Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Experimental Accident

Oakes took a moment to convince Banner that the two had indeed met by coincidence.

The surroundings are already like this. If the army is really nearby, do you still need to wait until now?

“Well, I actually escaped here… You seem to know what happened before, so I won’t repeat it.”

Banner then carefully looked at Oaks. This young scientist who looks like an Asian is only wearing a short shirt. Is this what he should wear when he comes to the rainforest to conduct scientific research?

Even adding the sweater on him now, it’s too exaggerated!

“I’ve been evading the army’s pursuit… By the way, are you really here for a plant inspection? Are you alone?”

“You’ve asked this three times now.”

Oakes rolled his eyes:

“You are an existence in many universities, and you were hung on the wall with Newton, Einstein, Marie Curie and other giants before you were alive. How dare I lie to you?”

“…Is there such a thing?”

Banner touched his nose, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, he seemed a little proud, but thinking of the current environment, he immediately calmed down:

“Well, it seems that you are also a scientist with special skills. How on earth did you survive the Hulk’s attack?”


Rolling his eyes, Oaks pondered for a moment, but decided to tell the truth.

After all, with Banner’s words, Oakes still has a very good impression of him, and he should be easier to accept.

“I’m a Druid with some special abilities. It’s a scientific accident.”


Banner was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted:

“Ah, I saw the news a few months ago that there is a group known as the Druid sect at Stonehenge in London for the Summer Solstice celebration.”

“…I’m half Celtic, but the one you’re talking about is just a group of folk enthusiasts.”

Oakes scratched his red hair, he also knew the news.

Celtic mythology is indeed the birthplace of the Druid concept, but the inheritance has long been broken.

The current Druidism is really a folk group founded by fans, and it has nothing to do with Irish mythology.

However, although his inheritance of power does not come from Celtic mythology, this is also a means of disguising.

“A serious druid would not go to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice.

As for ability, it’s just like this…”

Become a bear, become a leopard, become a bird…

Banner almost turned into a Hulk with fright.

“Bang bang, bang bang…”

Banner tried his best to restrain his thumping little heart, and the veins on his neck were about to come out:



Oaks turned back into human form, and the emerald light entwined between his fingers, Banner felt that his thoughts seemed to calm down immediately, and his heartbeat quickly returned to normal.

“To appease the animals… well, it’s a little embarrassing, but the Hulk and the animals are a little bit similar, right?”

After a shudder, Oaks found that Banner’s eyes like a hungry wolf were staring at him with a green light.

“Dr. Banner?!”

“Ox…you, can you restrain Hulk?!”

Banner was so happy to be the Hulk…

God is pitiful, how much suffering and suffering he has suffered in order to find a way to restrain the Hulk!

The young scientist in front of you actually did it so easily?


Become a beast?

Even if he turns into a ghost, I, Bruce Banner, will seize this opportunity!

Moreover, he just said that this was a scientific accident?

Banner tightly grabbed Oaks’ hand, tears were about to fall:

“You weren’t hunted down by the military, were you?”

“…No, I did my own research.”

“It’s a great accident… No, it’s a coincidence!”

Banner almost screamed in the sky—

He immediately believed that Oaks, like him, was an accidental mutation caused by human experiments!

No wonder he can come and go freely in the tropical rainforest. Have you ever seen a wild beast wearing a protective suit when burrowing in the forest?

“Did you introduce the beast gene into your body? Just to recreate the Celtic myth?”

Banner shook Oaks’ hands with a heartbroken look:

“It’s messed up! It’s so messy! You are still so young… Alas, I was so blindly confident when I was as young as you!”

“Uh, I feel fine, and it doesn’t affect my life, because I can control it completely.”

“…Okay, but beast genes also come with energy manipulation? You wouldn’t introduce plant genes into your body, would you?”

Banner immediately entered the role of a scientist and thought hard:

“What kind of plant can have such a powerful energy manipulation ability? There are quite a few plants that can soothe one’s emotions. Speaking of which, I came to the Amazon to find such plants for experiments.”

“To appease animals? That is to say, the principle is to calm down the spirit of the target with low intelligence? The Hulk is indeed more in line with this characteristic.”

“That’s right, and after we fought for a day and a night, Hulk’s nature was released a lot. He took the initiative to be my friend.”

Oakes smiled, Banner’s brain supplement saved himself a lot of explanation, and this can be used as a standard template to explain to others in the future.

A Hulk can appear in an experimental accident, why can’t another Druid appear?

“Friend? Hulk?”

Banner opened his mouth wide. He never imagined that the Hulk could also communicate?

For a long time, his attitude towards Hulk has always been regarded as a virus that invaded his body, and he vowed to get rid of him!

“But I don’t have any impression at all… When the Hulk appeared in the past, I would leave some scattered impressions… Ah!”

Banner got up and took two steps, and immediately sat down with his feet in his arms—his feet were pricked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“It’s like this every time!”

Banner waved his arm fiercely, and finally covered his face weakly:

“Every time I can’t control it, the Hulk will come out and make a mess around me…

And the pursuit by the military made me not have a good night’s sleep for several years! ”

“Are you saying that you came to Amazon to find herbal experiments to soothe your emotions and suppress your transformation?”

Oaks pondered:

“In that case, I can be of help.”


Banner raised his head sharply. He was shocked by Oaks’ spell just now, but now he remembered that the other party was a genius biologist.

“Of course, Hulk is a friend I just met after all, and finding a solution is good for both of you.”

“I also searched for methods in some books. The herbs I want to find include spiritual comfort and blood purification.”

Banner hugged his feet and quickly entered professional mode again:

“Because although the appearance of the Hulk was motivated by my emotions, in the final analysis, there was a problem with my blood. If the mutation of the blood can be suppressed, it can be completely cured!”

“Well…of course you know the Hulk best. Since you have chosen the treatment method, we will first follow this road test.”

Oakes nodded and looked around again:

“But let’s go back to human society first, and then discuss this issue carefully – don’t worry, I won’t let you become Hulk easily.”

“But before that, let’s fix the damage we’ve done.”

Banner also glanced at the messy surroundings and opened his mouth:

“Are we going to plant trees?”

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