Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 283

Chapter 280: The Body Of A Demigod, Standing Shoulder To Shoulder With Mortals

Solimance has a peculiar effect of the concocted wine, which is accidentally made with Asgard secret brew and the natural magic of the small rainforest plant material.

It was this peculiar discovery that made his importance in Valhalla rise rapidly.

For this reason, Odin even specially rewarded him with some secret brewing recipes of the Asgard royal family, and Ox even provided him with unlimited use of the magical plants of the small rainforest.

From the beginning, it can affect emotions a little, and now it can even affect perception. Solimance’s bartending skills are close to alchemy in Oaks’ view.

Especially the “delicate feeling” this time, its effect reached a level that shocked even Oaks——

For ordinary people, this thing really doesn’t have any extraordinary qualities.

But for a “power person” with super senses like Matt, this wine can already bring him a strong sense of enhancement.

So what about people like Oaks, whose soul is strong and whose life perception can easily cover the whole of New York?

Oaks’ figure flashed through the air like lightning.

20 times the speed of sound, more than 1,600 kilometers, and it took less than four minutes.

As he drank the Solimance’s drink, Oaks felt his connection with nature intensified in an instant.

Originally, this was not enough to extend his perception very far.

But Oaks is now at the level of “respect” with Gaia’s consciousness.

Friendly 5998/6000, that’s about it.

The various continent branches of the Rende Association are only being established at the beginning. When their local wings are gradually enriched and they are on the right track, the reputation of Oaks will usher in a skyrocket.

But with such a small glass of wine, Oaks’ relationship with the natural connection was instantly improved, and it became…

5998/5995 like this.

So, now Oaks’ reputation should be “Respect-2/12000” like this…

But no matter how bizarre this matter is, after all, prestige has stepped into respect.

And every time the prestige with Gaia consciousness increases, Oaks has a chance to get close to him!

This time, in just a few seconds, Oaks had already come into contact with Gaia’s consciousness.

And… he sensed his huge fluctuations in consciousness!

At that time, Oaks had a “world perspective”.

So, he immediately noticed the source of such huge fluctuations in Gaia’s consciousness——

In the west of New York, Missouri, a huge amount of life energy erupted in just a few minutes!

But that’s not part of the earth’s ecosphere, not even the earth!

Even in terms of life rank, the other party has far surpassed the creatures on earth!

That breath of life had gone from a weed-like level to a level that could not even attract the attention of Gaia’s consciousness. In just a few minutes, it had soared to the point where it almost devoured a block!

If it is allowed to develop like this, Oaks has no doubt that it will swallow the entire earth!

After all, although the power of life is beautiful and great, it is just as dangerous and deadly that the uncontrolled madness flourishes.

Oaks immediately thought of what this was.

Especially when the huge and strange life breath suddenly stopped on the way of skyrocketing——

“Ego’s Spirit Seed…is it now…”

Oaks looked at the strange proliferative tissue that was like a giant mudslide, exuding blue light, and his face was serious.

“Everyone retreats! Leave a buffer zone of at least 500 meters!”

Oaks took control of the scene as the Avengers and rescued the trapped people.

Then, Oaks unleashed a large-scale natural magic, and built a forest dam in front of this mass of matter.

“What a terrifying vitality…”

After carefully perceiving for a moment, he took a deep breath and resolutely went deep into it!

“For thousands of years, I have rooted thousands of extensions of myself in thousands of worlds, and I have to achieve the only true purpose of my life–

Grow! spread! Covers everything that exists! ”

“Until everything becomes, me!”

“However, one **** does not have enough energy to accomplish such a great cause, but two gods may be enough.”

“My favorite thing about everything I do is try to graft my DNA into other species in the hope that it will generate enough energy for expansion…

However, they all let me down, none of them carried the celestial gene. ”

“Until you, Peter, of all my descendants, you were the only one who inherited the link here.”

“For the first time in my existence, I am no longer alone!”

“And then, Peter Quill, ‘Star-Lord’, was almost treated like a demigod battery.”

In the huge spiritual seed proliferation organization, Oaks fully mobilized all the forces of nature that could be invoked——

Now, he is stronger than ever.

Because after the approach just now, a small part of the power of Gaia’s consciousness has been blessed on him!

In His consciousness, this is an existential crisis concerning the earth and even the universe.

But Oaks knew that this thing would definitely be stopped by Star-Lord.

So, while having to do everything possible to stop its upcoming second wave of expansion, Oaks had a crazy idea–

This is the best chance to spy on a deity head-on!

