Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 124

Chapter 123: Rescue Base

When Oakes and Natasha arrived at the laboratory, Nick Fury had already arrived.

In the face of the “Second Stage” information found by Tony, and the actual weapons found by Steve in the mothership’s arsenal, he finally had to admit–

S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the cosmic cube to create weapons of mass destruction.

And the target imaginary enemy is Thor, who is watching the show with an innocent face.

While Sgard has no ill will towards Earth, Nick Fury and the World Security Council agree on this point.

The earth is still very weak in the universe, and there must be effective means of coping with other civilizations.

But let’s not say whether this idea will be recognized by two scientists who oppose weapons of mass destruction and a veteran who does not trust power. Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, is not happy at first.

“Your research on the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube caused its energy to radiate into the universe, which brought Loki and his allies!

This form of energy radiation tells other civilizations in the universe that the earth is ready for advanced warfare! ”

“You forced it.”

As a result, a new round of quarrels began, but no one found that the mind scepter placed on the test bench was producing subtle changes.

“Okay guys, calm down~”

A hand was placed on the psychic scepter, and with his powerful mental power, Oaks temporarily controlled the restlessness of the psychic scepter, and woke up everyone with a cold drink.

“This thing is insane, don’t let Loki’s conspiracy succeed – this scepter and himself were obtained by us on purpose!”


The scene fell silent for a while.


Nick Fury held his bald head with a serious face. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a top agent, he instantly realized that his previous emotions were wrong.

There are other people whose emotions are also not right, as if the negative emotions in their hearts are amplified.

The words and actions they say are not what they usually do—

Especially since they are still acquaintances.

“This thing…is it really affecting our spirits?”

Banner, who was closest to him, gasped for breath. Just now, he even felt that his connection with the Hulk was about to be cut off.

And once this happens, the situation will return to the previous situation – Hulk and Banner will be in their own hands, not only will the transformation be uncontrollable, but the Hulk will also be uncontrollable.

Steve and Tony, who were choking on each other for a duel, looked at each other and pulled the corners of their mouths, revealing an ugly smile.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t mean to beat up an old man in his nineties.”

“I don’t care, I don’t mean to teach my nephew’s children.”

Natasha took a deep breath. As a former Soviet agent who had been controlled by her mind, she hated the feeling of being affected by this kind of spirit.

However, she, who should have had strong mental resistance and experience in this kind of control, was hit without even noticing it. She finally understood why someone as determined as Barton was being controlled.

And Sol…

“Asshole Loki! I’m going to beat him to death!”

Sol broke out in a cold sweat – if he said something bad, it would turn into an interstellar dispute!

“It’s this scepter that’s doing the trick…”

Oaks frowned, and the power of the Mind Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, made his spirit tremble slightly.

This is not something that he can control now, otherwise it will be fine in a short time, but in a long time there is a real danger of being lost by power.

He let go of his hand, and a layer of emerald green light faintly circulated on the surface of the scepter.

“For the time being, it will no longer radiate that spirit-affecting energy… Wait!”

Oaks’ complexion changed, his hands clapped, and a large vine rose up, covering the entire laboratory firmly!

“Everyone defend!”

“Beep beep!”

Before everyone could react from Oaks’ sudden movements and roars, the instrument rang, and Banner and Tony were refreshed:

“Find the location of the universe cube!”


The next moment, a violent explosion enveloped the laboratory – just because Oaks’ reminder and the vines blocked for a few seconds, everyone had time to evacuate in time.

“Damn it! It’s only a few seconds away! The instrument is destroyed! Coordinates!!”

Banner was knocked to the ground by the explosion, and as soon as he finished shouting this sentence, he hugged his head abruptly:

“wait wait wait!”

“Hawkeye” Clink Barton led the Loki Recapture Squad to start the attack on the Helicarrier.

One of the main engines was damaged, and the air carrier was at an altitude of 30,000 feet, that is, more than 9,000 meters, and could fall at any time.

Nick Fury quickly reported the battle damage and began to direct the SHIELD agents to activate the emergency plan.

“Tony! Engine please! Steve, the enemy’s situation is unknown, protect Tony!”

“it is good!”


Oaks directly took over the command while manipulating a large number of vines to block the big hole created by the explosion:

“Sol! Please watch over Loki, that’s the enemy’s ultimate goal!”

“Exactly what I want!”

“Natasha! Leave Bruce to me, and you go after Barton!”


Nick Fury opened his mouth but said nothing.

Oaks’ arrangement is indeed the most suitable at present.

The director really has a brilliant eye…

“Director Fury, stop sticking… Bruce will have no problem, it can be done later, don’t worry about it here!”

Oaks’ hands were surrounded by green light, and he was suppressing Banner, who was holding his head in pain.

“…Well, if Banner goes wrong, we’re really in danger – it’s up to you!”

Nick Fury quickly returned to the control center to preside over the overall situation, while Oaks looked serious.

It stands to reason that Banner should not be so easily stimulated by his own weakened explosion.

But it’s hard to die, the activation of his natural magic and the violent explosion stimulated the psychic scepter!

The power of the Mind Stone broke through the previous temporary natural magic seal, affecting the nearest Banner.

“Sure enough, the power of the Mind Stone is not something I can control now…

It’s fine if you’re a normal person, but when you encounter a spellcaster who uses spiritual power to drive magic, it will actually have such an effect.

It’s no wonder that Loki just ate on the earth for a while, but he hated the earth so much, and wanted to kill and occupy the earth.

And after he lost his mind scepter, although he was still evil, he was no longer evil. ”

In addition to their respective functions ~www.readwn.com~ and providing unlimited energy, the six Infinity Stones have unique passive abilities.

Space Gems – Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, passive is unstable energy radiation.

Mind Gem – Mind Scepter, passively affects mind.

The power gem – the cosmic spirit ball, passively “tests” those who touch it with overwhelming power.

Time Gem – Unknown passive because it is sealed by the Eye of Agamotto, but it should be related to maintaining the stability of the timeline.

Reality gems – ether particles, passively will automatically find the host and absorb the life force of the host.

The most special soul gem, not only has life, but also has a small universe inside.

The power of the Mind Stone is undoubtedly a huge temptation for a spellcaster – it can greatly enhance the spiritual power.

“but not now……”

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