Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 328

Chapter 324: Zhenjin Buck

Although he complained about His Majesty the Black Panther’s helpless money ability, after Oaks returned, he immediately returned to Avalon.

Now, the central area of Avalon has built a series of various facilities centered on the Holy Oak, which is like a super new city.

But half of the buildings here are all kinds of laboratories with special purposes, and researchers from Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company are engaged in various disciplines and various research work.

The headquarters of Rendehui occupies the other half, where the atmosphere of life is relatively strong, and there are even leisure and entertainment areas and food areas.

The little spider successfully passed the assessment before. With Ned’s “technical support”, he first destroyed the target’s transaction, then investigated the location of the people behind the scenes, and mastered their next move.

Then, he single-handedly captured Adrian Toombs and his criminal gang, “Vulture”, who had secretly stole high-tech appearance materials from the Damage Control Bureau, modified them for profit, and even mastered the powerful weapons of destruction.

And he kept in mind the purpose of the Rende Society and did not cause serious damage or casualties of innocent people.

But to his dismay, this Mr. Adrian was the girl he had a crush on, the father of Liz Toombs.

After this incident, the Liz family had to move, and Peter’s secret love ended without a hitch.

However, after passing the assessment, he successfully obtained the qualification to enter Avalon as a senior researcher of the Avengers and Oak Environmental Technology Company.

Now he is firmly attracted by the novel Avalon, and while exploring here, he gradually forgets these small emotional troubles.

There is still a long distance between the Holy Oak and the building complex. This is a ring-shaped isolation belt, which is twice the size of the entire building area.

The area of the isolation belt is the absolute defense area of the Holy Oak, and within this range, Malorne can maximize his strength.

And the buildings that can be located on this area are extremely important.

Among these laboratories, the location second only to the one in the Gaia Mirror Data Center is Oaks’ cutting-edge biological laboratory.

Here is an improved cradle of life device, which was specially created by Dr. Zhao Hailun to adapt to the plant cell nanomaterials provided by Oaks.

Malorne has learned how to use it, and with his learning ability, he can basically understand this technology now.

“Brother, this metal… is the legendary Zhenjin?”

Malorne’s soul projection appeared beside Oaks, looking curiously at the pile of metal ingots exuding strange light in front of him:

“It doesn’t look like Captain Steve’s shield.”

“His one is painted.”

Oaks touched his nose, picked up a metal ingot, tossed it up and down, and was amazed:

“The life of the richest mine owner on earth is so valuable, look, the vibrating gold worth five billion dollars… and this is only a theoretical value.

That guy Klau is dead, and all the vibration gold in his hand was confiscated by Wakanda. Now without Wakanda’s authorization, you can’t buy these vibration gold with 10 billion. ”

This is the so-called priceless market.

“Then how do you plan to use these vibraniums?”

On the screen in front of Malorne appeared a host of known uses for vibranium:

“Do you want to help Mr. Stark upgrade his battle armor? Or help Dr. Banner to build a melee weapon? You also said before that Hulk would be terrifyingly strong if he was equipped with a finger tiger glove or something…

Are you going to paint Hercules? But it’s already painted with Ulu metal, do you want to study the alloy of Ulu and Vibranium? ”

“No no no… Malorne, in Wakanda, vibranium has been developed for countless uses, and its stable molecular structure can be used for all kinds of things, from energy cores to medical technology and more.”

Oaks shook his fingers with a mysterious look:

“I agree with a guy’s rant about this. The most widely used material on earth is actually used to make a Frisbee… It’s worth a lot.”

He touched his chin and thought for a while before asking word by word:

“Malorne, do you… want to have a real body that can move freely forever?”

“Really, a body that can move freely forever?”

Malorne’s eyes widened:

“But brother, if I use vibranium to build my body, wouldn’t I still be a robot?”

Although Malorne himself can actually use plant fibers to create a clone at will, but this clone has no combat power, and generally does not last long, and it is thrown away after use.

If it was a robot, Malorne could have done it long ago, and any soldier of the Iron Legion could carry Malorne’s consciousness as a temporary clone.

But in fact Malorne didn’t like this cold body very much.

The status of a natural demigod is doomed. He has no good feelings for this physique that is isolated from nature. With a mechanical body, he can’t even cast natural magic.

