Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 381

Chapter 377: Infinity War

The strategy developed by Oaks and the others to eliminate the effective force of the Thanos Legion is extremely effective.

Otherwise, they will face an army with more than double the number this time!

Not to mention the previous battle of Nidavi, which has already wiped out four members of the Son of Thanos.

The many miscellaneous soldiers of the Reality Gem are a very serious problem, but now this is the realm of Ox. On this battlefield, Ox can receive the full bonus of the Emerald Dream, and there is no need to worry about civilian casualties!

As soon as he locked the location of Thanos’ arrival, Oaks had already concentrated the power of the Jade Dream and the mirror space scattered around the world within a radius of 100 kilometers.

In this area, the power of the Emerald Dream transformed the mirrored space into four dimensions, using the principle of continuous space of the Klein bottle to create an infinite loop of closed space cages.

In this cage where space gems can’t escape, Oaks can maximize his power!

“Then let’s get the big one.”

Oaks waved his hand and summoned the spear of eternity, and the huge natural magic surged on the tip of the spear.

The ancient trees of war rushed forward with the treant army, and collided with the vanguard army of Thanos.

Air units, Carol leads the charge, and Captain Marvel in the “double star” state is invincible, and she targets those war machines and blaster ships that can cause huge casualties.

With unreasonable speed, strength and enormous energy, Carroll instantly destroyed several Qitarui “Dragon” level war machines!

“Wow, so fierce.”

Tony pouted, the sky has always been his proud combat field, but today it seems that someone will steal the limelight…

“That won’t do, Hercules!”

“call out–”

In the sky, a huge armored satellite came crashing down, and Tony was fully armed with countless armored parts strengthened with Ulu metal and vibration gold——

“Hercules” Hercules battle armor, since its development, has been constantly changing in versions, but this is the first time on the battlefield!


Hercules armor directly tore a dragon trying to attack him!


The roar of the ancient giant beast came, and the guardian dragon was sparkling all over his body. He had completely recovered his strength, and he no longer needed to rely on water to exert his power.

The dragon energy magic strengthens his claws and scales like armor, and the infinite power is almost a claw, a tail and a bite, which can destroy the dragon and the battleship!

The battlefield on the ground is much more tragic than in the air.

Even with the participation of the ancient trees of war and the army of tree people, the combined army still has to face dozens of times more enemies than itself, and the combat effectiveness is stronger.

The mages mainly provide magic shield defense and portal displacement for friendly forces, while Wakanda and Tarot warriors are the main attack force.

Ghost Rider Johnny wielded the blue flame chain, causing huge damage to biological enemies.

But what made him extremely depressed was that when he used his signature skill, Eye of Judgment, to sneak attack on Thanos, he hardly reacted to Thanos!

“How is this possible! This guy really doesn’t feel any guilt for what he did… He really thinks he is saving the universe!”

The Eye of Judgment has no effect on those with a clear conscience.

The giant “Ant-Man” Scott and the Hulk in full armor have become the existence of bulldozers on the battlefield, leaving no armor wherever they go.

Steve and Bucky are still working together. They are considered superheroes whose combat effectiveness is limited to individual combat, and their destructive power is relatively large.

However, the other few were not idle either. They specifically picked out the elite units in the tyrant’s army, which relieved the huge pressure on the three camp armies that dealt with ordinary units.

In terms of mass destruction capabilities, Asgard and magic heroes are undoubtedly the most powerful.

Hela’s infinite sword system caused a huge blow to Thanos’ reality gem army, and she was surprised to find that this special space could actually bless her death magic!

This made her more interested in Oaks.

Like Thanos, Asgard has an extremely limited number of troops that can be assembled in just a few days.

But unlike Nidavi’s battle, the heroic warriors are blessed with Hela’s death magic this time!

This army of the dead, who could not accept the healing magic of Ox, has become the army of the undead. Under the leadership of Hela, it exerts a terrifying power——

If they are not smashed to pieces, even if only half of their bodies are left, they will continue to fight!

The two Sirius, Skool and Hattie, fought together with Baldur this time.

The wolf who is said to devour the sun and the moon at Ragnarok and plunge the world into eternal darkness, is now joining forces with the God of Light, the fuse of the legendary Ragnarok, to both themselves and Baldr. eccentric.

But the effect is still excellent.

Their strength attributes can be regarded as light, and the light of the sun and the moon has brought great blessings to Baldr.

For a time, the battlefield was full of light, and Balder’s attack method was somewhat similar to Carroll’s——

Speed, as well as absolute defense, equals great power!

Loki maintains his position in Asgard. Among the four sons of Odin, Thor has the most powerful single-attack storm axe.

So his goal was Thanos from the beginning!

