Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 117

Chapter 116: Pre-War Analysis

Things are as Nick Fury expected, with Oaks as the axis, and the Avengers rallies seem to have gone completely wrong.

Regarding the other two Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent “Black Widow” Natasha Romanoff, and “Hawkeye” Clint Barton, who has been controlled by Loki, their publicly available information was also shared on in this party.

In short, this is Nick Fury’s most open and candid impression.

There is no way not to be open and honest, go out to two mortal agents, and the other four members of the Avengers are not ordinary people.

And now the mortal agent Hawkeye can’t even make a face-to-face in front of Loki…

If these guys don’t get together, things really get in trouble.

“Cosmic Cube… I remember it.”

After all the publicly available information was introduced, everyone fell into silence for a while, and they needed to digest these things.

But the first to speak was Captain America Steve Rogers.

He glanced at Carter, and subconsciously clenched the hand of his sweetheart:

“On the Valkyrie, the Red Skull is armed with the kind of weapon developed by Hydra, which can even knock people into nothingness with one shot.

And in the last battle, I didn’t kill the Red Skull, but he activated the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, trying to kill me, but…”

This information is completely unknown to Nick Fury, and only exists in the memory of the client Steve.

So everyone immediately concentrated their minds, and then listened to Captain America for a while, and said with some doubts:

“At that time… the Cosmic Cube seemed to be excited by a huge amount of energy, and the Red Skull disappeared in that energy, but I can’t be sure whether he was hit by pure energy and disappeared, or the Cosmic Cube opened the portal to teleport him away. .”

Steve was just a soldier, not a scientist, so he could only try to describe the situation.

But here are two top physicists Tony and Banner, as well as Nick Fury, who has experienced the opening of the space door by the universe Rubik’s cube.

“It turns out that there is such a secret.”

The three looked at each other, and Dr. Banner, the pioneer in the field of gamma rays, said hesitantly:

“Referring to the previous information, the energy release described by the captain should be undoubtedly space teleportation, but it is impossible to determine where the teleportation target is.”

Tony also touched his mustache and nodded:

“That’s right, although the pure energy release and space transmission energy all come from the cosmic Rubik’s Cube, the manifestations are completely different, and the phenomena that act on the living body are also different.”

“In other words, the Red Skull is probably still there?”

Nick Fury glanced at the serious-looking Steve and Peggy, and shook his head again:

“But if there are no special circumstances, he should not appear in front of us.

For now, we’re focused on our first priority – finding Loki. ”

“So guys, about this impromptu party…”

Oaks clapped his hands and pointed to Loki, who was holding a mind scepter on the hologram, with a very distinctive hairstyle and an eye-catching smile:

“Are you all satisfied?”

“Oh, very satisfying—I missed the big guy last time,”

Tony put a hand on his chin, his eyes full of inquiry:

“But I want to emphasize one point. This is really the big brother’s brother? He doesn’t look like him at all. Is there any story in it?”


Although he is already familiar with Tony’s character, Banner still feels that this guy’s thinking is too jumpy, and…

“Tony, your eyes are really poisonous, but should we be on guard against Thor?”

He made a gesture of swinging a hammer:

“Although Thor revealed last time that Loki intends to usurp the throne in Asgard, we have not been able to contact Thor since the last time. Now that Loki has appeared, has he succeeded or failed?”

As Banner, who experienced the events in New Mexico firsthand, he was very worried – a destroyer is already so strong.

“If Loki can reach Earth in this way, then can Thor also, is this event Loki’s personal will or Asgard’s will?

Odin, the **** of thunder, Thor, the **** of trickery, Loki, the **** of tricks, they are father, son and brother after all. ”

“It doesn’t matter if he succeeds or fails, and it doesn’t matter if he is alone or with Asgard on his back.”

Steve stood up holding Peggy and expressed his opinion solemnly:

“We all have to go all out, come one, fight one, come a bunch…”

He glanced at the sweetheart beside him, and the corner of his mouth twitched:

“Then we’ll beat them all back to their hometowns!”

“Tsk…the sour smell of love.”

Oaks’ complaints made everyone look weird, and Ms. Peggy rolled her eyes directly at him.

People are getting younger, and it seems that their mentality is also younger.

“One more thing, Thor has two friends on Earth, Dr. Selvig, who was captured by Loki, is the one who enlightened him, and his girlfriend, astrophysicist Jane Foster, is even more important.”

Oakes looked at Nick Fury:

“S.H.I.E.L.D. should be prepared for this, right? After all, Loki… tried to kill Thor before.”

“Of course, we’ve moved Jane Foster to Tromsø, Norway.”

Nick Fury spread his hands:

“After what happened yesterday, an observatory there has invited her to be a consultant. Good salary, private jet, very remote.”

“Peggy, sorry for needing to keep you in the back again this time…but I promise it won’t be the same as last time.”

“Of course, this time I don’t have years to wait.”

The dog food of the captain and the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. made everyone full.

“Captain, although your impassioned enthusiasm is very inspiring, it is obviously not what we should do to fight uncertain battles.”

Tony kept thinking for a while. He reached out and patted Banner on the shoulder, and the two stood up together:

“I think we need to do some homework ahead of time. We have to know more about the Cosmic Cube to be able to track it effectively.”

“So, shouldn’t we change places?”

Oaks also nodded~www.readwn.com~ stood up, looked around the superheroes, and spread his hands helplessly:

“I don’t seem to be suitable as a command center here, and it seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. should be a strong support for the Avengers.”


Nick Fury finally stood up and waved his hand domineeringly:

“You can prepare first. In the afternoon, the SHIELD plane will take you to our most advanced command base, where there is the most complete laboratory, and it is absolutely safe.”

“No place is completely safe for a great mage like Loki, Chief Fury.”

Oaks saw Tony wink at himself in the blind spot of Nick Fury’s left eye, so he smiled:

“Then I need to do some unconventional preparations for a few guys…

Sorry Ms Carter, may have to borrow the captain for a while. ”

“Guys, come across.”

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