“Of course a normal mechanical body won’t work… but Zhenjin’s case is different.”

Oaks knocked on the cradle of life device next to it. It could only generate tissue, but could not create a living body.

And Oakes’ magical plant cell nanomaterials make this possible.

But this can only be done to make the body have vitality and carry the soul, and the body itself is still fragile.

But if you add vibrating gold, it will be completely different.

Vibranium molecules can not only coexist with cells, but also bind together.

What if it was injected into the cells of magical plant nanomaterials that could carry vitality and soul?


Malorne personally operated and tested the combination of vibranium and magic plant nanomaterial cells.

“Brother, this really works… After combining with cells, Zhenjin will no longer block the transmission of magical power. Although it looks like a cold mechanical body, it is actually a life force, Zhenjin. Matrix life form!”

He fixed his eyes on the cell-level combination of vibrating gold molecules and nanomaterials on the screen, and was extremely excited:

“In other words, if I use this method to create a body, I can still use natural magic, and at the same time have a powerful body of vibrato… Brother, you are a genius!”

“…That’s it.”

Oakes touched his nose. Is this standing on the shoulders of giants?

“So Malorne, what is your human form going to look like?”

Oaks thought of this important question:

“You can make your own face, do you like the eastern image or the western image? But I think you should not make a red face…”


Malorne seemed to be caught off guard by the question, and it took a while before he recovered.

“I think…the image is pretty good now.”

Malorne’s answer made Oakes scratch his head, somewhat unexpected:

“This… Although it is true that the body that can move freely is not limited to human beings, but if you maintain the appearance of a deer, it will probably be more inconvenient to move in human society.”

“It’s okay, I’m still keeping the deer image, that’s fine.”

Malorne confirmed his thoughts again, and immediately began to create a template for a new body according to his current phantom image:

Baimeng Book

“Moreover, such a handsome deer has never been seen in the world, and it will definitely be very popular.”

“…It feels like a figure.”


However, when Oaks and Malorne basically determined the construction plan of this brand-new vibranium stag, a special signal came in.

“Huh? Why did this guy appear at this time?”

Oakes looked at the head of the nasty black bald man on the incoming signal and touched his chin:

“Hasn’t this guy been out of touch for a long time?”

“Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., um, the former director, in fact, has always had a one-line connection with Agent Patton, as well as Coulson’s side.”

Malorne continued to fine-tune his “avatar”. With his computing power and monitoring strength, Nick Fury and Patton could not be concealed from him, but the content of the information exchanged was unclear.

They’re basically using old-school operative methods — all sorts of outlandish ciphers and channels for information transmission.

“Barton and Coulson… That is to say, he still has the movements and key information of the Avengers and the New S.H.I.E.L.D., but why did this guy think of looking for me again.”

Oaks snorted:

“Malorne, you say, is this the exact opposite of the situation I faced back then?”

“It should be more than that, brother – at least he doesn’t dare to show his face now.”

“You’re right – you can handle the rest yourself, then I’ll go meet him first.”

Oaks laughed, turned and walked out of the laboratory:

“Anyway, this guy’s energy is still great.”


Malorne watched Oaks walk out the door, then disappeared into Avalon, shook his head, and returned his attention to the design interface.

“This cabin was originally built for humans… It seems that this pair of corners just can’t fit.”

He looked at the pair of beautiful big horns on his head in the design interface with some distress.

“And how to make Zhenjin feel like hair… I don’t want to be as skinny as Zhenhe Copper Bull, it really looks like a figure.”

Malorne thought about it for a long time and sighed helplessly:

“Sure enough, human beings are better at creative thinking.”

Then he suddenly paused ~www.readwn.com~ eyes slowly lit up:

“By the way, there happens to be a very creative little guy here… maybe I can ask him a favor?

But this is a high-level secret, let’s be more euphemistic…”

Peter Parker, who was strolling the food street in the Rendehui area of Avalon and enjoying authentic Hunan snacks, suddenly received a message from Malorne.

“Release scientific research topics, please provide practical solutions. Successful verification will be blessed by Malorne.”

“Subject 1: To put elephants in the refrigerator, there are several steps in total…”

“Subject 2: How to build a pure stainless steel plush teddy bear…”

Little Spider: “???”

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