Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 109

Chapter 108: Plan To Rescind

Steve groaned through the girls—probably more difficult for him than navigating through a hail of bullets on the battlefield.

But as a security supervisor, ensuring the smooth running of the annual meeting is something he needs to do seriously.

But the girls of Rendehui are usually very enthusiastic – how can they be volunteers if they are not enthusiastic.

But today they are too enthusiastic!

“Ox made me wear this uniform… gosh, it’s harder than punching that moustache.”

Steve had just gotten rid of the enthusiastic girls, and was complaining about his perfect muscles that looked dazzling. When he looked up, he saw a mustache staring at him strangely.

“Uh… I didn’t mean you when I said mustache…”

Tony touched his carefully trimmed mustache subconsciously, and the corner of his mouth twitched:

“Wow, where did Baby Teddy Bear find such an aerobics coach? Does he plan to train his human form to be like a bear?!”


Teddy Bear was “born” in 1903, a stuffed bear mascot named after the nickname of the 26th US President Roosevelt, which Steve is of course very familiar with.

So as soon as Steve heard it, he knew that this was another Oaks “person”.


“Hello Mr. Stark, I’m Steve, the security director of the Rende Society, please have fun.”

Steve kindly reached out:

“By the way, I do also have a part-time fitness trainer… If there is a need in this regard, I can participate in the group class on Friday afternoon.”

“…Tony Stark, shareholder of Rendehui.”

Tony also reached out and shook hands with Steve:

“Well, it doesn’t look like this is an inflatable muscle suit.”


As head of security, Steve had to get to know everyone at the top of the Rende Society.

But he felt that even if he was not familiar with the high-level list in advance, he could recognize it.

Because Tony and his old friend Howard are so similar.

Whether it is the image or the temperament, and the eyes that are like electromagnets that are electrified when they see the beauty.

Steve knew about the relationship between Oaks and S.H.I.E.L.D., and naturally he would inquire about some news. The death of Howard Stark’s couple was not a secret.

So now, Steve has a… mixed feeling about Tony.

On the one hand, according to his seniority, he is indeed Tony’s elder, but according to his mental age, Steve, who has lived soberly for more than 20 years, is much younger than Tony, who is almost 42 years old now.

Fortunately, on the one hand, Steve’s mentality has always been relatively mature, and on the other hand, Tony’s mentality has always been relatively…young.

Especially now that Tony is still a big star and a superhero Iron Man, Steve was still emotional for a while when he first learned about it, but he seemed to be very unfamiliar with Tony’s cynical character.

This is still different from Howard back then, and by the way, he is not very interested in the Stark Building, which was just completed this year.

Because he felt that putting his surname on the top of the building was too high-profile.

And the building itself didn’t fit his contemporary aesthetic.

The news of Captain America Steve Rogers is still strictly kept secret by S.H.I.E.L.D., so Tony, who is a consultant, has not yet obtained his information.

And Oakes, a “former consultant”, would naturally keep his mouth shut until Nick Fury came to him in person.

So Tony couldn’t recognize his “uncle” when he saw him.

“That’s okay, after all, such plump muscles will make me unable to wear armor.”

Tony shrugged and moved closer to Steve:

“Those girls seem to like you very much, do you want me to teach you two tricks?

My own person, free. ”

“Uh… still no need, thank you, have a good time.”

With an expression of disapproval, Steve said hello to Banna and Ethan, and continued busy.

“I always feel that this guy is a little familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.”

Tony looked at the back of Steve’s departure, touched his chin subconsciously, and then realized that he seemed to spend too much time with a man.

“Never mind, it’s no big deal if he’s another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.”

After the cooperation between Oaks and S.H.I.E.L.D. ended, Tony, the consultant, had a closer relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, when he serves as a consultant, it is different from Oaks——

Oaks looks at deal value for advisory services, while Tony looks at mood.

For example, when he was in a good mood, he installed the holographic projection technology in his laboratory on S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for when you’re in a bad mood…

“That guy Nick Fury actually told me that the Avengers plan was abolished!”

After the Spring Festival, the new landmark of Manhattan, New York, the Stark Building was officially put into use.

Tony is showing Oakes and Banner around his lab—

The top ten floors of the Stark Building are all state-of-the-art research facilities, and for scientists, it’s like heaven.

And the question they want to talk about makes this visit only the three of them.


Oaks hadn’t spoken yet, but Banner first expressed his surprise:

“They only approved the plan more than a year ago, do they now feel that Asgard’s threat is not a problem?”

He spread his hands in disbelief:

“With their persecution paranoia, it’s absolutely impossible.”

“That’s right, Dr. Banner.”

Tony shook his finger. He already knew exactly who Nick Fury was:

“The Avengers plan was proposed by Nick Fury, and the only thing that can abolish it is the World Security Council.

The council has always seemed to be biased against people like us – last time it was because of Asgard that they had to pass the plan.

And what if they had better options? ”

“Better option? A nuclear bomb?”

Banner shrugged complicatedly:

“I thought this should be the ultimate means. Do they plan to play the imaginary war with the end of the game at the beginning?”

“Perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. has other plans~www.readwn.com~ Oaks has guessed why, before the New York War, the Avengers plan was indeed approved first and then abolished:

“After all, our group of people who are outside of their system are always better at ease than controlling the combat power in their own hands.”

S.H.I.E.L.D. should have come out with the study of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube by now.

Even the Destroyer of Asgard should have parsed out some technology.

“Also, Asgard’s Thor, the **** of thunder, is also an Avenger – although he is not on Earth now.”

“Okay, to rely on aliens to protect the earth? I probably understand the idea of the bureaucrats in the council now.”

Tony pouted:

“I’m starting to wonder what ‘other plans’ they have.”

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