Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 102

Chapter 101: Captain America

“The reaction from outside seems to be very strong.”

Nick Fury was still standing in front of the huge French window in his office, looking out with his hands behind his back—

Also in Washington, D.C., he appeared to be able to see the crowds of protesters marching to block the Capitol.

“It was strong, but the response from the White House seemed a bit sluggish.”

Behind him, the ninth-level agent Maria Hill held the folder and smiled slightly:

“The media are already boiling, but I didn’t expect the temper of the Oaks consultant… In short, we didn’t even expect him to make a move this time.”

She flipped through the folder, and her usual calm tone was also full of emotion:

“And this matter was done aboveboard and without any external force… Our S.H.I.E.L.D. cut off contact with them, but it is precisely that they have no worries.”

“This stinky boy is still so stinky.”

Nick Fury snorted, and although he didn’t seem to care, Agent Hill heard a hint of gloom in his voice.

“I said earlier, don’t worry about them… What’s going on with Pierce?”

“Secretary Pierce he…everything is fine.”

Agent Hill shrugged:

“For Mr. Minister, our purpose has been achieved, and the US military cannot repent at this time and risk offending S.H.I.E.L.D., so it doesn’t matter who the president is –

Especially if Mr. President seeks re-election, not another candidate in the ring with Congressman Ellis. ”

Agent Hill’s analysis made Nick Fury nodded:

“Of course, my old buddy is good at politics, and maybe the current situation is also in his calculations. If I want to say, he will not be much more favorable to the council than me.

After all, he has also sat in my position. ”

“You’re right, Chief.”

Agent Hill recalled that when he saw Minister Pierce in the morning, the other party’s calm appearance, he couldn’t help but admire:

“Mr. Minister, like you, Director, has a global perspective.

Although we are headquartered in Washington, this also creates constraints on our actions by the US government and military.

Congressman Ellis is too controlling…maybe really not a good choice. ”

“Be careful, Agent Hill.”

Nick Fury finally turned around from the floor-to-ceiling window and went back to his desk to sit down:

“It’s just a matter of the government of a country, just let them go, we just need to wait for the result-

So now, how is our captain, Mr. ”

He rested his elbows on the desk, folded his hands to support his chin, and stared at Hill with one eye:

“I’ve helped him with his pension, but he still doesn’t want to contact us?”

“Unfortunately, Director, for now, yes.”

Mentioning this matter, Agent Hill’s expression became serious.

In June, a Russian oil exploration team discovered the “Valkyrie” that crashed during World War II under the frozen soil of Siberia, and the legendary hero who had been frozen and slumbered for nearly 70 years-

Captain America, Steve Rogers.

Since its inception, SHIELD has never given up its goal of finding.

But when S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to wake him up in a 40s-style disguised ward to ease his sense of division by rushing through seventy years, Captain Rogers noticed something was wrong—

He escaped from the ward and found himself in a completely strange world.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury contacted him for the first time, and tried to express goodwill to him—

But unfortunately, in the era of Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet been established, and he does not trust this organization at all.

Even if Fury told him it was a group co-founded by his old friends Howard Stark and Peggy Carter.

Because Howard Stark is dead, Peggy Carter is not in Washington, Rogers lives in a house arranged for him by S.H.I.E.L.D. Although there is a beautiful female neighbor there, he still cannot fully accept that he has traveled through seventy years. fact.

The female neighbor was Agent 13, Sharon Carter, whom Rogers did not know.

Fury’s intention in doing this was to allow him to adapt slowly, but Captain Rogers clearly needed more time.

“The U.S. military should have also received the news, but they don’t seem to care about the survival of Captain Rogers.”

“Of course they don’t care.”

Nick Fury’s mouth curled into a sarcastic smile:

“Because Captain Rogers is an unavoidable existence for them – especially now that the general election is in full swing, neither party dares to express an opinion on this matter.”

“Captain Rogers has always been a propaganda prop in the eyes of the U.S. government and military.

As a soldier, although he has the rank of captain and the leadership of the Roaring Commando, he has always given the army the impression that he is not a soldier who regards obedience as a duty—

you know what I mean? ”

“…Yes, I see.”

Agent Hill also smiled:

“Especially after the captain’s ‘sacrifice” that year, the U.S. government spared no effort in squeezing his residual value—

They called him ‘the righteous man of God’, a near-legendary perfect hero.

And heroes certainly shouldn’t be at their desks asking them for a pension. ”

“So we went to ask for it for him, and they gave it quickly.”

Nick Fury leaned back in the chair, his fingers flicking on the armrest unconsciously:

“The current Captain Rogers, for them, is a heavy burden—

Oh, they want to push such an old baby to us S.H.I.E.L.D., but I’m not too happy.

There is one more person on the list of Avengers! ”

“But Chief, Sharon sent a message that Captain Rogers is going to New York, Brooklyn, tomorrow.”


Nick Fury stared:

“What is he going to do?”

“He said that Washington has been filled with protesters lately, and he can’t get used to it…going back to Brooklyn, after all, that’s where he was born, and…”


Agent Hill looked at Nick Fury’s wry smile, and his expression became strange:

“And you told him yourself that Ms. Carter was recuperating at the old house over there.”

“…Well, let Sharon secretly protect Captain Rogers, and be careful not to be discovered by him.”

Nick Fury can only scold the Oaks **** secretly, for so many things, there is still such an effect…

But maybe seeing the old leader can make him open his heart as soon as possible

“By the way, what is that guy at Oaks doing now? Still at sea?

He’s already planted a weird, purified mangrove forest directly on the oil-covered sea! ”

“No, Dr. Oakes has returned to New York, but he seems to have rented an old factory by the sea and doesn’t know what to do in it.”

Hill shook his head helplessly:

“You know, our surveillance over there is extremely limited.”

“I’ve already gone back…”

For some reason, Nick Fury always had a weird feeling that he was starting to have a toothache.

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