
Guidance 20 – Thatching


“Welcome home, darling!” Aclysia’s singing voice greeted him, when he stopped the cart in front of the house. The metal fairy was in her casual dress and leaned out of the single window. Her clothing could never have matched the beauty of her smile. “I did not anticipate that you would return with hay.”

“Thatching material,” Apexus explained simply.

“We will fix your house,” Maltos remarked.

Aclysia’s smile grew a little more. The prospect of having her home intact excited her almost as much as the prospect of learning new healing spells. “Truly? That is magnificent.” Maltos jumped off the wagon, while she hovered out of the window. “May I be of assistance? You two must desire a meal.”

“I’m not to eat for the next three days. After tomorrow, I’ll be away for two days.”

That announcement created a sudden and extreme swing on Aclysia’s face. Gone was the lovely house angel and in came the protective lover. She glared at Maltos, knowing that he was the source of her beloved’s torment. Taking a deep breath, she reigned in her dislike of that state of affairs. ‘It is all for his best,’ she reminded herself. “I understand,” she pressed the air back out.

“Could you prepare tea for me?” Maltos asked. He had noticed her poisonous stare, of course, but didn’t let that deter him.

“We don’t have a kettle,” Aclysia responded harshly. Much of her past week of self-study had been filled by her getting numerous chores around the house done. She had cleaned, levelled the floor (with Apexus’ help), rooted out unwanted plants around the house, gathered firewood, and headed into the city to buy a number of household items. First and foremost were utensils required to cook proper meals for Reysha and make jerky out of the meat she and Apexus didn’t want or need to eat. Their funds had suffered quite a bit, but they had no expenses other than teaching, so that wasn’t too bad.

Apexus ducked away under the sidebar of the cart’s handle and pulled his annoyed lover out of the air and against his chest. Resting against him, she looked quite small, despite being taller than most women. Happily, she snuggled up against his broad chest. The safety of his arms enveloped her, his palm gently glided over her silky hair. “How did you fare today, my melody?”

“No major realizations, darling,” she responded in her sing-song voice. She wasn’t bothered by this. To deal with the assignment, she had another week and returning to Pronthin wasn’t on her priority list. Making sure the dwelling place of her beloved partners was proper satisfied her deeply, as opposed to the heretic’s lectures. She would have to return in seven days. Until then, she was going to work on her Miracle and on cleaning the rot off the window panel.

“Is Reysha back yet?” Apexus asked another question.

“I assume Mai is putting her through another torture,” Aclysia remarked. What the two of them heard about the violence the Rogue teacher used aside from verbal teaching disturbed them quite a bit. Evidently that was ‘normal’ in their circles and the redhead didn’t seem to mind, so they let it pass. Being reminded of it still soured the metal fairy’s mood.

A swift move distracted her from the renewed annoyance. Apexus suddenly grabbed her by her round derriere and lifted her light body so their faces were at the same height. Blushing, she glanced quickly over to Maltos, who had long turned away in the name of decency. Once she realized that, there was no holding back. Her arms wrapped around her darling’s neck and they kissed deeply. Almost, she wished he would disregard the teacher’s presence, pin her against the house wall and do with her as he may. Apexus was definitely willing to do the same. His hunger made way for a different kind of appetite. It was not quite strong enough to spur him into action.

“…We do have a pot, honoured teacher, if you are fine with loose leaves,” Aclysia said, after she was put back down.

“That would be lovely.” Maltos turned around and handed over the package of new leaves that he had been gifted. Aclysia went inside to prepare the tea. The two men started the physical labour of tearing the faulty thatching off. Once they were done with the purely destructive part of the work, Maltos moved to the side and explained to Apexus what exactly should be done.

Thatching a roof was fundamentally layering dry, hollow plant fibre, such as straw, and interweaving it with horizontal lines to prevent any sliding. First, a bundle was made, getting the lower end of the straws on a uniform level. That bundle was moved into position on the roof and the string holding it together removed. Then the straw got fanned out in an area. With the palm of his hand, Apexus ‘clapped’ the lower edge of the straw so that the edge aligned roughly with that of the old, still intact parts of the roof. That segment of the new thatching was then tied in place with a handful of straws taken from the bundle.

After an entire layer was done like that, a simple piece of bark nailed to a handle was taken to properly beat the edge of the layer into a uniform exterior. The unsteady surface of the bark served there for entirely aesthetic reasons, as the minorly dishevelled thatching looked just a tad nicer than perfect smoothness.

