Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 294

Chapter 291: How To Hide The Infinity Stones

“Sol came to Earth?”

It took more than half a year for Oaks to use Avalon’s power to get Gu Yi’s matter, and by the way, he followed her back to Kama Taj to perform a play.

Recalling the time when he “accidentally leaked his mouth”, the shocked and complicated look of Mage Mordu beside him, and the wide-eyed mung bean eyes of the gossip Wang, Oaks wanted to laugh for a while.

A senior brother of all mages, a librarian who all mages meet, told these two people, and basically all the mages of Kama Taj would know.

Returning to Oaks, where Avalon planned to retreat for a while, he received news from Malorne within a few days.

So he went to upstate New York for the first time, and Banner had already arrived.

“Is this thing in Loki’s scepter?”

Knowing the cause and effect, Sol looked solemnly at the soul gem on the testing instrument:

“No wonder my father asked me to take it back…”

Oaks looked strange.

In other words, Loki finally remembered that his scepter was still on Earth, and he sent Sol to run errands.

But this thing is definitely impossible for Loki to take away.

“The Mind Stone of the six Infinity Stones, according to Loki, this thing comes from the mastermind behind the Chitauri.”

Oaks looked at Sol’s thoughtful look, waved his hand and released a magical light curtain——

There are actually quite a lot of magics in the Oaks Association now.

Agatha’s spells, as well as some minor spells of the Supreme Mage’s lineage that do not involve borrowing magic power, Oaks has learned some.

The appearance of the six Infinity Stones was simulated by him, attracting everyone’s attention.

“From the Supreme Mage, we learned about the Infinity Stones.

The big bang started with nothingness, and then… the big bang threw six elemental crystals into the depths of the new universe.

Each of the six Infinity Stones controls a necessary element of cosmic existence.

Space, reality, power, soul, mind, and time.

Although we also want to further gain more knowledge from the Mind Stone, and even think about directly using the Mind Stone itself as the core of the calculation, we are well aware of the dangers involved.

So I think, for Asgard, the truth should be the same –

You sent away the ether particles, which is the reality gem, so what are you going to do with this mind gem? ”

“This… Father has not made it clear for the time being.”

Saul thought for a while and shook his head.

“Odin” did not give him any instructions in this regard, but this did not prevent him from accepting the judgments of Oaks and others.

After all, he himself admitted that in the face of these three scientists, he chose to believe them in terms of IQ.

“Did the Supreme Mage say what happens when the Infinity Stones gather together?”

All he can think about now is whether Loki will be liquidated by this mastermind…

This is completely unacceptable to him. The lovely younger brother has finally been approved by his father. With the cooperation of their three brothers, Asgard is just around the corner…

But now he knew that his lovely brother was facing a great crisis, especially when Odin told him that “Loki went out in search of knowledge”…

In other words, the current Loki is not protected by Asgard. Who knows if the master behind the scenes will find him and what will he do to him? !

“No, but I don’t think that’s something to be reassured about—

But if possessing one gem can give the user control over this element of the universe, then if all six are collected, the only thing we can speculate is that he will be omniscient and omnipotent. ”

Oaks shook his head. The power that the six Infinity Stones can generate when gathered together is something that a smart person would like to have, and there is no need to hide it.

“Omniscient and omnipotent?”

Tony frowned:

“Although we have thought of this before, the Infinity Stones should not be controllable without paying a price.

One Infinity Stone is so dangerous, six, can anyone really control them all? ”

“Hehe, if you talk about how strong the aliens can be, I think there are many possibilities.”

Banner shrugged and pointed to himself:

“Stronger than the Hulk, there should be no… If a powerful alien really controls them, things will be troublesome.”

“I read a comic before.”

Oaks raised his eyebrows, and the illusion of the Infinity Stone in his hand disappeared:

“Collect the seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon and make a wish come true.”

“…I seem to have heard of it.”

Tony rubbed his temples and sighed:

“Indeed, if it’s just a wish to be fulfilled, maybe ordinary people can do it… I just don’t know what wish this mastermind wants to collect the Infinity Stones.”

“Judging from the style of this and the Chitauri army, it should not be a good wish.”

Oaks spread his hands and turned his eyes to the contemplative Sol:

“In any case, the Infinity Stones still have to be separated to increase the difficulty of collecting them, so the Mind Stone should not be placed in Asgard.

Our safe use of gems is almost the same as it is now, and mind gems can no longer be placed on Earth. ”

“I came to Earth to take it away…”

Sol nodded slightly to Oaks for their analysis, and he agreed.

