

Scaled Limbs – Korith’s arms are covered in red scales from the elbow down. Her legs are similarly covered from below the knees. While these do serve as natural armour, they make wearing regular clothes a bit difficult due to the chaffing.

Tinker’s Claws – Kobolds have horn-like claws that protect their fingertips but retain a surprising level of sensitivity. They aid, rather than diminish, the Kobolds natural desire to tinker.


Physical Description:

Korith is a tiny woman, standing at only about 1,06 metres tall. That is the only aspect of her that could be considered small, however. Embodying the body type of “shortstack”, she has an impressive pair of tits and her butt is similarly wide and jiggly. As a kobold, she possesses red scales that cover the lower half of her limbs. Her feet are akin to that of a mixture of lizard and bird, three thick toes extending forwards, with a short back claw replacing the heel. Additionally, she possesses a short tail and two pairs of horns, one larger than the other.

Her ears are long and pointy, extending from a head of long, wavy blonde hair, as gold as her eyes. She has a roundish face, mixing adorable with attractive. Reddish brown lips sit underneath a cute button of a nose. Her pupils are slit, but that does little to invoke any feeling of danger from her.

Although small and squishy in all the right places, Korith is far from a pushover. Her heritage blesses her with bones reddened by the amount of iron within them. She is much heavier than her stature would imply and where her top and bottom are soft, the rest of her is toned and tanned from a life on the road. She’s rarely seen without a mace, hammer, or comparable weapon by her side.



Class: Noir Rogue [Unusual Basic Class]

Level: 23 (Approximately)

Skills and Spells:

Stealth – The Rogue suppresses her presence to such a degree, she becomes difficult to acknowledge. This is not invisibility and lingering in an area, particularly in plain sight, will gradually invoke an odd sense of suspicion in onlookers, until the protection unravels. Used in combat, it only causes a momentary disruption in a person’s focus on the Rogue.

Aimed Whisper – The voice of the user travels in one direction only. Should it hit a surface, it will bounce from it as if it was the original source. If it hits the ear of someone, the sound will be swallowed entirely and the said thing will only be heard by that one person.

Dislocate – Dislocates the joints in the arms magically. While painful, this does make it possible to slip out of many hasty or loose bindings. The first spell any Rogue learns, as it is fundamental to applying magic to joint areas.

Edge – Creates a slicing aura around Reysha’s joints or weapons she has trained with extensively. The longer a weapon, the harder this is to use.

Overplay: Chainsaw Effect, very loud

Spellslicer – Creates a sheen around a weapon that allows it to disrupt any kind of mana.

Overplay: Slicing shockwave that carries the effect of the attack forward several metres.

Shadowstep – Combine a burst of presence suppression with muscle boosting to, in the perception of enemies, teleport a short distance. In truth, this is just unnoticed dashing.

Overplay: Repeat the Shadowstep several times, dropping in and out of awareness.




Snakeskin Leather Armour Top – A leather armour top made from the dark grey skin of snakes found in the Drowned Altar dungeon. Above average leather armour in every regard, but not enchanted and still not nearly as protective as anything made from metal.

Leather Armour Pants – Pants made from leather treated to be stretchable and decently protective.

Iron Dagger (2) – A basic iron weapon, sold to beginner adventurers. One serves as her main weapon, the other as replacement. She wears both on her body, one sheath strapped to the right side of her hips/her right thigh and the other attached to her lower back.

Throwing Knives (7) – Small, iron knives good for throwing but too small to be reliably used in melee combat. Worn on her belt. Currently, all hoisters on her belt are filled.

Adventurer’s Bag – Formerly the group's communal bag. Holds up to 25 kilograms worth of stuff inside it.

Rogue Belt – A basic belt with holsters for the tools of the trade.

Crimson Shoes – Shoes of a deep crimson colour They shimmer like polished glass and the inside is lined with soft cloth. The soles can be reshaped however the user wishes. Within the limitations of the present material, of course.

Ice Stiletto – A steel stiletto enchanted with ice properties. The thorn has three sides.