Once Apexus was happy with that layer, he moved up to the next. Maltos kept watching while Aclysia, once she brought the tea, took the task of preparing the bundles and flying them up to the roof. Straw, even in such bundles, was light enough for her to lug around. Apart from that, she used her magic to light the work. The night was dark, the moon only a sickle.

It was simple, honest work. With each bundle placed, they got closer to another layer finished. With each layer finished, they got closer to a complete roof. The sky was thankfully clear that day, not a cloud to be seen. A rarity on this Leaf.

“Oooohh, that’s cool!” Reysha shouted. Both Aclysia and Apexus jumped at her sudden voice. The metal fairy gave her darling a surprised look. Although he was distracted by hunger and work, he usually should have heard the Rogue coming.

“You are Sneaking,” the humanoid slime greeted the tiger girl.

“New order, I’m supposed to Sneak the entire way home and to the school every day,” Reysha explained and, with a groan, hopped onto the half-empty cart. “It’s killing my ankles.”

“Did you manage to go the entire way?” Maltos asked, intrigued.

“Oh fuck no, I don’t think Mai knows how far out in the sticks we live. I took like three pauses,” Reysha responded, rolling her feet. That joint wasn’t one she wanted to hurt. She used her feet more than her hands and being immobilized would be the literal death of her. “Plus my ki is already exhausted from doing this all day.” Reysha raised her index finger.

Aclysia and Apexus interrupted their work to stare.

“Nothing is happening,” Apexus pointed out.

“Gimme a sec,” the tiger girl insisted. A concentrated look appeared on her face. Then, the upper two joints of her finger were suddenly enveloped by a light blue Edge. “Aha! Victory!”

“May I inquire what exactly that is good for?” the metal fairy asked.

“What is having a knife you can’t take from me good for? That a serious question, bubble butt?”

“I rescind it on the grounds that it was indeed obvious. I merely wondered if there was something beyond it that was notable.”

“You’re both making good progress,” Apexus said, trying his best to let the genuine compliment swing in his tone. Although he was mediocre at that, the two of them knew what he wanted to express and smiled.

For his part, Apexus was reminded of the conversation he had with Maltos earlier, about the lack of combat training he had received so far. Doubtlessly the spiritual training was helping him, but what about after it had concluded?

He chose not to worry about that for now. Maltos had something in mind, even if the humanoid slime didn’t know what yet. So far, trusting in the old Monk had worked out. In matters of future training plans, Apexus could continue to do so without getting paranoid. Instead, he concentrated on the rest of the work.

Eventually, the new thatching was completed. They tested it out by tossing some water out of a bucket all over it, simulating heavy rain. At least that single load showed no leaks. Even proper rainfall would have revealed nothing major. Between Maltos’ instructions, the quality of the material, and Apexus’ attention to detail, they had fixed the roof splendidly.

At the end of their work, they all sat on the roof. Reysha to his left, Aclysia to his right, and Maltos about one step out, slurping the remains of his tea. “A final lesson before we separate for the day,” the old Monk raised his voice and looked up. “The Omniverse shares the same sky. We all share the same sky.”

The trio looked up to the stars. The rare clear night revealed the entirety of the beauty of the firmament. Stars sparkled brilliantly, silver dots interrupting the dark blue. The sickle of the moon, like a closed eye, sat above them.

Apexus turned his eyes back to his teacher. “No, we don’t,” he said confusedly.

Aclysia nodded and Reysha followed suit. Of the three, the metal fairy had paid the most attention to the sky, having used it to tell the time for them on the Leaves they had traversed previously. All three of them were aware that the moon here was on a different cycle, the sun rose and fell at different hours, and the stars were placed differently, with certain constellations missing and others taking their place. It was, without a doubt, not the same sky.

A patient chuckle was Maltos’ first response. “It is a saying that is often forgotten by those too young to witness great events in the Omniverse. I am not saying that every world has the same sky, just that all skies are connected. You’ll understand what I mean if you keep sitting here for a little while.” Maltos finished his tea and then, without further words, jumped to the nearest treetop.

Swiftly, the shadow of the Monk master minimized, moving miraculously over thin branches towards the horizon. The three of them remained where they were. “I have to bring that cart back tomorrow,” Apexus thought out loud.