However, thinking of “Father”‘s recent management of the nine kingdoms and the strange change in his life style, Sol’s words came to his lips and stopped again.

After a while, he thoughtfully said:

“…I think I need to confirm with my father what to do with this thing…”


Tony’s eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his hand to interrupt everyone:

“If you want to make the Infinity Stones as impossible to collect as possible, what is the method?”


Banner blinked:

“You only need to destroy one of them, or hide it in a place where you can’t find it. After all, it is unknown whether the Infinity Stones have gathered together for so many years since the universe was born.”

“If it is destroyed, I think we may not be able to do it now, and this kind of thing related to the basic rules of the universe, if it is destroyed, what adverse effects will be caused, we cannot judge.”

Oaks shook his head, at least the Mind Gems are not something that they can destroy.

Wanda can’t do it now.

Because she has not experienced transformation.

“Then all that’s left is to hide it!”

Tony’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at Oaks, whose expression became weird:

“The soul gem is on earth, and it may bring unknown danger to the earth, but what if it is placed in a separate space from the universe where the earth is located?”

“…You mean Avalon?”

Oaks touched his chin and his face became tangled:

“Speaking of which, I really thought about it before, but Avalon is not a completely closed space, it has a space channel with the main universe, and our plan must also use this.



“Unless it is upgraded to a dimensional space, it may be possible to truly hide the Infinity Stones.”

Oakes shrugged helplessly:

“But at least not now.”

“But that should be safer than anywhere in the known universe.”

Saul has already understood what Avalon is under Banner’s explanation, and now the eyes looking at Oaks become surprised.

Mr. Consultant still has such great assets?

“Perhaps without using gems and adding a magic seal, the aura of gems can be concealed to the greatest extent—

Haven’t you tracked the Cosmic Cube before? Is it possible to try to trace the Mind Stone in this case? ”


The three scientists looked at Sol seriously, causing the muscular man to shiver:

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your Excellency Thor is still very wise.”

Oakes patted Sol on the shoulder with admiration:

“Fantastic, I’ll go to the Supreme Mage to see if I can find a suitable seal, Tony, Banner, prepare the detection equipment.”

In the New York Temple, Oaks stepped into the portal to Kama Taj under the complicated gaze of the garrison mage.

Looking at his eyes, Oaks knew that the little story he made up should have been spread in the Mage Priory and became an open secret.

Alas, now the mages are probably more sighed about the Druid thing.

“Do you have the Mind Stone in your hands?”

Gu Yi’s green pupils widened slightly:

“No wonder, I always think that the tree and the deer are weird. It turns out that his life form is based on the Infinity Stones.”

When in Avalon, Gu Yi fully cooperated with Oaks to disperse the dark magic in his body and replace it with natural magic, so he didn’t have time to think about it.

At the same time, she could not see the fate of Oaks, and naturally had no way of knowing about the Mind Stone.

“Supreme Mage, they don’t know that the Time Stone is here, do they need to tell them?”

Oakes glanced at the Eye of Agamotto on Gu Yi’s chest and raised his eyebrows:

“Actually, if you are here, Supreme Master, you don’t need to worry about the master behind the scenes.”

“Leave this to my successor.”

Gu Yi smiled:

“But about Odin, aren’t you going to tell Thor?”

“Odin must know that Thor is here. If he doesn’t come forward in person, I still don’t want to ruin his Yaxing.”

The Mind Gem was personally shot by Gu Yi and sealed in Avalon. At least the most advanced instruments and detection methods on earth could not detect it.

“Then I’ll say goodbye, I have something important to do.”

Thor was greatly relieved, and now he is most worried about Loki:

“I need to find out the whereabouts of the other Infinity Stones and investigate as much as possible the mastermind behind the Chitauri.”

“Uh…wait a minute~www.readwn.com~ I remembered something.”

Sol was about to retreat, Oaks was pushed by Tony and Banner together, and stood out with a strange expression:

“Can you take me to Nidavi first? I want to build a weapon, and by the way, get a batch of Ulu metal.”

“A batch?”

Sol looked strangely at the three scientists whose eyes were rolling:

“Uh… of course it’s okay to build weapons, but although there are a lot of Ulu Metal Ai Cui, but your group…”

Oaks coughed lightly and waved his hand to transform into Hercules’ armor, and the huge mechanical body made Sol’s complexion bright.

“Probably… so much.”



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