Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 343

Chapter 339: Absolute Time

“Auburn, thank you for taking care of you during this time, I’m going back.”

Oaks found Mage Auburn. During this time, the other party also gave Oaks a lot of advice on some spell learning.

In terms of knowledge reserves, Oaks has always admired the librarians of magic books.

That’s how Pharaoh is, his knowledge reserves are infinitely stronger than the Supreme Mage Strange.

And the current Master Auburn will only be more powerful.

“You’ve found what you want…”

Auburn didn’t show too much surprise that Oaks had obtained the Book of Vishante—

Actually he was surprised.

He knew everything that happened in the library, so he was rather speechless about how Oaks could find the “Book of Weishandi”.

“I didn’t expect you to actually read the “Dark God Book”, and you can remain so rational, it is beyond my expectations…

But this may be the fate of “Book of Emperor Weishan” and you. ”

Auburn smiled and looked Oakes up and down:

“Actually, from the beginning, I found out that you are not even a mage. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call you ‘wizard’, but now, no one can deny your identity as a mage.”

“Ahaha…Do not take the portal view so seriously, Mage Auburn.”

Oakes shrugged helplessly:

“You know, I came here under the guidance of the Supreme Mage, and it is correct to say that I am a Druid, barely a cleric?”

“Hehehe… Clergy?”

Auburn nodded meaningfully slowly:

“The clergy can actually learn esoteric magic, it’s really ‘reluctant’.”

The corner of Oaks’ mouth twitched, this guy is really smart.

The mages are essentially a group of atheists, and the “God of White Magic” Wei Shandi is only honored by them because of his powerful strength and the ancestor of white magic, but not enshrined.

If Weishandi is the founder of the company, the Supreme Master is the professional manager of Weishandi, and the mages are the employees. The goal of the entire company is to prevent the world from being destroyed.

Of course, maintaining world peace is not within the purview of mages.

Oaks spent a year in the library.

He has clearly sensed that Auburn’s lifespan has also passed a year.

“Mage Auburn, you… are not an ordinary mage either.”

Oaks found that Auburn itself has a powerful magic.

According to Oakes’ estimation, he could live for hundreds of years simply by relying on his magic power.

“Life has taught me a lot, Mage Oakes…”

As the caretaker of the lost library, Auburn never seemed to be so unhurried, but now, Oakes saw a lot of complexity in his eyes.

Regret, loss, enlightenment…etc.

“You know, Mage Oaks, just before you came, I dreamed that someone came to this library.”

Auburn sighed, glanced at the “Book of Emperor Weishan” again, shook his head and chuckled:

“Ah… I dreamed that I received a magician in fancy clothes, and he seemed to be called ‘Armani’.”


Oakes scratched his head, is this name so familiar?

But this is definitely not the name of a mage he knows!

“Well, he also said that his name is very strange, but I have seen many more strange names than this.”

Auburn poured two cups of tea and handed Oaks one:

“But this Armani mage is not simple, he… is not a complete person.

In order to find a way to break through the “absolute time point”, he came here to seek knowledge and spent hundreds of years here. ”

“Not a complete person?”

Oakes kicked out the images of some big bosses raised in his mind with a strange expression:

“Also, ‘absolute time point’… Can this kind of thing break through?!”

Oaks has read so many magic books, and naturally he knows the “absolute time”.

That is the starting point of a time paradox, which cannot be changed or erased. Without this happening, it is impossible to create everything that follows——

Just like the death of Oaks’ original parents, it was an absolute point in time for him!

If he tries to go back to the past to prevent the death of his original parents, then his original body will not be severely damaged in spirit, so that his soul will be replaced, and there will be no him now!

In this way, he is competing with the absolute point in time.

If any force really breaks through the absolute time point, the universe that exists based on the law of time will collapse!

“He believed in that, and continued to increase his power with the most wicked black magic.”

Auburn picked up the teacup and shook his head slightly:

“But he is only half of a torn soul. In my dream, I saw with my own eyes that he worked hard for hundreds of years to save the one he loved…

Finally, the truth was told to him.

But I can’t see after, because then, it’s the end of my life —

Since then, the library has been lost in time. ”

So, Auburn dreamed that he lived for hundreds of years… in line with Oakes’ estimate.

“You want him to succeed?”

Oaks took a sip of tea, it was just a dream, and Oaks didn’t care much:

“It seems that you can’t restrain your curiosity at all, Master Auburn. You also want to see if the absolute time point is broken through, will it cause serious consequences as the book says?”

