
Season 3 Author’s Note




Season 3 of Drip-Fed was a divergence from the formula for several reasons. To start with, there was no dungeon crawling this season, neither was there any loot to speak of. Instead, the arc was focused primarily on a specific few character arcs, fleshing out the world’s power systems, and the addition of a new member to the party. Let’s tackle these in reverse order. Afterwards, I will have the announcement of what is next.

Before any of that, however, I want to give massive thanks to those that financially support me. 2022 was my personal deadline for whether or not this writing job could give me enough money to sustain me longterm and the answer is… barely. I am not comfortable on my current income, but I will soldier on for the time being. If anyone out there feels inclined to chip in, please use one of the following links.



Now, let’s begin with the new addition.

Korith was a long-planned addition. First inspiration for her came from me finally deciding to add a shortstack to my body of work. I used to not see the appeal to the bodytype, but times change and so do I, so here I am. Someone posted a Shortstack CYOA on a Discord I am on, I used that to build Korith’s body and general personality.

Of course that wasn’t enough to introduce her into the story. I am fairly good at restraining myself when it comes to introducing haremettes only for their bodytype. The attached story and powerset came easily to me. I’ve always liked kobolds and slightly twisting the common understanding as draconic servants to hoarding stuff for another entity was fairly easily done. Then there was the matter of her personality. She’s a fairly stereotypical shortstack (lewd, bit on the shy side, pretty casual, speaks in normal ways) with some further context and quirks (fairly modest, has a kneecap shattering side to her, LOVES money).

The choice to make her the tank of the group was fairly easy as well. It flowed naturally from the scales… and from me having mained Poppy in League of Legends for a time, if the hammer wasn’t a dead giveaway.

Adding her to the party also served as a splendid vehicle for character development for all four of them. The trio needed to open their trust, Korith needed to get a bit more assertive. It came easily to all of them, because they all tacitly agreed that they wanted it. Sometimes, characters just click together. When things are thought of properly, being an author is often nothing more than describing a chain of events that play out.

Next, for the world’s power systems.

There is fairly little to say here, I believe. The intention here is pretty clear: bind the group in more firmly with their Classes, broaden their skillset, and simultaneously drill down on what separates each Class from one another. Giving each Class their own gimmick that is in line with the stereotypical perception worked quite well to make each of them unique and give strength and weaknesses. In Apexus’ case, his choice of Class was also a vehicle for his character arc.

Let’s jump right into that.

Apexus has developed considerably since he started as a gooey drop that fell from a cave ceiling. Much of this development has more to do with experience than him actually changing. To that end, this arc isn’t much different, although there’s key points that had to be addressed and resolved for our protagonist to move forwards.

To make Apexus a Monk is a choice I had decided on since the middle of Season 1, just about. It simply worked best for him. Apexus was always a rather serene personality, patient and decisive simultaneously. As his horizons broadened, his questions became more and more esoteric and specific. To call him a philosopher would be overstating it, bit it appeared to me that Apexus’ outlook would fit wonderfully in a stoic, spiritual mould.

Deliberate movements, chosen words, contemplated actions, those fit the predator that only eats as much as he needs.

Speaking of eating, this was a pretty important character arc in the first segment of this season. Apexus not having control over his hunger was a thing that haunted him. I think I’ve done a poor job on communicating the guilt he has over eliminating the life of that guardsman, but on the broader issue of his need to eat I think I have delivered. Similarly, I believe this issue was solved with the appropriate amount of hardship. A fundamental need is not so easily overcome after all.

As much an arc for Apexus as it was for the entire party was the reaction to Turlesh’s pursuit. The moral question of how far they could drag on their trail of death was one thing. Less pressing and still going to be of question is how much the group lives in the shadow of Apotho’s threat. Their trail is secure, the Church will see to that.

Aclysia also continued and will continue her arc of religious learning. To place her under a cynical and disappointed Priest put a few more questions in front of her than she could probably handle. One could expect Pronthin’s faithful sacrifice to assuage such confusions, but Aclysia is too smart to go for the simple answer. How this continues to develop, you’ll see.

Reysha developed fairly little this season. This is in part because she got the trauma-beating spotlight last season. In this one, it was more about re-establishing herself and using the ‘gifts’ she has acquired. In her position in the party, she’s quite functional, so there’s not much of a need to develop her in any certain direction either… we’ll see if that holds true for the future.

That is about all I wanted to say about all of this, really. This Season was quite focused and breaking down the events that occurred over its course will not give you many new insights.

Instead, let me talk about the future.

Drip-Fed will continue as per usual on Wednesdays. I have no plans to change this in the near future. My schedule is quite productive and is working well so far. The next season, maybe even couple, will reflect that the group is freer than ever before. With Apotho off their butts for the time being and their secrets no longer secrets, they can move around like normal adventurers would. This will obviously influence their decisions and finally let them live in more regular ways.

By insistence of one my proofreaders (Hello, Lim) I have also decided to treat them to a mobile home that they can stay in. :P

Now, before Drip-Fed continues, I will go on a prolonged hiatus for this story. This is to get my notes in order, to build up a healthy buffer, and to hopefully start things off with a week with daily releases. A shot at getting into Trending. You know how the game is played. I also want to finish up the second volume of Welldark and have to keep writing the Gamer all the while.

Until then, you can join my Discord to keep up to date with this or my other projects and/or click on the google form below to give me some detailed feedback in an easily analysed manner.


Let’s turn a new Leaf everybody.


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