Washcloth – Reysha’s personal washcloth. It isn’t used for her body, instead, it's there to clean her weapons after combat.

Water Bag – A bag of leather used to transport water.

Lockpicks (5) – Sets of thin metal needed to carefully open doors that were meant to remain closed by physical means.

Other Factors:

Tiger Girl – Possesses formidable sight and hearing, cat ears, eyes and tail, as well as retractable, sharp claws. Has a much higher chance to give birth to females.

Noir [Semi-Final Stage] – Increased physical and magical attributes, improved senses. Can eat the meat of dungeon monsters and drink the magic infused water of the structures without problem. In return, normal food and drink are absolutely disgusting, tasting worse the stronger the natural taste. When not having eaten magically enriched food for several days, negative symptoms begin to surface. The extent of these negative symptoms at this time is unknown, since Reysha hasn’t suffered major drawbacks for a long time.

Demon Arm – Reysha’s original left arm was seared away by the magic that sealed Apotho. The warlock replaced it by utilizing the blood of a Tharnatos class demon, the Deathhound Kurlesh, as her reward for setting him free. By every available analysis, the arm is her own. It changes into its demonic form in response to her desires, aggression particularly. Revealing its true nature, the arm has a leathery, black appearance and ends in dull claws. When cut, it bleeds demon blood, which swiftly evaporates to seal the wound and facilitate the regeneration.


Physical Description:

Reysha is a 1,78 metres tall redhead with wild flowing hair. Despite her lack of care for it, aside from the occasional combing with her claws and baths, her nature as a tiger girl prevents it from matting and rarely does it look like anything other than a perfect scarlet mess. It grows past her neck and miraculously never gets in the way during fights, partly thanks to the pair of cat ears that grow out of the top of her head, the same colour as her hair.

With a naturally light brown complexion and a lot of time under the sun, Reysha has a colouration whose exoticness is only furthered by the tiger stripes. A few shades darker than the rest of her skin, they stretch over her body, adding chocolate to caramel.

The lowest strips start above the ankles. More cover the long, smooth legs and her athletic, hourglass curves. The well-proportioned breasts with the pinkish brown nipples are not covered at all. The furthest up are two stripes, the only ones on her face, that run around her blue eyes like natural warpaint. The stripes on her red tail, growing out where the spine ends and adding her primal flavour to her bubble butt, are the only truly black ones. However, they are notably absent from her crotch area, where only a moderate, usually trimmed, amount of red hair decorates her sex.


When her claws are retracted, her fingernails look, aside from their progressively reddening colour, like a normal human’s. If they come to use, however, they lengthen a fair bit and the tips condense into the curved, needle-like claws of a cat.

She has a sharp face, with clearly defined feminine features finalized to be both intimidating and seductive, savagely gorgeous, with dark lips often curved into a mad smile, showing the fangs inside her otherwise human teeth and a pair of blue eyes contrasting heavily with the reds and browns of the rest of her body. Something only worsened by the steady blackening of her eyeballs by Noir. She has normal human ears in addition to her cat ones.



Mobile Estate – The Change Mansion


The Change Mansion is only accessible when the area is safe. The spirit within the key judges when it is safe and it is a cautious one.

The Change Mansion’s entrance can only be crossed by those the user of the key wishes to invite.

The Change Mansion’s entrance, once closed, is invisible. It takes advanced magic to find it.

The Change Mansion’s facilities and provisions expand with the level of the adventurer that uses it.

The Change Mansion’s provisions, once removed from the Mobile Estate, disappear.


Current Facilities:

Main room – The Change Mansion’s primary room, the size of a peasant’s house. In it the party has placed some basic furniture. The straw bed at the back is consistently supplied with fresh hay, keeping it comfortable. Notably, the room contains a fireplace and a window that gives a view of the weather outside.

Urinal – A side room for alleviation of biological duties. Self-cleaning and isolated.



Water – The Mobile Estate currently provides cold, clear water that can be drunk or bathed with.

Hay – The Mobile Estate refreshes the bedding.

Firewood – The Mobile Estate provides logs for the fireplace.


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