Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 144

Chapter 143: Valhalla

Asgard is martial, and the crown prince wants to prove to the Nine Realms that he is enough to match the throne of Asgard with his supreme bravery and illustrious military exploits.

Saul in the past was influenced by this kind of thinking, belligerent, conceited, impulsive, and reckless.

But the experience of Earth clearly changed him, and he began to awaken to the precious qualities that a king should have.

However, the upcoming counter-insurgency battle after the Rainbow Bridge is repaired is the time for Thor to show the supreme majesty of Asgard and himself to the Nine Realms.

Therefore, while waiting for the Rainbow Bridge to be repaired, Thor is training his troops every day, quickly replenishing and restoring the Asgardian troops lost in the Loki Rebellion.

This is also one of the most terrifying things about Asgard – their standing army is not very large, but can be replenished quickly no matter what huge losses they suffer.

In addition to the regular source of troops, Asgard’s most important war guarantees are the Berserker Legion that can recruit civilians at any time to rapidly form combat power, and the other is located in the Grahir Forest, named “Valhalla” , Also known as the “Hall of Valor” is a huge palace.

The souls of warriors who died in the war will use Asgard’s mysterious technology to transform into heroic warriors called “Engelia” here.

They will regain their bodies, quickly regain their fighting power, and continue to fight for Asgard.

The Hall of Valor has 540 gates, each of which can accommodate 800 warriors side by side.

The four walls of the palace are lined with very brightly polished golden spears, so they are brightly displayed;

The roof of the palace is paved with golden shields, and the seats in the palace are covered with exquisite armor.

Taking bravery as the supreme virtue and death as the supreme glory, the warriors of the Heroic Spirit fought wildly in the Hall of Valor until they died in battle and were resurrected after sunset.

One of the most famous legends in Valhalla is the now-disappeared Odin Guard, the Valkyrie Legion.

The other is a gluttonous feast that is unique in the Nine Realms.

A huge banquet palace was set up in the Hall of Valor. The soldiers fought to the death during the day and were resurrected and feasted at night.

The feast was served with delicious wild boar and fragrant goat’s milk mead.

The wild boar is the meat of the divine pig Shahlimnir, which is cut every day by Andrhelimnir, the cook of the shrine, to cook delicious dishes in a cauldron—

This **** pig is resurrected every day, and it is full of fat again.

The goat milk mead is continuously produced by the **** Hedron to supply the needs of the heroic warriors.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there are only these two kinds of food in the Hall of Heroes, it’s just that these two kinds are exclusively for Heroic Spirit warriors to enjoy.

So, what could be more suitable for Thor and the army’s carnival than the banquet in Valhalla?

And when Ox was “friendly” sandwiched between the team by Sol and his four friends, and “please” come here, Ox couldn’t help but swallow.

What should I do if I pretend to be an idiot…


Sol raised Thor’s Hammer high and responded to the wild laughter of the heroic warriors:

“Eat all the meat! Drink all the wine! Then go to the battle tomorrow!

Soon, we will spread the glory of Asgard all over the Nine Realms again! ”

“Sol! Sol! Sol! Ouch! Ouch!”

The three warriors of Asgard – Fandral, Hogan, and Vorstage watched with relief that Sol easily caused the warriors to revel, and nodded and sighed:

“Sol will definitely be a good king.”

“Of course, I have no doubts about that—if Loki hadn’t messed up, he would have been!”

“Once the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, the supreme military exploits will make all the nine realms understand the power of Sol!”

However, Ms. Sif was not like them, she just looked at Sol’s stalwart back with admiration, showing a happy smile.

It’s just that she quickly remembered that there was also a friend of the earth with a pale face, and the earth…

It made her have to remember the last time Sol was exiled.

That Earth Woman…

Although Sif is a heroic female warrior, she has no muscles in her brain, just because of her admiration and friendship for Sol, her relationship with Sol is more like an “iron buddy”.

And after seeing that Earth woman, Sif began to realize…

It turns out that Saul, a muscular man and a tough guy, has another side to women? !

In the past thousand years, although she has always had a strange feeling for Sol, after countless trials, what Sif has obtained without exception is the sand sculpture expression of a straight man of steel and a sense of incomprehension.

But just when Sif was about to give up, the iron tree actually bloomed? !

Such Sol…is more charming as she expected, but alas…it’s not for her.

So, inexplicably, Oaks felt that Ms. Sif, who was beside her, was resentful towards herself.

Oaks, who was lying on the gun, didn’t realize what the problem was, because Jane Foster hadn’t come to Asgard yet. Although he knew the astrophysicist, he hadn’t even spoken a word and was not familiar with it.

But… it’s not a good thing to be remembered, so Oaks decided to change the subject:

“Ms. Sif, you brought me here… wouldn’t you be introducing me to these warriors?”

“Huh? Ha! Of course not!”

Sif woke up from the resentment and immediately realized her rudeness, so she smiled awkwardly.

However, as an excellent Asgardian warrior, Sif, who woke up, was immediately infected by the frenetic atmosphere in front of her:

“Ox, you told Sol before that you want him to see what ‘massive’ is… So we will give you a venue where you can ‘exercise your strength’!”

Sif waved her hand and introduced boldly:

“Conquering heroic warriors is not just about bravery—

We’ve all heard Thor mentioned about your bravery. In the face of the surging Chitauri army, you perfectly guarded your teammates on the front line and suffered most of the damage.

You can even do a combo with Thor, which no one can do even in Asgard! ”

She slapped Oaks on the shoulder, the latter smiled wryly, and Sif showed admiration:

“The strongest warrior must be the most massive warrior!

So you, who are so brave, have an unsurprisingly good understanding of ‘mass’ – today, Sol will have a contest with you under the witness of the soldiers! ”


“That’s right!”

Thor, who had turned around, laughed and sat down in his seat. He had thrown the Thor’s Hammer aside, and was replaced by a huge wine glass that was at least three liters in size!

The crystal clear goat’s milk mead exudes a tempting aroma. Before Oaks could smile bitterly, the three warriors of Asgard and Ms. Sif, who had a malicious smile on their faces, had already placed two rows full of wine in front of Sol and him. wine glass.

There are more than a dozen in a row, one person in a row, plus a cup placed in front of him…

“Come on, Oaks!”

Sol laughed wildly and drank the wine in his hand:

“Let me see what ‘massive’ is!”

Taking a deep breath, Oaks glanced at Sol’s four chaperones, and the soldiers surrounded by layers upon layers, reached out and grabbed the wine glass…

“as you wish!”

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