Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Standard For Cats

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tricurve Headquarters.

Coulson and Melinda knocked on the door of the director’s office with solemn expressions.

Although this mission is not dangerous, out of professionalism, they must maintain a necessary sense of seriousness in the face of a seventh-level mission.

“Come in.”

Hearing the permission, Coulson and Melinda looked at each other, opened the door and walked in.

“Director, we’re here to report on the mission.”

Closing the door, Coulson and Melinda walked to Director Nick Fury’s desk, where the former placed an organized document on the desk.

Although it is generally not necessary to report to the director in person even for tasks with level 7 authority, this task is different and full of strangeness.

Moreover, this is a task arranged by the director himself.

“What’s the gain?”

Coulson and Melinda were surprised to see that in front of them, or in other words, in front of all the agents, Mr. Chief, who was generally unsmiling, self-disciplined, and others, actually…

He laughed!

Coulson couldn’t help rubbing his eyes. Although Nick Fury doesn’t usually laugh at all, even when he was young, he was basically funny, but with his current status, he will show more ironic smiles.

But now, with the professional vision of a senior sixth-level agent, he is 100% sure that the Director is smiling because he is happy.

I haven’t read the mission analysis yet, but just knowing that they are back, the director is very happy…

Coulson was moved for a second, then reacted—

This is absolutely impossible.

The Director is laughing because of the content of the mission.

Melinda also had an odd look on her face. She glanced at Coulson quietly, and the other’s expression was the same as hers—

If the target of the mission is a woman, well, even if it is a man, there is nothing unacceptable.

But they all know that the real target of the mission is the orange cat called “Gu Gu”.

The director actually cares about other people’s cats?

Or does he have some special hobby?

Hiss – I’m terrified to think about it!

The expressions of the two people who were thinking wildly obviously did not escape the eyes of Nick Fury, the one-eyed man.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he coughed lightly:

“As an excellent agent, being distracted during a mission report might make me question your professionalism.”

“Ah, sorry, Chief.”

It was only then that the two of them reacted, and they hadn’t answered the director’s question yet.

“Although there seems to be no problem with the green plant shop, we did find a lot of doubts.”

Coulson looked at Melinda, who nodded slightly and took out a USB flash drive:

“Director, this is video material.”

Nick Fury nodded, Melinda inserted the USB flash drive into a port on his desk, picked up the remote and pressed it a few times, and the monitor on the wall started to play the video.

This is their entire journey in the Emerald Dream Green Plant Store from the time they entered the door until they left.

“It’s an interesting shop assistant.”

After watching the video, Nick Fury looked at the expressionless Colson and Melinda subtly:

“Let’s not talk about the effect of that potion, Melinda, your feeling is right. Gugu did react when he heard my name.”

A gratified expression appeared on Da Hei’s face:

“It’s really touching, the little guy still remembers me.”

“You mean, you know that cat?”

Melinda nodded clearly:

“Perhaps it was raised by you? But I believe you are not the kind of person who abuses your power, otherwise the threshold for the seventh-level task is too low.”

It’s far too low, it’s a joke.

However, Melinda and Coulson both knew that at the end of the mission, the unusual performance of that interesting clerk.

Sure enough, Director Fury showed another sarcastic smile that they were familiar with. He pointed to the screen that had been pressed to pause on the monitor. It was the picture of Melinda getting ready to kick the cat:

“Actually, at the beginning, I was really relieved that you guys could return safely.”

Fury stood up, put his hands in the pockets of the black leather trench coat, and walked slowly to the monitor:

“Agent, what makes you think this must be a cat?”

He stretched out his finger to the cute coo on the screen:

“Is it because it looks like a cat, its meow is a cat, it eats canned cat food, and its living habits are exactly the same as a cat’s. Maybe it also has a cat triptych and wears a cat collar?”

“Director, I think if the above conditions are met…”

Coulson moved his lips and decided to express his opinion:

“Then it is indeed a cat.”


Fury shook his head noncommittally:

“Okay, but how long does it take for a cat scratch to heal?”

“It shouldn’t take long, about… a week or two?”

Coulson is a little unsure because he prefers dogs.

“Almost, but Coulson,” Fury pointed to his black blindfold, “do you remember when my eye disappeared?”

“You once said that this was the last time you believed in the price others paid. If I remember correctly, it should be in 1995.”

Coulson glanced at the surprised Melinda and shrugged:

“At that time, the director and I were still grassroots personnel.”

“So, the real situation is not as special as the director claims.”

Melinda pinched her chin thoughtfully:

“Those three scars… are the orange cats doing it?”

Speaking of which, Melinda, a level seven agent, naturally thought of the truth that seemed ridiculous, but it was very likely to be the truth…

“It’s a shame that I’ve always regarded your words as an epigram to motivate my agent career. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

Coulson covered his forehead:

“You’re right Melinda, as expected reality is more absurd than novels and movies.”

“Hey! You two!”

Nick Fury crossed his hips, and he couldn’t see his blush on his dark face anyway:

“That’s not the point, the point is that this scar has not disappeared after thirteen years, and I have tried every means!

Gugu, this little guy is no ordinary orange cat! ”

He coughed lightly and watched with satisfaction as the two subordinates became serious again:

“This is a cosmic creature, the Primordial Beast – let’s put it this way, Melinda, if the clerk hadn’t intervened at the time, with the expression on Gugu’s current expression,”

He looked at the monitor again, and Gu Gu’s expression was exactly the same as when he was a cheap hand thirteen years ago:

“The next moment, the scar is light, it can easily destroy a well-armed elite force.”

“The danger rating of the Primordial Beast is ‘extremely dangerous’, and in this rating system, the rating of ordinary agents…”

As if thinking of the unbearable past, Nick Fury’s mouth twitched:

“There is no danger.”

Melinda let out a long sigh of relief, that is to say, she might have just escaped death once?

Cosmic creatures? Origin-devouring beast?

Keeping such a dangerous thing at home as a cat, as expected, the seventh-level task is the seventh-level task!

“According to the clerk’s reaction, at least he knows the particularity of Gugu, and not only is he not afraid, but he can also give orders to Gugu…”

Nick Fury squinted and turned to Coulson:

“What did you find in the latest investigation of the store manager, Oaks Lin?”

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