Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 367

Chapter 363: Emerald Fissure

“Is that all we have today?”

Johnny Blazer entered Avalon for the first time and was shocked by the breath here.

But when he saw Oaks walking over with two women with platinum short hair and burgundy long hair, he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows:

“I thought you would bring the witch from last time. Neither of these two looked like a witch.”

“So you think witches are supposed to be crazy characters with dark fingers?”

Oakes glanced at him strangely. Now Johnny has returned to the appearance of an ordinary person, but he made a big move last night in order to speed up.

Professionals will naturally handle matters in public opinion, and Oaks’ time is precious now.

“Wanda, it looks like we’ve been underestimated.”

Gu Yi tilted his head and smiled.

Wanda pursed her lips nervously. Since she knew the identity of the person beside her, the whole person was not well-

Is this the last Earth White Magic Supreme?

Didn’t she say she was dead?

Is she hiding in a fake death to deal with Thanos?

“It’s not a problem to have you here.”

Wanda is actually very interested in the various magics of the occult mages, but for her, the most important thing to do now is not to learn magic knowledge.

This is caused by the characteristics of Chaos Magic——

The more she is bound by the framework of knowledge, the more she loses her infinite imagination and idealism, so she may make rapid progress in ordinary magic, but it is not good for her weak Chaos magic.

Before Oaks asked Agatha to teach Wanda magic knowledge, it was to suppress the chaos magic and induce the Scarlet Witch personality.

But now that the Scarlet Witch personality has been cleared, and Chaos Magic can be Wanda’s own thing, then it’s time to change the learning strategy.

However, although Wanda’s chaos magic is not even as strong as her after Sokovia, it is essentially much stronger than Wanda who was only telepathic and manipulating objects at that time.

Because she can now consciously use chaos magic to exert the ability to rewrite reality.

“Wanda, your Chaos Magic has an infinite future, but it’s not comparable to an old antique like me.”

Gu Yi, who seemed to be in his forties, said something that made Johnny scratch his head, and then looked him up and down for a while:

“The Ghost Rider who restored the flame of the angel has been famous for a long time, but this is the first time we meet.”


Johnny grinned subconsciously, the two women looked more complicated than the other.

“Cough… Mephisto can be considered to have had a holiday with the four of us, so it shouldn’t be psychologically stressful to let him take the blame this time, right?”

Briefly introduced the two sides to each other, Mephisto has done a lot of good things.

I won’t say much about Johnny. He was so miserably calculated by this model worker that his heart was torn apart;

The model worker had planned to calculate Ox before, and wanted to destroy the ritual he presided over and **** the “Book of Weishandi”;

On Wanda’s side, the model worker even wanted to replace her consciousness, turning her into her own avatar, and she should not let her two children go now;

As for the ancient one, she has guarded the earth for nearly seven hundred years, and Mephisto has never stopped doing things!

“Psychological pressure? I wish we were attacking his **** dimension now!”

Johnny snorted and clenched his fists fiercely:

“I can do it by simulating the power of **** dimension, but after that, how do you put this matter on Mephisto’s head?

He doesn’t know what happened recently, but he rarely shows up. ”

Johnny was a little puzzled. Mephisto’s activities seemed to have decreased a lot recently, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

Originally, he always sought Johnny several times every now and then, trying various methods to bring him back under his control.

During this time, Johnny has not seen Mephisto, and he still misses it a little.

“Well, it’s probably related to his loss of a clone… It’s a complete, complete loss.”

Oaks glanced at the sneering Wanda, and reached out to hold up a small soul light ball. A familiar soul fluctuation made Johnny’s eyes widen:

“This is… Mephisto’s soul fluctuation! It’s not an ordinary soul mark!”

“Well, his avatar was completely left by us, and the soul fragments could not escape.

This is a trace of soul breath extracted, he will not refuse. ”

The breath on this ball of soul light came from Billy and Tommy. Although there was only a trace, it was restored by Oaks with soul magic, and the breath was very obvious.

This is the “evidence” prepared by Oaks!

“Oh, if you’ve even done this kind of thing, then there’s no problem!”

Johnny paired his fists excitedly, the blue flame ignited, and he suddenly turned into a knight form:

“So, how to connect the dream dimension?”

“Just leave it to me.”

Oaks put away the soul light ball, took a deep breath, and a misty green light flashed in his eyes:

“When it comes to dreaming, I’m also very good at it.”

The records of Kama Taj, as well as Mephisto’s previous remarks, all mentioned the creation of the dream dimension.

This is a very special dimension where spirit and matter mingle with each other, and it is a peculiar space where human beings, or more precisely, the collective unconscious of intelligent life connects and shapes.

collective, unconscious.