“…Maybe, after all, it’s just a dream.”

Auburn took a sip of tea and put some heavy hearts behind him:

“But it was because of this dream that I was surprised when I saw you. You weren’t even a mage at that time.”

“Heh, I’m not interested in absolute time points, and I’m not going to learn black magic.”

Oaks pointed to the “Book of Weishandi” in his hand:

“It is precisely because I want to avoid the destruction of black magic that I come to it, and it has indeed removed the last remaining power of the “Dark God Book” from me.”

Auburn was silent for a moment, then laughed.

He raised the tea cup in his hand: “Then, this cup of tea will be regarded as your farewell. After you, I don’t know when someone will come here.”

“Thank you for your persistence, Mage Auburn.”

Oaks also smiled and raised his teacup:

“After using the “Book of Emperor Weishan” to eliminate all hidden dangers, I will return it, so that the timeline will not be changed, just…”

“It’s just that I won’t know you anymore, right?”

A smile flashed in Auburn’s eyes:

“You’re a lawful mage, do what you think is right.”

“…Then, goodbye, Mage Auburn.”

Or rather, Archmage Camustro!

Quantum Lab, as Tony and Pym watched, a minute passed in real time.

Oaks’ figure appeared in front of the quantum channel on time, which made the two of them relieved at the same time.

“Did you make it?”

Tony turned off the machine, saw Oaks take off his helmet, and made an “ok” gesture with a smile:

“I’ve been there for a whole year, and I miss seeing you all.”

“It’s only a minute here!”

Dr. Pym snorted and looked at the machine that had just dimmed with some regret:

“The next time you activate the time shuttle device, it should be time for you to return that magic weapon. I don’t know if I can live to that time.”

“…Relax, Dr. Pym, you’ve seen Ms. Carter.”

Oaks and Tony, who came up, clapped their hands, and saw Pym’s expression strange:

“But it shouldn’t take long before I can send it back. I’ll get it when I need it.”

“What does the magic weapon look like, take it out and see?”

Tony’s face is full of curiosity, how powerful is the magic weapon that Oaks can get without hesitation?

“This is it…”

Oaks took the “Book of Weishandi” out, but as ordinary people, Tony and Pym couldn’t see anything special about it.

But in the eyes of some beings, the appearance of “Book of Emperor Weishan” can be perceived.

In the Valhalla bar, Odin, who was enjoying the cheers of the drinkers, frowned slightly and shook his head gently:

“The Supreme Mage has fallen, and the earth seems to be unstable for a while…

However, with a powerful magic weapon of this level, Mr. Consultant should be able to handle it, right? ”

He took a bottle of pure Asgardian secret brew from the wine rack, unscrewed the stopper and took a sip:

“Is this guy Loki still unfit to be a king, look at what absurd things he has done…”

The father of the gods, the guardian of the Nine Realms, flashed a deep exhaustion in his eyes:

“Time is running out, the threat of Ragnarok is no longer, it seems that we can plan well…”

His eyes seemed to pass through the barriers of the world and looked at a gloomy and dim world:

“Should I treat everyone equally and give you a chance… eh?”

Odin withdrew his gaze and looked north again:

“This guy ran out again… The magic weapon is strong, can it be used well?”

Upstate New York, the Avengers base on the shores of Lake Ontario, Oaks found Wanda, and her mentor Agatha.

“Everyone else went out on a mission?”

Oaks looked at the somewhat empty Avengers base. Tony was called away by Jarvis’ new alert just now, leaving Dr. Pym to clean up the laboratory himself.

The old man’s temper nearly exploded, so Oakes arranged for Malorne to help him over there.

On the Avengers base, even Pietro went out to perform the mission, so Wanda and Agatha received advance notice from Oaks and waited here.

“Manpower is still a bit tight, and we try not to delay the school life of high school students.”

Wanda hadn’t seen Oaks for a while, and rolled his eyes when he heard this:

“Teacher Agatha is sometimes forced to help. I didn’t expect that there are so many chaotic things in the world.”

“We are using our power to make the world a better place~www.readwn.com~ Agatha’s smile was even a little kind, but Oakes was keenly aware of the regret and confusion that flashed in her eyes.

“I’m here today to kill some not-so-good things in advance.”

Oxton paused and looked at Agatha:

“Agatha, have you found it?”


Wanda looked at Oaks and Agatha strangely, the latter gave a wry smile and sighed:

“Yeah, I found out…Wanda, your true identity.”


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