Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 193

Chapter 191: Unexpected Visitor

Xu Shangqi thought for a while and reluctantly agreed with Oaks’ words.

This is also the result of the influence of Oaks’ mental power, which shows how deep his fear of his father was.

But it’s okay if things are settled, Oaks really wants to meet the legendary “Mandarin”.

After all, if he develops power in the East, he, the extraordinary leader, will definitely not be able to circumvent the hurdle of the Ten Rings Gang.


It’s hard to say that his dad will not care if he comes out wearing this kind of necklace with special cosmic energy.

Oaks took Xu Shangqi directly back to the headquarters of Rendehui.

For an organization of the size of the Rende Society, helping him solve the identity problem couldn’t be easier.

But he couldn’t just start working like that—

Although public welfare undertakings do not depend on age and education, they still have to go to school.

But Shang Qi’s schooling in China is just his father’s private school…

Therefore, the so-called “junior high school education” is also the kind that cannot be verified.

It’s not that he didn’t learn anything, but… he learned in a different direction.

As the eldest young master of the Ten Rings Gang, he received absolutely the most elite education, but with a slightly different focus.

It is more inclined to how to lead the forces, as well as history and the like.

But it doesn’t matter, he is still young, Oaks arranged for him to get familiar with the environment here in the first half of the cooperative junior high school in Brooklyn, and then go to high school normally.

But beyond what Oaks expected…

“Hey! I’m Peter Parker, hello, are you new here? I didn’t see you when I came here before!”

Peter, who came to play again, was about to find the strange kitten and puppy he found yesterday, when he saw an Asian boy not a few years older than him crouching on the ground and staring at a husky.

This husky Peter knows that, like the kitten and puppy he found yesterday, it is the pet of President Oaks, and seems to be a part-time concierge.

But while huskies are fun, yesterday’s kittens are invisible! That puppy also healed the bruise from his fall!

“What are you and Hattie doing?”

“Uh…is it true that public welfare doesn’t discriminate between ages?”

Xu Shangqi looked at the junior high school student in front of him and scratched his hair:

“I’m Sean, you can also call me Shangqi.”

“Double gas.”






Xu Shang scratched his hair angrily, and it was because of this that he took an English name.

“Okay, you’d better call me Sean.”

“Wait, I can do it, Shang…”

Peter stroked his tongue hard:


“Ah very good, you made it!”

Shang Qi was very happy, and finally there was another one who could straighten his tongue.

“Ha! Is this Chinese? Wow, it’s so difficult, the school doesn’t teach it… By the way, what were you doing just now?”

Peter’s little mouth started again, and Hattie yawned, lying down and preparing to squint for a while.

“I feel like it can understand me.”

Shang Qi looked at Hattie carefully, and whispered to Peter:

“I just said that there are a lot of classes here, and it’s a little hard to learn, but it actually despises me!

I’m sure it was a look of contempt! ”

Hati shook his ears, showed a look of contempt again, and covered his ears with his claws.

“…that’s the look!”

“Is the class difficult?”

Peter tilted his head:

“I feel that although I’m in the first year, I’ve finished the third-year course on my own.”

Medi’s junior high school is also three years, but high school is four years, all compulsory education.


Shang Qi opened his mouth, this little guy several years younger than himself is a genius?

“I only have half a year, and if I don’t finish my studies, I can’t go to high school.

But I haven’t been exposed to the courses here before. The school only teaches third-grade courses, and I’m not very proficient in English, so it’s a bit difficult. ”

“I can help you with the basics!”

Peter is confident:

“But what do you thank me for?”

“Ah, this…”

Shangqi is in trouble, this little guy can help him with tutoring, but what will he use in return?

I have no money.

“Then…how about I teach you kung fu?”

Shang Qi slammed his hand and thought of a good idea:

“I teach you kung fu. No one can bully you at school. It’s fair for you to help me with tutoring, isn’t it?”

He could tell at a glance that the other party must have been bullied at school, because he was bullied in San Francisco too.

“You know kung fu? Like Bruce Lee?”

Peter’s eyes lit up. As a good boy and he likes to read, he was indeed often bullied at school.

If you learn the mysterious kung fu from the East…

“Can you show me?”

“No problem, but you can’t tell others, including the president—

It’s our little secret, eh? ”

“make a deal!”

Hati watched Xu Shang punch a set of aggressive punches, and his originally lazy eyes became serious.

This kid is hiding!

Although Oaks, who was informed by Hattie, was surprised that Peter and the monk were so angry, he didn’t have time to ask about it now.

Because, the original Lingna Ark, the current Guardian of Nature, has a special guest.

From Asgard, Baldr, the **** of light.

“Luckily Loki didn’t come.”

Oaks looked at the double swords on his waist, and Baldur, who was wearing a white coat, appeared on the deck in a golden armor, and couldn’t help smacking his lips.

The first time the Rainbow Bridge appeared, Oaks felt it. After all, the Nature Guardian is now his ark.

“Welcome to Earth, the rebellion is over?”

Oaks looked at Balder’s relaxed expression of not caring about everything, and couldn’t help but ask:

“What about Thor and Loki?”

“Of course, with our brothers, it will be done soon.

I just got Warnerheim, Saul was picking up the pieces at Muspelheim, and now it’s time to go back.

Loki, he led the army to suppress Jotunheim, the frost giant… Speaking of which, my cheap brother is still the legitimate heir of Jotunheim~www.readwn.com~ Baldur looked at what could be called a forest. Deck, tsk tsk admiration:

“Wow, it seems that my Lingnan is not with the wrong person, it is more practical than when I have it!”


Oaks instinctively felt that there was a lot of information in Balder’s words.

“Then Badr, why did you come to Earth this time…?”

“Well, Oaks, are we friends?”

Balder suddenly leaned over to Oaks with a mysterious look.

“Huh? Of course… what’s wrong?”

Oaks twitched the corners of his mouth, he is…

“I still remember Las Vegas parties, man—

You know, I don’t want to be king of Asgard at all, not at all. ”

Balder grabbed Oaks’ shoulders, looking frustrated:

“I am the king of the party! Don’t manage the nine kingdoms…

But since I woke up, many people thought I should be on that throne! ”


Oaks is a little stunned. Will this sensitive question be silenced by Odin?

and many more……

He felt it for a while, um, Odin should not have sent the crow to stare here.

But he had no doubt that Heimdall was watching.

“I think it’s fitting for Thor, maybe I should wake up after he officially takes over the throne.”

Balder’s words made Oaks start to sweat.

“But that guy actually told me that he has no interest in the throne either!”

Bader paused, then spread his hands helplessly:

“So I can only sneak out to make my lovely younger brother more popular and force him to take over the throne!” Read it for free!

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