Oaks was in a huge accretion material, and the star energy in his hand kept breaking through the many barriers in front of him, moving towards the center of the accretion material.

In his perception, there was something there, as striking as the scorching sun in the sky.

Soon, as Oaks broke through the last obstacle, a blue light glowed slightly, like a peculiar flower-like spiritual seed, appeared in front of him.

He took a deep breath, and then resolutely held the Spirit Seed in his right hand!

The **** Egg, the living planet, Ox was blessed with a part of Gaia’s consciousness, and he used the spiritual seed as the entrance to get a glimpse of his current state.

In the outer universe of unknown distance, there are two forces from the same source.

One of them is huge, but full of greed and desire for expansion.

Just like the mission that Egg has set for himself – to devour, expand infinitely, and spread his existence throughout the universe!

The other strand, not only is much weaker than the first strand, but also seems to have no control at all, and is simply out of a static state.

Because of the blessing of Gaia’s consciousness, Oaks now seems to them like the earth that is about to be swallowed——

It was just one of the worlds where thousands of spirit species resided, and it was inconspicuous.

But Oaks’ consciousness couldn’t get close to the center of the battle, so he would be discovered by the two forces immediately.

And Oaks’ purpose is not to do anything to Egg’s power.

Although his power is powerful, it is incompatible with nature. It is the power of God’s genes, and it is meaningless to Oaks.

But he spent thousands of years, in thousands of worlds, that is, the spiritual seeds left by thousands of life planets, is the goal of Oaks!

“Sure enough… if it’s just vitality, it can be controlled…”

With the powerful consciousness blessed by Gaia’s consciousness, Oaks used the natural force of life nature as a bridge, and instantly understood the orientation of these thousands of spiritual seeds!

A large part of them are in worlds without intelligent creatures, but the vitality of those worlds is not weak at all.

And the planet with intelligent life is a treasure among them.

“Sure enough, there are so many planets in the universe that are full of the power of nature…”

Oaks showed excitement, but Egg really did a great thing this time.

With these spiritual seeds, Oaks is equivalent to mastering the coordinates of these life planets, no, maybe more!

“Well, the top priority. Planets without intelligent life are fine, but those with intelligent life… can’t let them destroy the spiritual species.”

Oaks’ expression turned solemn, his eyes flashed a dazzling blue light, and he began to simulate the method of Egg’s god’s power to control the spirit species with soul magic!

A **** like Egg cannot devour the world he is in through the spirit seed.

Now the proliferation of matter in the few blocks of this area is only created by Egg taking a small part of Star-Lord’s power.

And Oaks now has the limited blessing of Gaia consciousness, and it is absolutely impossible to do this.

However, if it is just to hide the spirit seed, Oaks can barely do it.

And that’s enough.

But just when he had just simulated the control method, the spiritual seed suddenly lit up, and the huge power was transmitted again——

Egg pressed Star-Lord to the ground again and sucked it up!

“So fast!”

Oaks can only focus on controlling the earth’s spiritual species in front of him. The huge force of nature even triggered the celestial phenomenon, and thunder began to sound in the clear sky!

“Go back to me!”

With a violent roar from Oaks, the spiritual seed proliferating substance that was about to expand again was locked in place!


As Oaks continued to increase its power, a green beam of light that reached the sky and the ground even appeared in this position!


With the continuous eruption of Ox, the spiritual growth substance began to shrink little by little!

“Damn it! This is the power of a demigod… He is still supplying thousands of spiritual seeds at the same time, and they are all so strong!”

Oaks let out a low growl in exasperation:

“How did this idiot achieve the demigod’s body as a mortal?!”

This Tema is simply a genius!

Unlike natural demigods, “Star-Lord” Peter Quill’s power comes from the genes of the gods, not a simple condensed essence of life.

He has at least half of Egg’s power, and the general nature demigod is not at the same level as him in terms of energy scale.

But Oaks knows, let alone him, even if it is Durasol, a natural demigod of parallel imports, in the case of hand-to-hand combat, Mr. Star-Lord can still be hammered on the ground!

Sure enough ~www.readwn.com~ waste to this extent, is also a genius.


The situation has changed. As Star-Lord’s resistance gradually intensified, the power he supplied to the Spirit Seed began to decay rapidly.

With the continuous eruption of Ox, the proliferation of spiritual species on the earth also began to shrink rapidly!


The spiritual seed proliferation material completely disappeared, and Oaks finally breathed a sigh of relief——

In his perception, the two god-level forces were fighting fiercely.

“You must hurry up while Egg is still alive!”


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