Aclysia wanted to offer to do it for him, but she was certain she would hardly be able to move the thing, much less push it for several kilometres. “You will prevail, darling,” she encouraged him instead and snuggled up to him.

On the other side, Reysha did the same. “So, what else did I miss?” she asked.

“Darling’s fast will be intensified, he is not to eat for the next three days and will be confined to temple grounds after tomorrow.”

“Oh shit, that’s annoying,” Reysha exclaimed. “Guess ya and me gotta stick together for those two days, bubble butt.”

“It strikes me that you mean this in a perverted fashion.”

“Not exclusive-“ Reysha stopped in the middle of her sentence, perking up just as Apexus did. Both of them turned their attention to the forest. “Who would wander out here at this hour?” she mumbled in an amused tone.

Emerging between the trees was a tiny form, swaying just a little bit with every other step. A horned shortstack waved, a mug in hand, clothing and golden hair unordered. “Hoy!” Korith greeted. “Am tipsy! Entertain me!”

Aclysia was flabbergasted, Reysha giggled, and Apexus moved to the edge of the roof to help her up. That she knew where they lived was of no surprise, the metal fairy had finally found the time to show her a few days ago. “How far did you walk?” Aclysia asked, incredibly confounded.

“Uhhh,” Korith let herself be carried to the top of the roof, where sitting was relatively secure, and then stayed between Apexus’ legs. She wiggled her large butt in a minor attempt to get more comfortable and a major attempt to elicit a reaction. In that, she was disappointed. “Let me see. Three quarters of a mug,” the shortstack emptied the rest of her beer. The container was so large in comparison to her body, she had to hold it with both clawed hands to lift it. Once bereft of intoxicating contents, she tossed it down the roof. “I wanted to see you!” the drunk shortstack exclaimed.

“That’s adorable,” Reysha said and pinched her cheek. Licking her lips, she moved her wiggling fingers towards the tightly packed chest.

“No!” Korith slapped the hand away.

“Awww, but you’re so cute and grabbable.”

“You keep saying that, you horny… cat!”

“It is true,” Apexus agreed.

“That I’m horny or that she is grabbable?”


“Hellroots, I love it when you’re being cheeky.” Reysha giggled.

Aclysia pinched the bridge of her nose. ‘I should tell her to leave,’ she reminded herself that Korith should not be encouraged to make sudden visits like this. ‘Darling seems content holding her though and he will have rough enough days,’ she reasoned to herself. Only jealousy could have swayed her. Sitting next to him, holding onto his arm, Aclysia didn’t feel like there was any need to be jealous, however.

“How about a game?” Reysha suggested.

“Game?” Korith perked up. “I’m up for games. I have cards or dice on me. We can play Hellroot Jumble.”

“I was thinking something simpler,” Reysha purred. “We’ll play ‘I spy with my little eye’ and if you fail to guess what I mean in ten turns, I get to grope ya.”

“Bet!” the drunk shortstack agreed instinctively.

“I spy with my little eye…” Reysha leaned back a little bit. “…something that is big.”

“Aclysia’s butt,” the guess came instantly.


“Wha- uncouth perverts!”

“My turn, if I win, you have to tell me why you never even consider letting me into the party!” Korith babbled drunkenly. Before anyone could deny that suggestion, she started, moving her head wildly in search of something to use for the game. “I spy with my little eye something that is- what the fuck.”

It was the first curse any of them had heard from the shortstack. None of them needed to ask what had caused this intense reaction, as they all noticed the swelling of light. As they raised their heads to the sky of the Omniverse, the forest all around was illuminated. Cold silver basked this Leaf and all Leaves.

The sickle that had been barely visible before had grown into a full moon. Shadows of impossible origin played on the surface, forming, thinning, and widening, like the lids and the iris of a massive eye. Staring down at all worlds, the moon descended, taking particular ongoings into closer inspection. “Am I mad or is this happening?” Reysha whispered.

“Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss,” the moon said and slowly closed again. “Safety remains, my progeny.”

The entirety of the world was silent. Nothing dared to move. Old stayed shrugged, the prepared young stayed in awe, the unprepared young looked around confused, not knowing what had just happened.

“We all share the same sky,” Aclysia whispered. “I get it now.”

Korith felt the urgent need to lie down.

Apexus made a mental note to ask Maltos about this tomorrow.

The tiger girl started to laugh. “Did I just get sassed by a celestial body?!”


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