What came to mind?

Subconscious collection? The virtual reality world constructed by the subconscious links of countless intelligent beings——

This is equivalent to a natural metaverse created by edge computing, blockchain and technology with countless intelligent life as the server!

So what’s the situation in Avalon now?

With the completion of the biological quantum computer, the “primitive earth” that Avalon is running is the prototype of an artificial metaverse!

And with the arrival of the threat of Thanos, Oaks also let go.

The soul gem that had been sealed for a long time was reactivated by him. As a result, the “primitive earth” has been completely formed in a short period of time!

With the power of the Mind Gem, the current Oaks has directly broken through the “worship” of Gaia’s awareness and reputation, and has jumped from “the minister of the humerus” to the role of “the son of the world”!

Nightmare is unbeatable in the dream dimension?

Then, with the primitive earth as the center, what about directly integrating the power of the real world into the dream dimension?

“here we go!”

With Oaks’ dream coordinates anchored, Master Gu Yi personally cast the spell and activated the magic instrument that connects the dream dimension.

The ethereal green halo breath gushed out from a special portal, filled with confused whispers, as if to make people drowsy.

At this time, Oaks launched another ritual, Gaia’s consciousness and the power of the original earth came down, and under the guidance of Oaks, a crack-like channel was formed opposite the portal.

The channel itself presents an illusory state, as if it has thickness, but also does not seem to have it.

It can be seen that on the other side of the passage, there is a beautiful environment like a lush virgin jungle, but it seems to be shrouded in a faint emerald mist.

That is the virtual world, “primitive earth”.

This fissure was created by Oaks, the gap between dream and reality, the “Emerald Fissure”.

Oaks nodded to Gu Yi, Wanda, and Johnny, and stepped into the rift, but instead of going to the original earth, he stayed in the passage.

Gu Yi and three people could feel that his body and spirit had entered a wonderful fusion state.

It is like the state of physical and spiritual existence in the dream dimension.


Wanda and Johnny stepped into the passage one after another, and Gu Yi manipulated the magic instrument to connect the dream dimension passage and the jade fissure!

“This is……”

Wanda’s eyes widened, and she could clearly feel that her Chaos magic seemed to be at ease here—

The boundary between material and spirit is blurred here, idealistic, and can be changed at any time.

And Wanda’s Chaos Magic is best at this kind of change!

Johnny felt differently.

Having awakened the fallen angel Lan Yan, he has an extremely firm belief.

In the real world, this belief brought him unyielding will and persistence.

But in the dream dimension, the idealistic thing of belief is a real power!

At the moment when the Emerald Fissure was connected to the Dream Channel, Avalon’s Holy Oak erupted with unparalleled energy fluctuations.

Avalon’s original clear mirror-like sky showed two colors of emerald and dark green.

“Nightmare wants to use the dream dimension to erode the real world, and even delusionally absorb the entire real world into the dream dimension…

So this time, let’s try it! ”

In the acorn container in front of Ox’s chest, the golden light suddenly appeared, the power of the mind gem was motivated by Ox again, the emerald crack was like a straw, plunged into the dream dimension, and began to reverse the erosion of the dream dimension!

In the real world, the London Temple, the current Supreme Mage, Doctor Strange, with Wang and Mordo, as well as the elite mages of Kama Taj, are waiting in front of a huge monitoring ritual.

Suddenly, a faint green light spot appeared on the ceremonial instrument, and then the faint green light suddenly expanded.

But the next moment, a ray of emerald light appeared out of thin air, surrounded it, and fell into a stalemate.

“Supreme Mage!”

A mage who monitors the outside world came to report:

“There is an abnormality in the sky west of London~www.readwn.com~ A green space crack appears!”

“Start moving, mages!”

A light flashed in Strange’s eyes, and he squeezed the magic spell in his hand. He mobilized the surging magic of the London Temple and injected it into the ritual in front of him. With the emerald light, he firmly restrained the faint green light.

And the mages headed by Wang and Modu all squeezed the magic spells in their hands, and did the same—

In an instant, the red golden light of countless magic poured into the ritual, firmly suppressing the faint green light!

The real world, west of the London Temple, the sky where the Avalon space channel is located, seemed to be covered with a huge illusion and quickly returned to normal, which only caused some small-scale discussions among those who accidentally noticed.

But after the illusion, there is a war that, although the smoke of gunpowder can’t be seen, is essentially cruel——

The emerald-colored light is swallowing the green light at a faster and faster rate, and it is rapidly growing itself! 18397/10561557

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