But Thanos, who has three Infinity Gems and Infinity Gloves, is not the one he was on Nidavi.

Unlimited power, rewriting reality, and elusive space teleportation make Thor no match for him at all.

The most important thing is that Thanos has nothing else to focus on this time, but he will not release water at all.

Fortunately, although his strength is limited, he can indeed provide timely support to Wanda, who can rewrite reality with chaos magic. Thanos can’t hammer Thor to death in one go.

Malorne’s clone, who returned with the Asgard army, can fully exert his natural demigod-level power here. He has opened up a huge natural field that almost covers the entire battlefield.

In this natural realm, the power of the Emerald Dream will protect the Avengers and identify “our own”.

Countless healing flowers bloom on this strange land, making allies receive healing all the time.

Although the Avengers Coalition has few people, they have no scruples. These guys who usually need to follow the rules and strictly abide by various rules and regulations to avoid harming civilians can exert their power unscrupulously!


The Avengers who were fighting each other retreated tacitly, and then, endless wind and thunder enveloped Thanos’ army.

Countless tumbling vines drilled out from the ground, and at the same time, like stars falling in the sky, the light of countless stars turned into destructive energy and carried out a full-screen bombing.

When Ox led a large-scale spell attack at the natural disaster level, Thor and Balder held high the storm axe and the sword of light, and the endless thunder and light shrouded the entire battlefield!

After the strong light passed, Thanos knelt on the ground and watched in shock as the endless army created by the Reality Gem had been wiped out!

And his real legion, in the face of this unprecedented natural disaster attack, was also killed in half in one breath.

Even himself, if he didn’t use the space gem to escape in time, he would definitely be seriously injured!

“A mere human, actually…”

Thanos knew very well that it wasn’t a Mind Stone that could explain it.

This guy is the most hidden among the Avengers!

“Don’t make this **** anymore, Thanos.”

Oaks took a step forward and turned into a huge star bear in the stunned Thanos:

“Come on, let me see your power!”

“Oh it’s you!”

Thanos suddenly realized that when the Qitarians invaded the earth six years ago, the image of the earth Thanos had seen.

But he hadn’t seen Oaks in human form.

However, this huge star bear left a deep impression on him.

“Very well, then…”

Thanos glanced at his only remaining army and issued an order brazenly:

“Full blast!”


After the mothership of Thanos dropped the Legion, it was quietly suspended in the sky, so that the superheroes who were busy resisting the Legion’s attack subconsciously ignored it!

Now, countless space-class naval guns are starting to wash the ground!


Captain Marvel and Hela reacted immediately, and one of the two powerful women directly opened the double star and rushed over, rushing the huge mothership across!

The other one is a giant sword like a mountain, which directly pinned the giant mothership that was about to fall into the air!


The mothership exploded violently, and with just one round of salvo, the Avengers Coalition did not suffer great trauma in the face of the powerful legion-level healing spell!

The ancient trees of war and the army of treemen kept falling down and replenished again and again. With the blessing of the Emerald Dream, although there is a temporary upper limit on their number, they can be replenished quickly, which is simply endless!

The happiest Groot has grown into his original adult appearance, and he has become the commander of the ancient war trees…

No, it’s actually Rocket Raccoon sitting on his shoulders, commanding this huge army of natural allies through him!

“You know what man! I never thought it would be such a good day!”

Rocket yelled, the lifespan he has now is completely abnormal, God knows how long he can live happily with these abnormal bastards——

As long as he kills Thanos, he doesn’t want to experience the scene of Groot’s sacrifice again!

In the center of the battlefield, Oaks and Thanos are fighting one-on-one.

Because everyone found that with their fighting style, no one, even the strength of Carol or Hela, could intervene…

Because Thanos has the teleportation ability of space gems.

However, Oaks’ displacement and teleportation ability are not weaker than him. They fought across the entire battlefield, and any position is where they may appear in the next moment!

How does this let others interfere?

Thanos has the Power Gem~www.readwn.com~ with unparalleled power.

But Oaks has the means of strengthening both natural and cosmic energies.

The bear form and Gilgamesh’s power enhancement allows Orks to face the tyrant who has the power gem with the blessing of the Emerald Dream, Gaia’s consciousness and the Mind Stone!

Bear, leopard, wildkin, falcon, the dazzling shape-shifting form of Oaks can adapt to the combat ability of any combat style of Thanos, who is extremely experienced in combat.

The continuous healing spells, rebound damage, and even the entanglement of vines that appear from time to time and the sun, moon, and starlight attacks that fall instantly make Thanos miserable—

Even Oaks can change the terrain of the mirror space at any time, creating a battlefield that is beneficial to him.

The so-called all-around opponent, this is it!


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