Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 199

Chapter 197: Ether Particle

“What can the therapists do?”

Oakes glanced at Jane Foster, who was trying to observe the soul smelting furnace restlessly, and raised his eyebrows:

“Her vitality continues to decline, is there any way to get that thing out?”

“No, we didn’t find a way.”

Sol shook his head dejectedly:

“That thing has so much energy that we can’t even study it safely, let alone how to get it out.

If the contact is forced, I am afraid that it will cause an explosion of energy like it did on Earth before—

This thing broke out not to protect Jane, but to protect itself. ”

“Then it seems that I can only ask for the help of King Odin, maybe he knows what this is.”

Oakes patted Sol on the shoulder:

“Badr can’t hold the king for long, I’m afraid the moment we step into Asgard, the king already knows…

This matter can’t be hidden, so let’s talk about it. ”

“But my father treated Jane…”

Sol scratched his hair in distress and hesitated.

“Jane is just an ordinary person after all, and the people of the earth will have a door because of their status, not to mention the king of Asgard.”

Oaks explained Sol, Jane’s matter, in fact, it is not that complicated.

If Thor is still the only crown prince of Asgard, the heir to the throne, then Odin will not allow his queen to be a mere hundred-year-old earthling.

But now with Baldur as a backup, Saul had initially lost interest in the throne, and now he is almost certain that he is unwilling to take over the throne.

Beidi Pavilion

He is also very clear, so that his chances with Jane will be much better.

But now it seems that Odin has not given up on him, because Baldur has written “lie flat” on his face almost from the moment of his resurrection!

Even if they all come to fight for the throne, Odin doesn’t care, otherwise why would he say “you were born kings” when Thor and Loki were young.

But now this completely opposite situation makes Odin very anxious.

So on Saul’s side, it is strange that he has a good impression of “the culprit that caused his son to not take over the throne”, Jane Foster.

“But maybe you can take Jane to find the queen first. Generally speaking, mothers are better at talking, right?”

Oaks has not yet sensed Odin coming, and it seems that Balder has put a lot of effort into it.


Thor suddenly realized that Frigga was known as the wisest person in Asgard, maybe she had a way.

He hurriedly brought Jane to the Tianhou’s palace. Sol was about to enter, but Jane stopped him:

“Did you tell your parents about me?”

“No…but mother won’t care, let’s go.”

Sol walked forward, and Jane pulled him again:

“That… what do I need to say when we meet for the first time? What style does your mother like…”

“His Royal Highness is the strongest magician in Asgard, and she taught Loki’s skills.”

Oaks looked at Jane’s appearance that she was a little afraid to see the man’s parents, and wanted to laugh:

“Dr. Foster, we must hurry, my spells can replenish your vitality, but that thing in your body will absorb your vitality and grow.

If it’s strong enough, don’t know what will happen. ”

Sol quietly gave Oaks a thumbs up.

“Okay, okay…I see!”

Jane smiled a little embarrassedly, at least if the light bulb of Oaks is here, it looks more like a business…

“Dr. Oakes, remember to remind me if something is wrong later!”

Sol led the way, and Jane quietly asked for help from Oaks, who had always maintained her spells:

“We are all earthlings after all, aren’t we?”

“Well…don’t worry, Her Royal Highness is very kind.”

Oaks quietly signaled to the front, Jane looked up and saw a graceful and elegant lady sitting under two screens, looking at them with a smile.

Although from the perspective of dress and temperament, this one has undoubtedly experienced a long time, but she does not see the wind and frost on her face.

Jane felt that her skin was nothing compared to hers.

Oaks saluted Frigga slightly:

“His Royal Highness, I take the liberty to interrupt.”

“Ox, you are the sage of Asgard, the advisor of the royal family, and a friend of Thor and Baldur. You are welcome to visit at any time.”

Frigg glanced at Sol, who scratched his head and smirked:

“At least you won’t bring trouble from time to time like my uneasy son.”

“Hehe, hehehe…Mother.”

Sol grinned and put down the hammer:

“This is Jane Foster.”

“Jane, this is my mother, Frigga.”


Jane showed a nervous smile:

“Nice to meet you.”

“I know you, Jane.”

Frigg’s eyes that seemed to contain magic power looked up and down this mortal woman who was thinking about her son day and night, and slowly stood up:

“But now you seem to be in trouble.”

“Mother, Jane, something strange happened to her…”

At the moment, Sol told Frigg about the previous events in detail. After the latter listened to it, the originally calm complexion became solemn.

She walked quickly to Jane and nodded slightly to Ox, who was beside him. Ox nodded and stopped the spell in her hand.


Leaving Ox’s spell maintenance~www.readwn.com~ Jane immediately felt a little flower in front of her eyes, and Sol immediately supported her.

“It’s a sign of a lack of vitality.”

Frigga glanced calmly at the anxious-looking son, and a layer of magic light flashed on his hand, brushing slightly from Jane’s arm.

“This is impossible……”

Her face has changed from solemn to serious:

“Sol, go and call your father right away!”

“Ah? Mother, but father to Jane…”

“Now is not the time to think about such things.”

Frigga interrupted Sol with a rare solemn voice, showing the majesty of the queen:

“Remember what I told you about the dark elves?”

“Dark Elf?”

Sol was startled:

“The dark elves of Svartalfheim? But haven’t they been wiped out by the grandfather?”

“But they left something amazing.”

Frigga frowned slightly as she looked at the dark red veins under Jane’s arm skin:

“The etheric particle…was silent for five thousand years, and it reappeared.”

“Ox, please maintain the spell to replenish vitality, otherwise Jane may lose her strength at any time and fall into a coma, Sol, hurry up!”

“no need!”

An old voice with infinite majesty sounded from the outside, and both Sol and Jane were agitated.

Oaks and Frigga turned their heads, and Odin, wearing battle armor and holding the spear of eternity, appeared at the door, followed by Balder with a face of “I tried my best”.

“You guys… come with me.”

Glancing at Sol, Odin turned and left without entering the door:

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